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16  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / ~* SpellBound *~ Chapters 1,2,and 3!!! Updated Nov.2 on: November 02, 2008, 07:26:51 pm
Chapter 3 of SpellBound!!!
Yes sorry it took long. I was writting another story and now it's Bball season so I have A LOT of practice. I Hope you enjoy this I am trying to imporve my stories and writing.
In the kitchen was blonde haired Chase. His toughts at this moment were about food and the sweet relief it would bring to his starving stomach. He walked over to the cabinet where some fruit lay. As he made his way over there he peered out the window. There on the white beach sat Chloe with her long red hair. She rested her head on her hand which she leaned on her leg. Her expression seemed sad and lost. Chase had feeling it was about what his parents had told her.
He walked out of the house on to the beach where she sat. The waves crashed on the beach and the sun warmed his skin. He walked up to the sollemn Chloe. "Hey mind if join you." spoke Chase. Chloe looked up at him as the wind blew the hair out of her eyes. "Oh, yeah sure." she said back to his smiling face. He never wanted her to be saddend by this news it made him feel awful inside. Just plain awful.
He sat down next to her in the cool sand with the waves lapping against the shore line. He leaned back on his hand in a relaxed way. " Are upset?" Chase asked Chloe. " Not in so many words. I guess I am more shocked and worried." she replied to him. This didn't make Chase feel any better at all.
"I mean it's not every day that you find out that you have some sort of magical power and you're in some totally diffrent world." Chloe replied in one breath. Chase looked her and Chloe looked back. His face was confused. " I am sorry I didn't want this to upset you. C'mon you get to start all over again isn't that kinda cool?" He told her trying to shed a little light on the situation. He gave her a cheesey smile. She let out a little laugh that made him feel good. " No, I told I am not upset. It's just that...I am worried for my mom. It's just fair to her for this to happen. She already lost her husband and now me. The had...left." She said through quiet sobs and sniffles.
Chase still was looking at her lost in her eyes and his own thoughts. His heart was broken for her. It really wasn't fair to her mom but it had to be done. Chase stood up and pulled Chloe up with him. He embraced his arms around her and the waves were comming closer as they hugged . They stood there in their embrace and swayed from side to side for a while as the sun beat down on them. Chloe's tear slowly disappeared from her face and so the saddness left too. " I'll be here for you. Don't worry." He whispered in her ear as he pulled her tighter . She rested her head on his shoulder. Chase could smell her sweet purfume and her soft hair rub his cheek. He didn't want to let go of her. He brought her into this situation and he would help her ever step of the way. Then they let go of each other.
Chase and Chloe stood there and stared into each others eyes. Chase's blue eyes glistened in the sun. Chloe thought it made him even more hansom. Then Chase stomach growled breaking there silence. He just smiled his "melt-your-heart" smile. " Yeah it's like time for lunch. I am gonna make some if you want to eat ." He told her remebering he promised the others he'd make lunch. " No, thanks. I just want to sit here and gather my thoughts." She told him with a little smile.
Chase walked away as the sand fell in and out of his flip-flops and between his toes. The wind blew his hair all over the place so he pushed it back to it's normal messy yet perfect stlye. Chloe stood there as Chase left her. She took a deep breathe taking in the salty sea air and the fresh air from the forest near by. This truely was a magical place. Where else is there a beach and a forrest near by? She questioned herself.
Back inside the nice air conditoned house sat Daniel, Amber and Bryce on the barstools at the kitchen. Chase walked on the hard marble floor to the clear refridgerator. There he grabbed somethings to make their sandwiches for them like he promised. In the background he could hear conversing with each other about some t.v show or something.
" So Amber, you got a bf... you know a boy friend?" Daniel questioned nonchalantly. " why are you asking me?" she retorted back at him. " Oh, no reason." He said and looked away. He turned to Chase who was cooking. " So Chase where is Chloe at? Does she not eat anymore?" Daniel asked Chase. "Oh, no she's on the beach she's not hungry she told me." Chase replied. "Ha, likely story. She's up to something I am sure. You know girls they say one thing and mean another" mocked Daniel as he winked a Amber. She gave him little smirk.
Daniel turned around to Amber. He always had a soft spot for brown eyes. She had this confidence about her. This glow surrounding her. "Maybe she's just confused about this situation." Amber told Daniel in her calm and soothing voice. He only nodded. Daniel wondered if she had this affect on all men. Well of course on her brother but on him definitely. She'd speak and he'd have nothing to say to her. She took the words out of his mouth. He didn't like the way it felt, he was always so confident around girls. He obviously liked her but maybe like a sister. And sometimes he was just intimidated by her confidence in herself.

