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16  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Girl / Set of 12 Birthstone Theme Formal Dresses for Girls! on: November 21, 2008, 04:13:24 pm
These are gorgeous, thank you so much!!
17  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! on: November 21, 2008, 04:09:03 pm
Oh no! I hope you can find them.
18  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Deceptive Reality - Chapter 1 on: November 21, 2008, 12:03:13 am
Great story! Your sims are so pretty!!
19  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Sims is not working on: November 20, 2008, 11:13:28 pm
Did you make sure that custom content was enabled in your game?
20  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Chapter 2 - Starshine on: November 20, 2008, 04:47:29 pm
My life was almost completely perfect! Everything was going great with Tyler, we had been dating for about 3 months now. He was amazing, more than I could ever imagine I would have. He was so sweet, and never inconsiderate of my feelings. And he was so friendly, everyone liked him. Well almost everyone. Lindsey hated him. She said he took me away and that she never got to spend any time with me. And she was mad at me for not trying to hang with her more. I told her to back off. I mean seriously, is she that selfish?? And then of course once my mother found out we were fighting, she just lectured me on the importance of balancing my friends and my boyfriend and blah blah blah. Whatever. She is only saying that because she doesn't like him. She thinks he is too mature for me or something and she doesn't approve of how he dresses. But who cares, I love him. That's right, I said love. So anyways, last night Tyler called me and said he had a surprise and to meet him at Tigerlilly Restaurant tonight. I'm so excited, I wonder what it will be?

   When I got to the restaurant, Tyler was waiting for me in the front. He was actually dressed up and he looked very handsome. He came over and kissed me, then took my hand.
"Close your eyes baby, I will lead you to your surprise." He said.
"Why, can't I just go with my eyes open?"
"Oh, but that ruins the surprise." I sighed and closed my eyes tight. He put his hands firmly on my shoulders and led me into the restaurant. Then I felt we were going up some stairs. Suddenly, I felt very uncomfortable. I don't know if I watch too much CSI but this felt wrong. Just as I was about to say something, a door opened, then a cool breeze wrapped around me.
"Open you eyes" He whispered in my ear. I slowly opened my eyes and saw the most beautiful thing ever. I was standing on the rooftop facing a table set for two, surrounded by fountains and plants. Soft music was playing and there was a pretty bouquet of my favorite flowers in the center of the table.
"Oh my gosh, It's gorgeous! Tyler you are utterly amazing!" I gasped, wrapping my arms around him.
"I know love, all for you." He smiled and led me over to the table.

As we sat at the table, I was still completely shocked. I looked up at the stars all around us and smiled. Tyler reached out and took my hand.
"So do you like it?" He asked.
"Oh yes! I love it! How did you do all this?"
"Lets just say I know some people."
"Well it's beautiful, thank you so much.
"Of course, anything for you. Do you know why I picked out here, under the stars?"
"No, why?"
"Do you see that really bright star way over there?" He pointed to a star that was shining very brightly.
"Yes, it's very pretty."
"Do you see how there is a strong glow around it?"
"That is something called starshine. Only the strongest stars have it. It is their symbol of strength and courage."
"That is very interesting, but what does that have to do with this?"
"It reminds me so much of you. Strong and courageous. So from now on you will always be my starshine. And your strength and beauty will always glow around you, just like the star."
"Aww!! That is so sweet!" The song that was playing changed to a slow lyrical song and Tyler's face lit up.
"Care to join me for a dance?"

We danced around and around for what seemed like hours. He was a very good dancer. It was amazing. He whispered quietly in my ear as we danced.
"So, my starshine, do you think your mother would mind if you stayed at my house tonight?"
"Yeah probably, but I could tell her I was staying at Crystal's or something. She never actually checks."
"Okay, good. You know, you are especially beautiful tonight."
"Oh, thank...."

Before I could finish my sentence, he dipped me very delicately and kissed me. And man was that a kiss!!
"Shall we go then hon, a car is waiting downstairs." He said after he gently pulled me back up.
"Sure. Tyler, thank you so much. Your so amazing!" He just nodded and smiled and kissed my cheek. Downstair waiting was a very nice, red and black convertible. On the ride home we talked about his house. He apologized for it's sad appearance and hoped that it was okay with me. But of course anywhere with him was okay with me.

When we got to his house, he hurriedly showed me the main part and then we went to his room.
"It's a little messy I'm sorry" He said with a sigh. I looked around the room.
"Oh no, I like it!" He laid back on the bed, and I laid on the floor. I don't know why I didn't sit on the bed. I guess I was nervous, I didn't know what was going to happen so I figured keeping my distance was good.
"Channy, you know the bed is here for a reason. Why don't you come sit by me?" Tyler said, smiling.
" okay."

