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61  Simmers' Paradise / Sims 2 Web / Voodoo Nightmares on: August 11, 2011, 08:37:47 pm
Hello Everyone,
As many of you may have noticed, my old site went down the tubes, and I have recently gotten a new one. I'm constantly busy so it's a work in progress. So far I have a few of my houses posted up, but I promise I will put the rest of my stuff up and more. Each day I'll post more downloads.

My Sims stuff is down at the bottom of the page. This is my main site, so I have my avon, varolo, cash crate, and voodoo nightmares items posted as well, but I assure you all of my Sims stuff is free. Registration is required though.

If you want me to post a link to your site on my site, don't hesitate to message me. Feel free to post my link on your sites as well.
62  Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / Bigger front teeth? on: July 29, 2011, 04:59:08 pm
Does this exist? I'm not really looking for ridiculous looking bucked teeth, but more like just bigger Shelly Duvall type front teeth. I don't know if someone has made these yet. I know they have vampire teeth out there and teeth makeup.

If there is no big front teeth as an accessory, can someone direct me toward some really great front teeth showing lipsticks. I found a couple at MTS but they seem blurry.
63  Simmers' Paradise / Accessories / Vertical Labret on: July 15, 2011, 06:29:17 pm

Vertical Labret
I have seen these repeatedly as a makeup, but is it possible to make them 3D accessories? Even if they don't move perfectly with the mouth when the sim is speaking.
For teen and adult would be nice. Female and male (but mostly female)

I appreciate any help someone can give me. I would really like to have these in my game.
64  Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / Pregnant Vol Gal? on: July 03, 2011, 05:38:28 pm
I found some pregnancy meshes for Vol gal over at Back Alley Sims, but I'm actually looking for something less adult rated, like regular clothes for this body shape that happens to have pregnant morphs. I looked on this site, but the descriptions of the clothes I saw didn't say whether or not the outfits had preg morphs. I would prefer anything without high heel shoes, and something with pants that aren't skinny but anything is good.

Thank you!
65  Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / Decorative carport? on: April 19, 2011, 01:42:28 pm
I looked around for something like this and I found a bunch of build-mode carports that wouldn't work right. The house I want to add a carport to is on foundation, so it's boosted up and the build-mode carports won't attach to the side of the house like I want them to.

So I'm looking for a decorative carport, preferably made out of metal, to be attached to the side of a house.

Anything helps. I have done a google search, looked here and on MTS.
Thank you.
66  Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / Re: TOPS for Top-Heavy Teens? on: April 15, 2011, 04:18:05 pm
Thanks for this Mookie. I will look through the site and see what i can find.
67  Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / TOPS for Top-Heavy Teens? on: April 14, 2011, 11:15:56 pm
Hi everyone,
I did some of my own searching and found some shirts for the D-cup (C cup for adults) size teen females. But I was wondering if there were any tops for something bigger chested without being Hyperbusty. I went to GothPlague's site, and for some reason, I can't get anything I downloaded to show up at all in Bodyshop (not even as a maxis outfit because the mesh is missing).

If anyone knows where I can find tops like D or DD in size, preferably untucked, for my teen girls, i would be very much appreciative.
68  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Re: Confessions of AUBREY: Chapter 1 is UP!! on: April 11, 2011, 07:20:28 pm
CHAPTER TWO: February 20th

   Mom came home on Monday, but she hasn’t been able to do much around the house, so I have been out of school this long. Today was my first day back. And it was NOT a good day to start. This past Tuesday morning, I drove Adam to school on the way to my school to turn in my work and get more for the rest of the week. Anyway, I was caught up, and a little ahead by the time I got to school today anyway, so I thought it would be a relaxing escape from having to take care of my entire household and destroy my sleep with school work to make up.

It was homeroom and a guy I‘m friendly with named Travis asked me, “So, girl. Where have you been? I have been bombing this class cause I don‘t have you in front of me to ask for answers. Tracey has been yellin at me. It‘s been horrible.”

So I say, “My mom had her baby, and she had to get a C-section, so she needed to rest and needed help around the house until she was healthy enough to handle lifting and cleaning. She’s fine now, though.”

   I thought that would be the end of it, but then some girl decided she was going to throw her hat into the ring. She says, “Um, your mom could still pick up her baby and take care of it with a C-section. You seriously didn’t need to miss school.”

She said it in such a snarky way, I felt like I had to say something. I tell her, “Yeah, maybe she could have taken care of the new baby, but she was really out of it from her pain medicine, and there are now 4 babies and/or toddlers in my house to care for, and that was too much for her.” She didn’t shut up, either.

She continues with, “Well, that’s not YOUR responsibility to take care of all your mom’s kids. If she can’t take care of them, she shouldn’t have had them.” She had a point here, but she wasn’t meaning to make a point, she was meaning to be a self-righteous ass. She was insulting my mom, and I was getting more angry by the minute, so I blurted out, “She CAN take care of them on a daily basis, and for your information one of those babies is mine. So I owe her a lot and it was the right thing to do to help her out. I’m still caught up in class so there was no harm in it, jeez!” She said that I could get in trouble for truancy, but it was an excused absence.

   She muttered something about me being a slut under her breath, because I was 15 with a baby. One of the cholas in class was like, “My mother had me when she was 17, and my sister had her first child young too. And they are NOT sluts. A lot of my friends and young people in my town have kids. And if you’re talking trash about my town, you better believe you’re going down.” Somebody laughed and said, “Nice rhyme.” Chola girl smiled and said, “Haha, I totally made that up just now.” She slapped a high five with the Nice Rhyme guy, and then continued, “So if you know what’s good for you, you’ll shut your damn mouth before I get up out of my seat and shut it for you. Believe me, I will, and if you so much as roll your eyeballs at me, I will slap them out of your head.”