Chase gathered all the sandwiches on a plate and carried the over to bar where they all sat. He passed them out one by one starting with Daniel. " Shhh, did you guys here that." asked Bryce. They all turned their heads towards him. "No, what was it?" asked Amber. Bryce could here things the others couldn't cause he was part elf. " It was a scream... a girls I think." He told her. Chase dropped the plate of sandwiches on the counter and took off running. He flung the front door opend and jumoed over a few bushes.

" Oh, DANG!!" He yelled as he ran down the stretch of beach. "No,No, please, please not her." he said as he kept running. The sand fell behind him as he ran and the wind blew in his hair and ears.
He stopped to where she sat before. He looked around, searching for her, any sign of her. No where on the white sand beach could she be found. " They got her." he said to himslef.
" The pirates got her. Oh, man mom and dad are gonna kill me." He rubbed his neck. Fear and panick entered his heart and spread to his expression. His heart was beating so fast it could jump out of his chest. With a couple deep breaths he tried to regain his composure as he left the beach.
Chase slowly walked into the living room where Amber and Daniel were. Amber got out of the red chair in which she sat and walked towards Chase. "What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost." She told him with a worried face. " I wish that's what I saw. It's Chloe." spoke Chase. The once relaxed Daniel was now intently listening. " The ...Pirates took her." Chase spat out.
Daniel stood up. His face full of anger. " What? I thought this place was magical. Like filled with unicorns and rainbows with little munchkins running around. Not dangerous pirates." He said. " We have to go find her. She could be in danger." Daniel pleaded. "Don't think that I don't feel bad Daniel. I let her sit out there alone,man." told Chase. "Geeze what's so special about this girl any way. That's got you 2 all worried about her." said the blonde girl who walked into the living room.
"Oh come on Bella. You kow that her and Daniel are the ones we've been waiting for. There here to help us. Do you remeber that little meeting we had like a week ago about our whole world being in danger?" Amber said. If there was one girl who Amber could just not stand at all it was, Bella Whithal. She thought she was so beautiful because all these guys would chase. It was just because she was easy. She always had to have a guy flirting with her and that annoyed Amber the most.
Daniel walked of worried and confused. Amber after him. " Daniel, listen; Chloe will be strong enough. She'll be ok." She told him in a comforting tone. " Maybe and what if she's not, huh? What then we just assume that everything is peachy keen?" Daniel said back distressed.
" Daniel I am not gonna be the one to tell you not to go. Because obviously you want to and I won't stand in your way." She put her hand on his shoulder. He looked down at her hand and then back at her brown eyes. " We'll be here if you need us."
"O.K. If I am not back in a day , come look for us. Alright" He told her. Amber embrace him in a quick hug. " Be careful." She whispered in his ear and kissed him on the cheek. He blushed like a little boy.
End of Chapter 3!!! Yeah!!!! I hope you enjoyed it. I really tried to improve my writing so tell me what you think!
P.S. I am sorry for not much of Daniel silliness. The next one I promise will have for of him!
17  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / *Blood Loss*Chapters 1 and 2 Updated Oct.30.2008 on: October 30, 2008, 07:09:20 pm