Okay, this was going good. I sat next to him and we had a nice conversation.
"Tyler, I don't think you ever told me what you wanted to be when you are older." I said.
"I want to be a pediatrician. I love kids, and medical stuff. What about you?"
"I'm going to graduate college with a business degree and then take it from there."
"That's great! Do you have a backup plan?"
"Of course, who doesn't?? Okay...........I don't. I don't need one."
"But Channy, everyone needs a backup. What if something gets in the way of that."
"Like what kinda something?"
"I don't know. Like what if you get hurt, or lose your college fund, or like have a baby or something."
"I will not get hurt, if I lose my college find then I will get scholarships, and I am most certainly not having a baby!"
"Okay, I'm sorry."
"It's okay. So what are we gonna do tonight?"
"Well I'm not quite sure, but I think I have an idea." Tyler said with a wink.

Everything after that moment was just a speeding blur.................
21  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Starshine - Chapter 3 is up! on: November 19, 2008, 10:43:22 pm
Thanks for the comments everyone! I have been very busy, but I am going to try my hardest to get chapter 2 up tomorrow. =)
22  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Starshine - Chapter 3 is up! on: November 18, 2008, 10:54:04 pm
Aw thanks everyone! Sorry, I probably sounded impatient. Im new to storytelling and I saw everyone else's stories had comments, so I figured that mine was no good if there wasn't comments. But I will keep updating. Chapter 2 should be up tonight or tomorrow. =)
23  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Starshine - Chapter 3 is up! on: November 18, 2008, 07:58:33 pm
Is this story not any good?? I can take it off if nobody likes it.......
24  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Starshine - Chapter 3 is up! on: November 17, 2008, 05:34:03 pm
Feel free to comment everyone! =)
25  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! on: November 17, 2008, 10:52:27 am
He came back! Dang it the family was doing so well too.
26  Simmers' Paradise / Sims 2 Pictures / Post Your Professional Pictures.... on: November 17, 2008, 08:45:43 am
Wow, everyone's picture's are amazing! Hopefully someday I will be that talented. =P
27  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Starshine - Chapter One on: November 17, 2008, 08:24:26 am
Chapter One - Him.....

Ugh it's Monday. I hate Monday. It's just a reminder that I have to suffer through 5 more days of school. Well at least I have my best friend Lindsey to suffer with me.
"Hey girl, what's up?" Lindsey said with her usual morning hyperness.
"UGH! I have a math test today and guess what!? I didn't study!! Like at all. Zip, zero, zilch. What am I going to do!? This day sucks already!" I said, maybe a little too loudly.
"My goodness, somebody didn't have their coffee this morning."
"Oh shut up"
"Look, just tell Ms. James that your had a terrible stomach ache last night and didn't have time to study and you want to take it tomorrow."
"I guess, but I really don't like lying."
"Oh yeah right, lying is your middle name!"
"Um middle name is Lynn."
"Duh Channy it's a figure of speech."
"A what? You're making my brain hurt, quit using all that smart crap on me!"
"Hahaha what brain??"

So as I'm standing at my locker arguing with Lindsey, this guy comes up and starts talking to me. This very hot, dreamy guy that I have never seen before.
"Hey, can you tell me where locker 240 is?" He asks in a dreamy voice. I'm standing there like an idiot, trying not to drool.
" is 242 so......I think it's well??" I felt so stupid!
"I'm guessing it's right next to yours?" He pointed to the locker clearly labeled 240 right next to mine.
"Oh, hehe, yeah I was about to say that."
"Yeah, okay. So anyways, since were right next to each other, I may as well intoduce myself. I'm Tyler. I transferred here from Hollywood High."
"Oh. Tyler. I like it. I'm............not sure?" I couldn't even remember my own name. What is wrong with me!?
"Channy? Did I say that right?" He said, looking down at the notebook sticking out of my backpack. He said my name with a short A. I hate it when people do that, it makes it sound....flat.
"Uh actually it's like sh-ahh-nee." I spelled out, emphasizing the long A.
"Oh I see. That's a really pretty name, Channy. It fits you, very pretty. So maybe I'll catch you at lunch or something. And thanks for the help with my locker" He said with a wink. Then he turned and walked down the hall. Standing up from her bottom locker, Lindsey stared at me in disbelief.
"Wow girl, I think he really likes you!"
"You think??"
"Heck yes!"

As we walked down the hall, I felt this sudden rush of joy. So, of course, I jumped into the air and did one of my victory dances, ignoring the stares from the group of populars by the water fountain.
"I can't believe it! He was like amazing! Did you see him!?" I said to Lindsey excitedly.
"Yeah I got a peek through my books. I don't think he is your type though. Aren't you into those like, preppy guys or something? Tyler is all like punkish looking" She said rolling her eyes.
"Yeah but I could get used to punkish. Maybe. Besides, did you see his eyes? They were like silver!"
"I know they are hot. We will find him at lunch okay?"
"Sweet!" For once in my life, I felt this odd connection that I have never felt before. It wasn't like other guys that are hot, but I really don't care too much. I really, really wanted to see Tyler again.

