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16  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Custom Objects & Recolors / Space Fantasy Art - Gorgeous Warm Colors on: February 19, 2008, 06:32:41 pm
Thank you all for the comments, and I wish I had that poster in my home too!

And no Moon, that's not Cheena *chuckles*. It's her aunt, Cherry, whom you all have never heard of, and mother or grandmother to many of my sims.  Hmmm... we all should look so good when we get that old, eh?

17  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Custom Objects & Recolors / "I Have A Dream" on: February 17, 2008, 03:15:27 am
I appreciate all of your comments. In particular, MLK in stone is an amazing piece of artwork, isn't it?

King's strategy to end discrimination was an important road map for other groups who needed a fair chance for opportunities and for equality, including women and gays. There are so many known and unknown heroes who made small and large sacrifices. Some have yet to be born.

We can all be heroes in small ways. There's an old saying: Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. With this in mind, I leave you with a thought:

Free time on your hands? Tutor a child in reading or math. Feed him for life.
18  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Custom Objects & Recolors / Space Fantasy Art - Gorgeous Warm Colors on: February 17, 2008, 02:45:24 am
Thank you all for the comments. The colors are indeed magnificent.
As for the outfit, I edited it a little for the pic b/c otherwise it's a bit too revealing in the bikini area.
19  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Custom Objects & Recolors / Space Fantasy Art - Gorgeous Warm Colors on: February 16, 2008, 11:16:18 am
Fresh from SimPE's PhotoStudio:

"Before The Storm", by Artist Jeff Quick

Find on the 2 Dogs & Olive frame (1st photo) and Cantankerous Splatter frame (photo #2 & 3).


~ Vita

To install in your game:
Place folder in your Downloads folder. To remove, take out.
20  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Custom Objects & Recolors / "I Have A Dream" on: February 15, 2008, 06:04:25 pm
For Black History Month: A Tribute To Martin Luther King, Jr.

The black & white portion of this portrait is from a news photo of the
1963 Washington D.C. march for civil rights. It was here where
he gave his famous "I Have A Dream" speech.

I added the flag. Despite discrimination, King loved his country and
was an avid supporter for the rights, respect and dignity of everyone.
My favorite quote by him applies to all, from small families to nations:

"We can live together as brothers, or perish together as fools." - MLK

This fabulous art work is by Crea8it, who won
first place in a contest last year. Thank you.

Find on these frames: Grilled Cheese, 2DogsOlive, Bella, Cantankerous Splatter.
21  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Custom Objects & Recolors / As Requested...African Quilts on: February 11, 2008, 05:58:27 am
Just saw these - they're lovely. Thank you for sharing!
22  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Bodyshop on: February 05, 2008, 09:29:48 pm
I had the same problem with mine crashing today when I loaded it for the first time. I deleted groups and accessory.caches. It crashed again.

The next thing to do was check my Downloads folder to see if the problem lie there. I figured it was clothes or genetics, and maybe hacks. I luckily began with female outfits.

I ran Clean Installer and discovered that in the subfolder of Maternity wear, duplicates were showing up. But when I looked in this folder, I saw no duplicates. So I kept the Maternity folder on my desktop, and placed the female outfits folder back into my Downloads folder. I checked to see if there is a maternity hack in my game, but there wasn't.

Restarted BodyShop and it works fine now.
23  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / COMFORT - A Christmas Story by Vita on: January 21, 2008, 10:41:56 pm
I'm three weeks late saying thanks again to those who enjoyed this and/or left comments, but my computer was in for repairs the day after Christmas, and w/o email or remembering my password PW here at insim, I couldn't access this thread to leave a thank you. Thanks again and hugs to all.
24  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Is it better to get a new graphics card or new computer? on: December 26, 2007, 09:22:41 pm
Thanks Nita. To answer your question, yes! I scanned with my own anti-viral software, then called Microsoft and spent over an hour on the phone with a senior tech. He used the remote method where he was able to manipulate my computer and do his thing. That was cool. He did find some viruses and an application that really was virus, got rid of them, along with some problems, but not all.

I also did the other usual stuff of removing my DL folder to rule out conflicting hacks.

I'm leaning hard toward a new computer, but with so many members here, hoped one might think of something I haven't. I'd much rather use that money to buy something else, ya know? *laughs* Thanks.
25  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Is it better to get a new graphics card or new computer? on: December 26, 2007, 04:57:29 pm
My current graphics card is a Nividia 6600. I think it's dead. My computer is also driving me nuts from frequent freezing whether I'm ingame or not. When I'm ingame, it crashes and gives me the message when I restart that my computer has recovered from a serious error due to the graphics card. And yes, I've updated the drivers from the nvidia site.