So Hey everyone! Here's the second chapter of changed. I hope you enjoy it. As always I am so sorry for any spelling mistakes. Plz forgive me! So I think I am gonna call this one "It's not your fault" cause I am listen to this song by New Found Glory so That's what it will be
So don't really pay any attention to that.
Sign my gb and rate as you wish. ( Had to put that line from the Princess Bride in there)
So go ahead and continue...
I lay there on my bed scared so I shut my eyes for everything to go away. I was all alone until I
heard Books I looked to see him but he wasn't there. They took away from me and killed him. Still I stood there all alone. I new they were there somewhere waiting to finish what they started. To finish me off. They came out of the shadows and surounded me. They were every where. The vampires came closer and closer...
I woke up immediately in a cold sweat my heartbeating 10,000 miles per hour. I swung my legs over the side of my bed and turned the light on my night stand on. I rested my hands on my bed and took a few deep breathes. " It was just a dream... it was just a dream" I told my self over and over again as I slowed my heart rate down. I felt inclosed the walls were shrinking around me.
" Are you sure about that?" said a voice from in my room. I was all alone I was sure of that or was I?
I slowly turned my head. I took it in black hair pale and pale pale skin. VAMPIRE. I turned to my night stand in a hurry to find my gun my dad had given me. It wasn't there. I had remembered that since there was no cure for this,I was becoming a vampire. Which meant I had vampire powers like super strength. I stood up and gave a really good punch that sent him flying across the room with out a sound.
He landed on the floor on his back wiht a thud. I walked towards him as he lay there. I thought to my slef that would have been so awesome if I wasn't wearing my Pj's. He pushed him self up with him arms. As I look down at him he made eye contact with me.
His eyes were blue and filled with life. Unlike any vampire I'd seen before. He wasn't angry or enraged. He...he..he looked sad and scared. Sincere. He didn't mean any harm to me at all I could tell it all by his eyes. He didn't need to say anything I knew. I didn't even need to say anything for him to understand I was sorry. I held my hand out he grabbed it. It was unlike anything I had felt before maybe it was because I've never held a vampires hand or there was something special about him.
O:" I am Olivia. You're a vampire right?" I asked just to make sure I didn't jump to conclusions.
J:" Yeah I know who you are and Yes I am a vampire, I am Jacob. I am here to warn you."
I pulled out my computer chair and sat down on it. I listend intently for the next 10 minutes in which he explained how they were after my dad but now they want me and how his dad was Dracula.
After he was done talking I took it all in. I knew how much he was risking to come and tell me this. He could die because of this. I got up and hugged him. I told him thanks for warining me. When we hugged it was like I'd known him all my life. It was almost like we were friends. Until...
He was near my neck. He eyes grew wide and soul less. He opend his mouth which revealed his large fangs. He inched closer and closer. I could feel it in he was losing control it was consuming but he was trying to fight it as hard as he could.
knew it was comming that unbare able pain. I was certian this time it would consume me and kill me slowly from the pain that it caused. I stiffened up bracing my self for the sharp pain.But it never came. I was safe he had gotten control of himself and stopped. He pulled away from me. I stared into his eyes to find what was wrong.
His face was full of remorse ad sorrow.Yet there was some confusion unsure what was about to happen. He looked away from me and didn't look back at me. All he said was " I am sorry."
I blinked and he was gone. He had left me here before I could say good bye. " It's not your fault." I whispered as if he could hear me. Walked to my bed and and shut the lights off. This time I had no nightmares and I wasn't scared . I dreamt of how when Jacob had hugged me how safe I felt. Until that little part where he almost bit me. But there was somethind different about him...something magical.
Jacob's POV -back at the abandonded church-
I slowly opend the front door of the chruch. I felt awful. I thought I wasn't like the other vampires. The ones who hated people who wanted to suck there bool and kill them. But I was I wanted to drink Olivia blood. My thoughts were confused between : do I really like her or do I just want her blood. I walked silently up the stairs in to the main room.
Nathaniel questioned me harshly " Where haver you been!?"
"No where of consequence." I replied trying not to give anything away.
