Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / update custom content
on: March 23, 2007, 12:12:47 pm
Alright, I suppose I'm willing to learn for the really good ones. How do I find out how to do it myself? Is there something to tell me the name of the file? I saw something once to find out the name of a lot but have never before looked into objects because I (in general) have no interest in creating my own custom content. I'm guessing there's a tutorial or something out there, however I would have no clue as to how to find one and all I want to do is update these few things. ~dizi
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Problems with Fish and other Seasons actions
on: March 23, 2007, 09:05:38 am
Oh yeah, finding out about the group.cache thing was a lifesaver! Until a month ago I was reinstalling the game like once a week. Now I delete that file every other time I play just to be safe. In the same way, I run the Hack Conflict Utility EVERY time I install any downloads whether I downloaded any hacks or not. That has saved me some headaches.
If you use SimPE to extract sims from the game, load them into bodyshop and save it again then delete the extracted file if you're wanting to keep them in the bin (such as for faces and such). Saved sim SimPE files will eventually become unreadable as some update or other comes out. I found that out the hard way going through my entire download folder (at the time I only had 3gig instead of the 10 I do now) only to find out that the problem was in Saved Sims. Though, I suppose that problem could have been related to the group.cache thing. I started taking preventive measures for both instances at the same time.
Actually, both RAM and video card do make a difference. I have over a gig of RAM and it 30-45min for the game to pull up (because of the downloads since without them it took maybe 15) and 20-30min for a family. Just recently I got a video/graphics card and those times were cut in half or less. Now I didn't go out and get a top of the line card. My computer is almost 5yrs old and the only card in stock was a 32, so I obviously didn't get anything high end. But it does make a difference. If I didn't have as much RAM as I do it probably wouldn't make that big of a difference but it does help.
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / update custom content
on: March 22, 2007, 02:11:13 pm
Is there some way to update all the custom fridges and dressers? I don't want to have all this stuff that isn't fully functional in my game but don't want to get rid of it because its part of a set. Even the Coke-a-Cola fridge from Maxis doesn't have all the Season's stuff available to it. Goodness! I just realized finding the files for dressers and fridges would be almost impossible! I have almost 10gigs worth of downloads in one HUGE folder! Maybe I really should just delete the older custom content. ~dizi
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Problems with Fish and other Seasons actions
on: March 22, 2007, 01:59:56 pm
I haven't been able to see fish but I didn't know until I read this thread that I should be able to. I just clicked on the pond and my guy started fishing. I'm not able to see the fishing line either just the pole. Wonder if that's part of the same. I just got my video card so I don't want to make any changes on it or its programming as I don't have a clue what I'm doing with it. I think I can live without seeing fish swimming in the pond. ~dizi
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Problems with Fish and other Seasons actions
on: March 21, 2007, 11:26:53 am
Okay, so there is one place to put regular cheats so they'll be active on startup and another for the aliases? Well that's pretty important information! I've been trying to put it all in the userstartup.cheat and had no idea about this globalstartup! *sigh* I'll change it tonight when I get home and see if that fixes it. I wouldn't worry about it so much except I do type in some of these things every single frickin time I play the game. *muttering* Here I was thinking I was doing it all wrong... ~dizi
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Problems with Fish and other Seasons actions
on: March 21, 2007, 08:40:57 am
I think someone is going to have to test to find out if the bujar cheat works for startup then as that is the only other one I tried to use. So the file might have been working all along and I didn't know it! :smt119 I assumed it wasn't because the pet cheats weren't working! Alright, I admit to a certain amount of lameness. ~dizi