Tyler came over and sat with us at lunch! I was totally psyched! The only thing that sucked is that lunch is right after gym, so I looked like crap. But I got this new body spray called Under the Sea, and it made our table smell like the ocean. So it was all good. When Tyler sat down, that strange feeling of longing came over me again. I didn't really understand it.
"Hey guys, what's up" Tyler said. I decided I was completely in love with his voice.
"Not much really. This lunch is crap though. What is it even?" Lindsey said in disgust.
"Well the sign said turkey, mashed potatoes, and peas. But it looks more like thanksgiving dinner that someone threw up." So he has a sense of humor too.....I like it!
"I think I'm not hungry anymore," I said, "I just ran like a million laps and now my stomach hurts."
"Oh come on it was like 3 laps!" Lindsey said. I rolled my eyes and stuck my tounge out her, which made Tyler laugh.
"So that's why your dressed all cute. You look laid back, I like it." Tyler said, looking over my outfit and my messy hair.
"Aw thanks." I said. I was blushing like no other now, and I wanted to hide behind my tray.
"Yeah. So do you live near here?"
"Um sorta. I right across from the big water tower."
"Really!? You live in that really big, white, 3 story house that is like over a big garage??"
"Haha yeah. Why?"
"That house is like, huge! I live on the other side of the water tower and I pass your house on my way to school. I figured the mayor lived there, hehe."
"Oh it's not really that big. Well okay yeah, but it's not all that exciting. If you want you could come over after school and I'll show you."
"That sounds cool, thanks."

I totally could not believe that Tyler was coming to my house. I just hope my mother isn't home. She is a little over enthusiastic when she meets new people. It could scare him. All through the rest of my classes, he was all I could think about. After school got out, he met me at our lockers and we walked to my house. I wondered if his mom would be worried, but he said she was really busy with a project so she wouldn't mind. Apparently she is a really good clothes designer. On our walk to my house we had a nice conversation. We talked about my family, and his family, and Hollywood. He said he didn't like it there because it was way too commercial. He also hinted about being single, but of course I got nervous and shrugged it off. I can be so stupid! When we got to my house, he just stared up at it in awe. I laughed and led him inside.

"So this is the living room. It's not much." I said, waving my hand around the room.
"Are you kidding me!? It's great! It looks really....cozy. Like you could just sit here for hours and do whatever you wanted. My living room is like half this size, and it's pretty much empty. Kinda depressing actually."
"I don't know, I guess I'm just so used to it that I don't really think about it."
"Oh, well I love it." He smiled the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. I swear I almost melted into the floor right there on the spot.

I showed Him the rest of the house. His favorite room, of course, was my room. He said it was totally my personality and he thought it was cute. He is so funny, he was just amazed but all the stuff I have. As we were walking around the house, I noticed that he kept brushing his hand against mine. I'm sure it was by accident, but I was secretly hoping it was something more. When we got down to the backyard, his eyes got really big.
"Wow, Channy, this is beautiful! It reminds me of something."
"What's that?"
"You." He gazed into my eyes and I could almost feel the passion. I could tell that he meant it. For once, I was speechless.
"I'm sorry, that was random." He said, blushing.
"Oh, no it's okay. It was just unexpected, that's all. And thank you."
"Your welcome. You know, I really do like you. Your incredibly cute, and funny."
"Aw thanks. I really like......" And then BAM!

He grabbed my waist and kissed me. It was like lighting was going through me. It felt absolutely amazing! And of course I kissed him back. I think I might have been in love right there and then.
28  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Starshine - Chapter 3 is up! on: November 17, 2008, 05:09:51 am

Hello, my name is Channy Johnson. I am 16 years old and I live in Willow Creek, California. I have a pretty avarage life, you know school, friends, makeup, boys. That's pretty much what every teenage girl is about, right? Anyways, I attend Willow Creek High and I'm in 11th grade. So there's only like one more year after this. Oh yeah, and I love the word like, it's like amazing! I'm a pretty easy going girl, and I guess you could say I'm smart. My major goal is to graduate high school and find a nice guy. Nothing can get in the way of that.

This is my amazing mom, Linda. I love her so much, she is the best! She is like the cool mom in my neighborhood, it's awesome. My dad left us when I was 7, so she is always trying to make sure that we are happy all the time now. I can talk to her about anything and she is never Wow that's a hard word. Anyways, she is so cool and I'm glad she is my mom.

Here is my little sis, Tiffany. She is 11 and in 6th grade. She is so funny, she is always cracking me up. A lot of my friends hate their little siblings, but I don't think I could live without her. She loves to dance, it's pretty much  her life. She is pretty shy when she is around new people, or if some kind of family drama is going on. She pretends she knows nothing and isn't listening, even though she knows a lot more than you would think. But when she is comfortable with her surroundings, she never shuts up.

29  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! on: November 17, 2008, 04:19:15 am
Great story, I can't wait for the next chapter!
30  Simmers' Paradise / Sims 2 Pictures / Share pics of your favorite rooms decorated on: November 13, 2008, 06:41:54 pm
EKozski - I love that room! It looks very......expensive lol.

Here is my favorite patio I have done so far:

Here is my favorite room I have done so far. It's a sun room for my self sim's family:

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