"I'll handled this." My dad said through gritted teeth." Because unfortunately he is MY son." His words hit me hard he was always putting me down becuase I wasn't as good as my brother. That's why I never wanted to be a vampire. If he was the greatest vampire then I wanted nothing to do with it. I wanted to be normal. They took Olivia's one chance of being normal way. I resented the for that.
He appeared right in front of me. He towered over his face full of anger and hatetred towards me.
D:" I know you went to Vindia's house. You told his little girl about our plan. You think you can save her." He yelled at me.
J:" Father I was just out taking a walk I swear to you." I pleaded to him.
D:" You lie!." he pushed me down with such force." I sent those 2 too follow you. They saw You!!! I can believe them because they don't LIE TO ME!!!!" he yelled at me. He started beating me up. Vampires are usually invincible but not to Dracula. He could hurt any vampire at any time. This time it was me.
When we pushed me down I fell backwards on to my butt. My body nocked the pew behind to the side. I put my hands down to push me back up but he stopped me.
He pushed my with his ice cold hands on to me back. Then he spoke.
"Yout think you could save her. What could you do you're worhtless. You brother would never forsake me like this." He yelled down at me. I stared up into his soulless foul eyes. And I thought to my self that my brother would forsake him he just afraid too. My face was so vial hid any sign that my heart was broken inside. With that my father picked me up and trough me into the cell.
"You stay here until you learn your lesson if yoou learn your lesson!" He mocked at me. My father and Nathaniel stood there and mocked me with such hate because I wasn't like them. I didn't want to be one of them. I wasn't like them and could stand to thing I was the same thing they were a monster.
This cell was familar to me because I've been here sometimes pushed to the edge of my life. But this time it was diffrent. I enter the cell on the edge of life. Bruised and battered my tears rolled down my face. I felt the slat from them sting my wounds. I thought how Olivia need me to be there. Now she's gonna die because of me. "Why oh Why" I thought " Did I need to love her."
End of chaper 2!! Have any comment or suggestion just tell me! So I really would LOVE LOVE LOVE it if you told me what you thought and your suggestions to help make it better. I am pretty much open to anything!!
18  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / *Blood Loss*Chapters 1 and 2 Updated Oct.30.2008 on: October 30, 2008, 06:45:01 pm
This is Changed Chapter 1. I hope you enjoy. Oh and just a little background info Books and Olivia are not dating. Also the call him BOOKS because he reads alot of books on like monsters and creatures so he helps them in that way. OK! so continue forward!
I woke up the morning with the most terrible neck pain every. It felt like it was on burning from the inside. My whole body ached with pains I couldn't even begin to desrcibe. I stood up, my knees ached tremendously. Then my thoughts came flooding back into memory like a vision but from the past. Everything became clear to me. Last night , my dad, the vampires, and the...bite.
 I rushed over to the mirror looked at my face nothing was diffrent. My skin was the same not white and my hair was brown not black. But the one last are I hadn't checked was my teeth. I slowly opened my mouth and saw them. A pair of giant white fangs. They hung there and looked so natural on me I was meant to be this. I thouhgt to my self no, no I can't become the thing I hate the most.
I stood there and thought to myself. I remember that Books told me I NEED TO TELL MY DAD. I could see this more apparent now. I really needed to but how would he take? What would I say? A bunch of questions crowded my mind. I could not think straight at all. It was becoming unbare able. So I just went to tell my dad weither or not it was the best thing.
I saw him in the livingroom sitting there just sitting. So I deduced that he had just gotten home from where ever he disappeared to last night. I stopped dead in my tracks hoping he couldn't tell I was there just incase I whimped out. One last thought controlled my mind " how could he love me still when I am becoming the thing that took his true love away, my mom." With a bold step I walked into the silent room. My footsteps seemed to echo.O:" Dad..." I whimpered quitely. It was almost like every word I said was super loud and slow.
D:" Yeah Liv?" he questioned with concern. My tone must have been a worried one for him to reply.
O:" Stay calm" I said as I motioned for him to sit. " I need to tell you something about last night." He only nodded. " Well... you see me and Books followed you to the abandonded chruch last night. And I went to go and find you. But I couldn't and then...then.." I said as I tried to hold back the tears. " Then I-I-I got bit." I finally spit it out.