I haven't figured out if the other freeze issues is also caused by the graphics card or something else. No viruses have been identitified. The cost of having a computer tech find the problem if it's not the graphics card is $160.

I have my eye on a new graphics card, the Nvidia GE Force 8800. It runs around $330 plus $40 installation. Total, not incl tax: $370.

While at the store, I saw a neat HP computer. It has 3 GB ram and 500 GB hard drive space, and comes with a Nvidia 8500 graphics card. Price: $670.

As I write this, it sounds like a no-brainer. The prudent side me, however, isn't sure. I'd hate to blow money buying a new card, only to have the same problem, because then I will have spent the cost of a new card and the diagnostics, which would be $530, plus whatever it will cost to repair the problem. In this scenario, I'd pay around the same as a new computer.

Does anyone know of an online diagnostic tool? Maybe then I won't have to spend ANY money. Suggestions much appreciated, including any experience with the nvidia 8500 or the new nvidia 8800. Thanks.
26  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / COMFORT - A Christmas Story by Vita on: December 26, 2007, 06:53:01 am
Thank you for your comments, Vicki, Erica and Tenshii. I appreciate it, and I'm glad you enjoyed it.
27  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / COMFORT - A Christmas Story by Vita on: December 25, 2007, 12:27:46 pm
I woke up with this idea for a story this morning. It has only has a few pictures because my graphics card is messed up, so I had to use what I had in my files. However, since it's Christmas, I thought some of you might enjoy it anyway. Enjoy.


By Vita Noble, c2007

My children looked at me solemnly.

“Fo’ real?”, Booji said. “One lil' gift for us to share? That’s messed up.”

He cut his eyes away from me and he made that negative sucking sound with his teeth. His sister and I watched him walk to the window.

“It don’t matter,” he said, looking out. “I’m grown now. I don’t care about Christmas no way. It's a fake holiday. Don’t nobody celebrate it for the right reasons.”

I glanced at our small nativity scene on the in-table, then back to him.

“You can, if you really want to,” I offered.

He glanced at our small, table top Christmas tree on the other in-table and rolled his eyes.

My daughter, Trianna, came to my rescue. “It’s okay with me, Mama,” she said. “I don’t mind sharing.”

“Suck up,” her brother snapped. “That ain’t what you said the other day.”

“You don’t nevah give Mama nothin’ no way!”, she yelled at him.

“That’s a damn lie,” he snapped. “I gave her flowers last year!”

“They don’t count! You stole those poinsettias from the store!”

“So? At least I thought of her. You just drew her a stupid picture!”

And thus my 18 year old son and 12 year old daughter slid down their well-traveled road of arguing.

“Booji, Tree, please, give it a rest,” I said wearily. “And don’t steal me no flowers this year. Maybe you can do something else. How about mopping the kitchen floor and giving the bathroom a good cleaning?”

He rolled his eyes. “I ain’t doin’ that. F it! You always side with her. I’m goin’ out.”

He grit on his sister and threw on his jacket. No telling when he’ll be back. Might be in an hour, might be tomorrow.

I turned to my daughter. “You want me to fix you anything?”

“Maybe some soup,” she replied. “The beef lentil.”

I reached for my cane and made my way to the kitchen. I thought about their conversation as I opened a can of soup, heated it, and waited for the toast. Our Christmas’s aren’t a thing like they used to be two years ago, before this small, growing and inoperable brain tumor claimed my health.

“It’s ready, Tree,” I hollered.

I'm not hungry. I sat in our comfy chair while she sprawled on the sofa and watched TV as she ate.

“Mama,” she asked, “have you figured out what you really want for Christmas?”

I smiled. “Just your love and respect, doll baby,” I replied. “You ain’t even gotta draw me a picture this year. You wanna give the place a good cleaning?”

She sighed. “I already got six loads of laundry and the dishes to do. Booji don’t do nothing but make dirt.”

“True,” I said quietly.

Keeping a clean home is a struggle when you have kids but you’re handicapped. She’s always done more of her share. I feel badly for asking. I let it go. I’ve learned to let go a lot of stuff from necessity.

I spent the rest of the evening knitting. My baby fell asleep on the sofa, and I prayed the mean streets won’t claim her after I’m gone. I know what my children don’t: I won’t be here next Christmas.