I opened my mouth to reveal my two large Fangs. Then I tilted my head and it revealed the two puncture wounds from the vampire. He got up and just looked at me. No emotion. He just stared into my eyes.
O:"Daddy, I am still your little girl. It's still me." I pleaded to him.
He hugged me in his warm embrace. When my dad hugged me I felt so safe and welcomed. I new he loved me even now that I was CHANGED.
D:" Olivia there might be a cure for this." He told me with so much hope to save me from this transformation.
I nodded and started to follow him upstairs. We exited the livingroom into the foyer.
I was suddenly in an embrace as my dad waled upstairs. I was shocked at first but then I soon relized it was Books. He must have ran through the door and didn't even shut it when he saw me. He just ran to me and hugged me. We stood there for awhile then he spoke up.
B:" I am so glad your are safe."
O:" Safe maybe but not O.K." I said as I showed him my fangs. Then I told him the whole senario and he follwed me upstairs.

 I layed there on the couch and Books sat on the floor as my dad searched through his many thounsands books. I slowly stretched out onto the couch releasing a silent yawn. We spent hours after hours waiting, hoping that my dad would find the cure. If there was a cure...

I stood next to my dad as the other vampires slowly approached us. They were scared and frightened. My dad had the power to that to anyone. He was the strongest vampire after all. I hated him for that.
" Dracula...Master... you-you asked to see us" said the girl full of fear.
His eyes were shut but then they opend. Like he was being snapped out of a transe. He glared at them and bore his teeth too.
D"Why didn't you get him!"
NAT:" Well you see funny thing is it was still sunlight out and so ya know... no strenght." he said his voice trailig off on the end.
D:" SO! I comanned you to kill him!"
NAR:" Well I got the girl master."
D:" NO YOU DIDN'T" his voice shook the whole room."I've see her in my vision alive and strong and when she reaches 21 she will be unstoppable! You must cut her down NOW!!
Nathaniel and Narcissa just shook there heads out off utter fear of my father. Unlike me they actually had respect for him.
They all left me standing there. In my heart I knew what was right. I needed to warn her!
19  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Losing Grace [UPDATED] (Chapter two up) on: October 28, 2008, 06:40:42 am
good job.
20  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / *Blood Loss*Chapters 1 and 2 Updated on: October 26, 2008, 08:12:50 pm

 Just so you know when you read this that it's about Vampire/Monster hunter family.

As I opened the door I felt the cool breeze blow my hair. I called to Books who was behind me waiting till I cam out.

" Come Books lets go. We gotta be there before night fall." I called to him as I walked away from him towards our destanation. He rubbed his neck with his hand in a neverous way.

B:"Liv are you sure we should be doing this. It could be dangerous." He questioned. I turned around and smiled at him. I put my hands on his shoulder and looked at him.

O(oLIVia):"Yes, for the hundreth time. Just don't let my dad see you, that's all. " I reasured him with a big smile. I gave him a pat on the shoulder and started to walk. He followed me.

We finally reached the abandoned church. We walked around for a while until I heard my dad.

Stay down!" he yelled to the vampire on the ground. The vampire was breathing deeply and a face of sheer terror was upon him. He lay on the ground trying to get up.His strenght was gone. I thought good thing it was still light out otherwise that vampire would have it's super natural power.

" Listen Sir Vindia we mean no harm." He spat . He voice was full of venom and some fear. My dad just laughed.

I did too. A friendly vampire HA! Yeah right as soon as there is one I won't want to be a vampire slayer.

As soon as my dad was ready to shoot him Books fell and made a freakish sound. My dad looks back as we rushed behind bushes to protect ourselves from his eyes. All he saw was some bushes moving but not us. As soon as he looked away the vampire had gotten up at started to run away. His strength was returning as he ran and the sun went down.

We saw a blur as my dad chased after him. That vampire was no match for my dad while the sun was out and he had no strength. We watch my dad dodge trees and jump over bushes. It was very amusing to me and awesome. I always respected what my dad did it takes a lot of courage. They finally got out of my view as they rounded the corner of the stone church..

When sat be hind some bushes. I leaved forward because the leaves were very pokey.