“Mama, Mama,” my son said, shaking me gently from my slumber on the chair. “Wake up.”

My eyes fluttered open. Tree was asleep on the sofa, and my son stood before me.

“Booji, what time is it?”

“Just after midnight,” he replied cheerily. “Merry Christmas.”

Trianna awakened, sat up and rubbed her face.

“Got somethin’ for y’all,” he said.

“Oooh! Lemme get your present, Mama!”, Tree squealed. "I hope you like it!"

She ran to her bedroom and returned with a small, cutely wrapped gift.

“Hand me my purse,” I said.

She passed it to me, and I removed their gift.

“This is for both of y’all,” I said. “Who wants to unwrap it?”

“She can,” Booji offered.

Tree unwrapped my gift. She smiled with glee. “Oooh! A racing game!”

Booji smiled pleasantly. “That’s nice, Mama. Thanks.”

They each hugged me.

“Don’t y’all fight over taking turns, okay?”

They grinned. Trianna was next. She passed her gift to me.

“Oh," I exclaimed, "I haven’t had this in a long time! A big bucket of Moose Munch popcorn! Covered with dark chocolate! Wow, thanks!”

I hugged her. She squeezed me tight. I know she used her babysitting money to buy it. I was touched that she remembered I like this. I hadn’t bought any in at least three years, because with my budget, it’s an expensive treat.

Booji put his hand in his pocket. “I didn't have no gift wrap, Tree.”

He pulled out a CD.

“What’s on it?”, she asked skeptically.

“Some of yo’ favorite songs. I burned them at my homeboy’s house.”


She rarely hugs him and didn’t now. They don’t have that kind of relationship. Maybe they will when they’re grown.

My son handed me a CD. He said, “I made one for you too, Mama. It’s got gospel music on it. You’ll like it.”

“Thank you, Booji!”

We hugged.

“Well, this was nice,” I said.

"It ain't over," Booji said. "I got somethin’ else fo’ you, Tree."

“Is it more free music you got from homeboy?", she asked kind of snotty.

"Be nice, Tree," I warned her. Lawd, I thought, please don't get them to fighting on another Christmas.

Booji, for once, ignored her. She and I exchanged looks while he ran outside of our apartment. He returned with a trashbag and a box. He handed her the box.

“Eeek!", she squealed. "I felt something move inside!”

He laughed. “Open it, dummy.”

Trianna gingerly opened it and peeked inside.

“Mama, I don’t believe this.”

I can feel it coming. Whatever it is, if it's moving, it's gonna be more housework. Damn.

“It’s a cat! Booji got me a cat! Will it bite?”

“No, dummy, I wouldn’t get you no bad cat. It’s nice. Pet it.”

“I don’t know,” she replied doubtfully.

Booji reached inside the box and picked up the kitty. He cuddled it, then placed this silky black feline on her lap. Trianna sat there, staring at it without touching it.

“I got a litter box and litter too, in the trash bag, and some cat food. There’s a little hair brush for it. Brush it every a few days and shedding won't be a problem.”

“Where’d you get it?”, I asked, trying not to sound upset. I thought that we don’t need no damn cat. It’ll be another mouth to feed and more work, work that no one will want to do.

“A friend got evicted the other day,” he said. “They can’t keep it where they living now. They were gonna take it to the shelter the day after Christmas. I told her I’d take it.”

Trianna was petting the cat now.  It purred loudly.

Booji sensed my negative vibes.“It’s been spaded and declawed, Mama,” he said quickly, “so it won’t scratch up the furniture. My friend said it’s 100% house broken. Even has all her shots... I got the papers. She's only two or three years old. You can see she's a good cat. Just look her.”

I held my tongue and sighed, trying to think of how I’ll tell them we can’t keep it.

"What's her name?", Trianna asked.

Booji tilted his head as he looked at the cat. “Her name is Comfort.”

“Comfort,” Tree repeated. “I like that name.  I like this cat!”

“I knew you would,” he replied, grinning.

She stood up and gave her brother a big hug. “Thanks Booji! This is the best present you evah gave me!”

She picked up Comfort and ran to her room.  When I heard her door close, I turned to Booji.

“Are you outta your damn mind? I can’t even get you to wash your own dishes. What do I do when she forgets to clean it’s litter box? We’re eating soup and pasta half the week. Chicken is a treat. How can we afford to buy stuff to take care of a cat?”