B:" That was a close one." he panted as he leaned back. I rested my head on my hand and looked at him.

L(oLIVia):" Yeah! Next time watch where you are going. Ok." I told him. I was becoming restless. I was getting tired of just always sitting there and watching him. It just made me want to be like him even more. I wanted to see some action! I needed to see some action! "I am going to go help him!" I announced as I stood up.

B:" What!?! I thought we were just going to watch! Remember?“ I just looked at him.

L: "I'll be able to do this. The sun still out!" I said as I pointed to it. After I made my case to him I walked away looking for my dad.

I walked and walked and kept getting darker. I couldn't find him. I stopped in my tracks to think somethings trough. Then all of a sudden I felt this burning feeling in my neck. I became wobbely and I felt like my insides were on fire. I was drifting in and out of consciousness. Then I new I was been attacked by a vampire. But how there was only on right?

I herd a gun shot from behind me. The vampire released me. I fell on my knees onto the ground. Then the tears poured out of my eyes the burned as they came out. My neck hurt so badly I couldn’t take much more. The pain was immense. I thought I had been shot I was in so much I could stand it. The pain was consuming me from the inside out. I forced myself to stay awake and stop myself from falling into an eternal sleep.
Everything was hazy I felt so cold and weak. I heard Books speaking to me. His voice was so distant but he was right next to me . As I lay the ground motionless and in tears.

B:" Oh my gosh! Your dad is gonna kill me when he finds out. Oh, I should have stopped you. Liv are you alright? " He said on the brink of tears. He was so nervous.

O:" No and it's not your fault. Ok. It's my mine." I said faintly with deep breathes in between each word.

B:" I have to get you home. You are gonna have to tell your dad. This could be… fatal!" He said but the last word was filled with so much worry and sorrow.

He helped me up and pulled me into a tight hug. "I am sorry" He whispered in my ear. I cried on his shoulder as he lifted me up. I started shaking and I couldn’t stop. I was freezing my skin was like ice! I am sure Books felt it on him. I drifted away for awhile.

We finally reached home. He laid me on my bed gently as he looked at my wounds from the vampire.

B:" Tomorrow you are going to need to tell your father. I am serious!" He told me. He kept talking to me about how this was his fault and then how it was my fault and how he was sorry and shouldn’t have let me go. " Liv...Liv...Olivia?" he started calling to me. I couldn't speak or make a sound. His words became slow and then I couldn't hear them anymore or anything. Next I couldn't move at all. Then everything went black.

The end of the prologue...or is it?Huh?


“Nathaniel did you get him?" said the women vampire with so much hatred in her voice towards that man..

"No. Narcissa, you should be glad that the sun went down or else I would've been dead! I barely escaped." He panted at her. He was clearly out of breath and worn down from his escape.

"Ugh! He's become to strong. We must tell Dracula. He'll be able to kill him.

I think killed his girl but that boy that’s always with them shot Me." she said her voice filled with worry and rage. Then she pointed to her back where she was shot, this black substance poured out of the bullet hole.

"Eww. At least that's one of the Vindia's we got. " He laughed then she laughed. They both disappeared into the darkness.

Ok it's the real end. Tell me what you think!!
21  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Bittersweet~~~~~Preface on: October 26, 2008, 07:08:20 pm
I love the story. I am staring to question is this perfect life. lol
Good job keep it up!
22  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Custom Content has a problem!!! on: October 26, 2008, 05:58:21 pm
kk that worked
23  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Custom Content has a problem!!! on: October 26, 2008, 03:19:47 pm
I have sims with guns and fangs and they show up in CAS just find but in the game they are blue and don't work what's wrong?
24  Simmers' Paradise / Anecdote Assistance / Need help on: October 25, 2008, 05:13:22 pm
I would say like some type of a disease but that would be like I Am Legend. Or it could be about an epidemic of some disease and like almost everyone dies. But some of the infected peoples immune system started to fight it but it had like a weird mutation in their genes and now there zombies.