“She can pay for that with her babysitting money,” he said. “Tree will do it unless she wants it to starve. In that case, I’ll take it to the shelter myself.”

“You gotta answer for everything, don’t you?”, I snapped.

“This present was really for you, Mama,” Booji said quietly.


“I seen yo’ medical papers last year,” he said quietly. “Just before Christmas. That’s why I stole those flowers, to cheer you up, but she had to go and blab.

I inhaled sharply and bit my lip. All this time, I had no idea that my secret wasn’t a secret.

Booji's eyes got moist. “I know you gonna keep getting’ worse. This will be hard on Tree.”

I hung my head down. Tears fell on my lap.

“That cat’s name ain’t Comfort. Well, it is now, ‘cause that what it will give Tree when you get sicker.”

I closed my eyes and began shaking my head. I didn’t want to think about these days to come.

“When you pass, Mama, I’m going into the Marines. Ain’t nevah gonna be no jobs around here. I might even enlist before then if I can’t find work soon. Tree will probably go live with your sister in Atlanta or her daddy’s brother in L.A., but she don’t know them any of them that well. They’ll probably let her keep the cat, ‘cause you know she can lay on the charm.”

I smiled a sad smile. My baby does have loads of charisma.

I looked at my son and was uncertain. This boy has never been nothing but trouble. Stayed in trouble from the day he hit kindergarten. I’ve tried not to be hard on him. My first husband – his daddy – left us when he was four. He had a hard time accepting my second husband, Tree’s father. He was killed by a stray bullet in our ‘hood three years ago. He shocked me then when he took it as hard as her. After that, Booji began skippin’ school and hanging out with all the wrong people who did all the wrong things.

“You make a good argument, Booji,” I said, “but still… a cat?”

He sighed. His shoulders slumped and he looked down, now uncertain with his choice.

I studied him, trying to visualize him in uniform, fighting, killing and maybe dying for his country in this stupid war.

Better than fighting, killing and dying in the streets for his gang color, a voice whispered to me.

It's hitting me that my son is at an important crossroad. I must not let my fears drown out his own internal voice.

“Stand up straight, boy,” I commanded. “You’re going to be a Marine soon. You’re already thinking like a man, thinking ahead for the time that I’ve been too cowardly to think or talk about, or plan for.  I hope this cat works out. Like you said, if Tree don’t take care of it, that’s on her. You done your part. I’m proud of you.”

Booji stood at attention and saluted me, then grinned. “Thank you, Mama!”

“Merry Christmas, Booji. This is a wonderful gift, for her and me.”

We hugged each other real tight.

An hour later, I am still sitting in my easy chair, knitting. Trianna is asleep in her bed with the newest member of our family. Booji is asleep on the sofa because he doesn’t have a bedroom. I’m a little tired and almost ready to call it a night.

I studied my son. I say a prayer for him and thank the Lord that I have lived to see my boy learn to think like a man.

This gave me comfort.


28  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Custom Objects & Recolors / For Beosboxboy - Classical & Ecletic Musicians Art Collection on: December 24, 2007, 01:01:38 pm
For Yakov - I have no idea what kind of music you like, but I made some wallhangings by artists that whose soothing music may bring pleasure to you in the year to come. Thank you so much for all you have personally done for me, and the kindness, knowledge and wisdom you share with others. - Vita

PS - May all of you in the sims community enjoy these.

EDIT 12/26/2007 - You all love Alejandro looking buff! Me too!
I also made a these a few months ago like Yakov and MzNikki have in their comments below.
The link for these are here --->

29  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / My Story-Death of a Brotha on the DL on: November 17, 2007, 08:40:05 am
Jazzi, your description of the subtleties of body language between two strangers who are sexually attracted to one another was on target, interesting and entertaining. Wonderful photos, too. I look forward to your next chapter.
30  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Midnight: A Vampire's Tale (Part 2 UP) on: November 02, 2007, 06:12:01 pm
Hell hath no fury as a woman cheated out of seeing her last sunset and mortal life, followed by watching the premature death and burial of her orphaned baby... only to face ambivalence, years later, about embracing a mortality and a shot at love, and to letting it pass her by. I love ambivalence in characters. Makes them so interesting.

At least now Caitlin has a shot in having a friend and vampire partner of the night... her late lover's daughter Sydney Elisabeth.
Hmmmm. I wonder what she'll decide?

Synaptic, I enjoyed your fine writing ability. Your photos and the expressions you captured were wonderful. Very nice!
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