I think that's a good story idea though.
25  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Deceptive Reality - Chapter 1 on: October 25, 2008, 12:45:22 pm
Wow! This is GREAT!!!
26  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / ~* SpellBound *~ Chapters 1,2,and 3!!! Updated Nov.2 on: October 25, 2008, 12:42:10 pm



Then Patrick began to talk. The voice that came from him was soft something I totally didn't expect from this man. Also what he said I don't either of us would be prepared for it.
" We've been waiting for you." He said as he switched glances between me and Chloe. Neither of us new how to reply to that. I looked over to Chloe, her face was blank. So being the man that I am. I replied.
"What?" I replied in the most confusing voice I could muster.


27  Simmers' Paradise / Anecdote Assistance / New story idea tell me what you think! on: October 25, 2008, 12:00:12 pm
28  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / ~* SpellBound *~ Chapters 1,2,and 3!!! Updated Nov.2 on: October 24, 2008, 05:46:51 pm

Next chapter. This chapter is more about introducing some characters. After you read it I'd like if you would tell me who is your favorite and what I can do to "further" there characters.

~Daniel's P.O.V.~
 It was almost like being snapped out of a trance. I didn't remember where I was or how I got there. It was freakish and slightly awesome in my own weird kinda way. But I still needed to  know where I was, after all we have stated that it wasn't a dream. I got out of the extremely comfortable bed. It was like laying on a cloud from heaven! I walked down 2 flights of stairs until I heard the pitter-pattering of feet on the floor.

I follwed them. I couldn't tell if that person was getting closer or farther from me. They must have been pacing is what I deduced. I rounded a corner and it was Chloe she was pacing around like a cage Jaguar. "Daniel!" she cried and ran toward me.

And suprising she HUGGED me. I guess it was cool. But she not "one of those girls who always swoon over me". Pssh! Yeah right I know she wants me deep down inside she's just in denial.
"Oh, I am so glad your here. I thought I was like kidnapped or something simlar. I woke up and I wasn't in my room and, and ...." she was explaining. I zoned out after awhile . Every once in awhile I'd nodd. But i really wasn't hearing anything.

Finally that rambiling stopped.
"So... we probably should go downstairs and see if the girl is here." I suggested.
"You, can I'll stay up here while you see." she said back in a panic.
D:" Uh, no. You're comming with me."
C: "What if we find someone down there and they shoot us. You're going 1st!"
C:"Cause you can take a bullet better than me."
D:"Right..." I said and slowly walked downstairs.

We tipped toed the rest of the way once we reached the bottom. My tip-toeing must but funny because Chloe kept laughing.

That's when we realized we were in someones living room. There were 3 teens ; the girl from last night, a blonde boy, and a black haired boy. They just sat there and talked they didn't even notice us. Until the girl from last " Amber" - that's what they called her- stood up and introduced us.

"Hey guys this is Chloe and Daniel."
"Hey" they both said. Then they introduced themsleves.

Chase twin of Amber


Then she took us to meet her parents.
"Mom and dad this is Chole and Daniel." she said
"Hello you 2 I am so glad you 2 are here. I am Gwen and this is Patrick my husband."

Hey sorry I have to cut this short this isn't the end. I 'll finish it tomorrow.
29  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / ~* SpellBound *~ Chapters 1,2,and 3!!! Updated Nov.2 on: October 24, 2008, 02:42:49 pm
Thank You guys so much!
30  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / ~* SpellBound *~ Chapters 1,2,and 3!!! Updated Nov.2 on: October 24, 2008, 06:26:34 am

This is my new story spell bound. Just tell me if you think I should continue this or not!
Ok so bear with me hear I have bad grammar and spelling so sorry if that annoys some people.

~Chloe's P.O.V.~

Friday evening was like any other. I sat there watching T.V. while my mother made dinner. I could hear her singing to herself. I always loved they my mom was always happy. Her happiness never left her even when my dad died. "Chloe," my mom called disrupting my train of thought, “dinners ready. You can come on out."
"O.K. mom, be right there." I called back. I got up and shut the T.V. off.

I entered the kitchen and saw my mom sitting at the table with her long brown hair. My dad always loved her hair.
I sat down next to her.  We talked about our days and things that we had going on. Little known to me this would be the last meal we would have together for a long time.
After I had finished my sandwich I left the kitchen. My mom, still singing to herself, cleaned up what was left of our dinner. I loved my mom's soft voice she always had a beautiful voice.  How much i would miss it when I was gone.

I took a shower to refresh me from my long day. After I was done I went on  my computer for a while and played some games. Before I had realized it was 12:00. I needed to go be in. Lethargically I shut the computer off and climbed into bed.

I closed my eyes and laid there still, listening to the sound of crickets out side my window. After wait about 5 minutes for sleep to come it finally did. I was off in my own little dream world...... or so I thought.

~Daniels P.O.V.~ Friday evening I was up stairs in the game room playing a round of pool. I would usually play my dad but he's never home anymore after my " mom" left us. She's found someone better. I would think to myself who's better than my dad he's always been nice her. To me she was ungrateful of what she had. I don't think she realized what she left behind and how we had to make our life good after she left abruptly 6 months ago.

My thoughts of that day made me hungry and also pool is a very tiring game, if you play the way I do. I walked downstairs to fix me a bowl of cereal. I always ate cereal I never how to make anything else. Good thing my dad was the cook that way on the weekends I can have a home cooked meal. I guess life wasn't to bad for me, besides my mom leaving. I was rich, popular and had all the ladies wanting me. What could be better? I always thought i had everything I ever wanted, but I would find out that didn't.

Cereal fell everywhere as I ate. Hey when your parent isn't home go ahead and eat like a wild animal. No one is watching. That night I ate like 6 bowls of cereal( that was Awesome new record). Slowly but surely made it up stairs. I was so bloated I felt like a women. I went and played another long game of pool hoping to burn those extra calories off. Then I heard the front door open and someone slowly walk up the stairs. I look at the clock it was 9:30.

That meant it was my dad. I went out and hugged him. He look exhausted. There were dark circles under his, he wasn't so happy and he had stubble.( Something my dad never had.)
"Hey Dan I'm just gonna go to bed. O.K.? I know you waited for me so we could have some pizza and watch some movies but I'm real tired." he said with remorse.
" Yeah, that’s ok. I am just gonna go to bed know too." I said back. We both went our separate ways. He went stairs to his room and I to mine. “Poor dad" I said to myself before I went to bed. I slipped into unconsciousness.

Chloe’s P.O.V.
 "Whoa, where am I? Is this a dream?" I said to myself. This was like no dream I ever had before. And it's not because there’s no rainbows and unicorns, it was because this dream was so...real.

"That answers that question this is definitely not a's a nightmare." I said under my breath when I saw Daniel.
"Hey what are you doing in MY dream!?!" we said at the same time.
"YOUR dream this is my DREAM!" we said again in unison.  
" OK, Ok, Ok since your the girl it can be YOUR dream." he told me. I just gave him "that look".

"So... if it's your dream it means your dreaming of me. Yeah I knew it you have crush on me." He all confidante.
" Ah,no. Just because I dream of- " I was cut off.
"Genie." he added.
"No, just because I dream of a person doesn't mean I like them." I explained.
"Yeah ,but your still dreaming of me."
I laughed. " Dream of you. Sorry no. This must be your dream. I am not like every other girl at school Daniel who swoons over your."
"Uhh, ok I don't mind dreaming of you."
I don't whether he meant it or not. I was still a little freaked out about this little to "real" dream.

"Sooo... since this is YOUR dream, what do we do now?" I questioned.
"I don't know follow those roads to no where or play hide and go seek." he mocked back. It became eerie in the woods like a presence. that wasn't there before.

"Ok, dreamer boy, if this is your dream then tell me,” I said as I turned him around," who is that?"
“Oh, that’s easy that’s...that’s.. OH I know it just give me a second. Actually I have no clue." He admitted.
“I have the feeling we aren't dreaming any more." I explained to him.
“You’d be mostly right at saying that" The brunette said. It was like we were snapped out of dream mode.
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