The girl didn’t say anything, no apology but she also didn’t run her mouth anymore. She didn’t even look in our direction again.

As much as I’m not into fighting, I wanted to laugh.

The girl that defended me straightened up her hair (though I’m not sure why because it wasn’t out of place) then looked over at me and said, “Hi, my name’s Evie.” I told her, “I’m Aubrey. Thanks for that.” She replied with, “Don’t worry about it. Us Dusk people have to stick together. A lot of these Sunrise jerks think they’re perfect, while the rest of us are scum.“ A guy in class with a thick Russian accent looked over and was like, “I’m one of those Sunrise jerks.”

She smiled and said, “I wasn’t talking about you, goofball. Aubrey, this is Trey, he’s a pretty decent guy for being from Sunrise.” Trey nodded my way and said, “Pleasure is mine. . .always.”

   So apparently I made my first couple friends today. We hung out at lunch time today, and I learned a little something about the two of them. They first became friends with each other through their families, both restaurant owners. Evie’s mom owns Pita’s Mexican Restaurant in Dusk Valley, and Trey’s aunt and uncle own Bob’s Burger Joint in Sunrise. Evie’s real name is Eva-Linda, but she thought Evie was a nicer name. She has been in Dusk Valley as long as she can remember, since before she started kindergarten. Trey came to Sunrise Valley from Russia two years ago when his mom passed away. He lives with his mom’s sister Aria, her husband Bob, and their family of 5 children (including TWO sets of twins, the older boy/girl pair is the same age as Trey, in our class as well, both very athletic, good-looking, not too terribly bright, and funny. Their names are Finn (boy) and Skye (girl). For being fraternal, they look so much alike). Trey is a really smart guy, and very much a slipknot maggot. I love it! <3 Both of them really make me feel much more comfortable at school. It’s good to have some friends to talk to. I didn’t think it would matter, but it does.

Evie and I sat on the bus together on the way home. Our town is REALLY small, so we don’t have a high school there. We all have to bus 45 minutes to Sunrise for school. It gave us a good deal of time to bond and talk a little more. I asked her about her sister she mentioned in class. And she was like, “To be real, you remind me a lot of a white version of my sister. She’s the same age as you, except you’re way smarter than her. She’s a good girl, though. She had her first little one, a girl, around the same time you had Carrie. You don’t have to worry about that stuff so much in Dusk Valley. Young moms don’t catch a lot of beef out here. Sometimes people will be rude, but it’s rare. There were a few people that were jerks to my family about Lexi’s situation, but we ignore them. She is doing fine. She lives with her boyfriend. He works full-time instead of school, real good guy. They fully take care of themselves. It’s all good. Lexi is actually still in school, just like you. She does her school at night, and at home some of the time.”
   So that was both disturbing and refreshing. It’s kind of good to know that there are people in different situations that can come out of it. I really believe I can.
69  Simmers' Paradise / Apartment Life Help / Re: Making Restaurant Work on Residential Lot on: April 09, 2011, 09:39:37 am
Thanks Engram. I will give this a go.
70  Simmers' Paradise / Apartment Life Help / Re: Making Restaurant Work on Residential Lot on: April 08, 2011, 11:08:04 pm
I will try this from the build mode, now. Thanks. I didn't even know there was a collections in the build mode.
71  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Re: Confessions of AUBREY on: April 08, 2011, 05:12:54 pm
CHAPTER ONE: February 11th


QUITE A DAY! Just after lunch, in the middle of 5th period biology, the office called me out of class and told me I had someone waiting for me on line one. When I answered the phone, it was my mom.

“Aubrey, I went into labor today. So I’m going to need you to get your homework for Monday and Tuesday, just incase I’m not out of the hospital by Sunday night.”

So I did, and I just got home from school when she was getting everyone ready to go to the hospital, waddling around the house, trying to find last minute things, like her shoes. She had shoes right by the door, but her feet were swelling in a classic manner, so she needed to find her “extra wide flats” and wouldn’t be satisfied with any other crap in her closet. I came in the door just as Adam got done bringing her those old clear stiletto heels from ages ago, saying, “How about these, Mom?” She gave him a look as if to say, “Yeah right, Adam”

She told me she started labor around noon.
“The contractions weren’t bad yet, so I knew I had plenty of time to wait for you, but it’s a good thing you’re home because I feel like my insides are full of Jet Li clones, just totally knocking the crap out of me with them crazy kicks and stabs from those totally awesome swords they use.”

 I didn’t know what part of that description to correct, so I quickly got Adam, Abbey, Andy, and Carrie into the van (luckily we have a lot of room, our van seats 8 ), and threw like 5 million of Mom’s hospital bags in the back.

Finally, after it seemed like it took an act of God to get into the car, I drove her to the hospital 45 minutes away. She got out at the front, and me and the kids made sure that she got into the front door on her own, so I didn’t have to lug the kids out of the van.

 I was pretty glad to get home without incident, because I didn’t have a driver’s license yet. I just got my permit the week before, but I didn’t want to get pulled over by a cop. It’s actually pretty easy. As soon as I made it out of North Haverbrook, I was pretty safe. Cops flood that town, not so much on the highway toward home, and we have maybe 2 officers that do rounds in Dusk Valley, and both of them don’t seem to strict about anything.
   I got home and unloaded the kids, got everybody into the house, got Adam started on his homework, and by the time all of that ordeal was done, it was time to start dinner. Since it was easy, I made cod filets and parmesan noodles with green beans. I told myself I would make something more interesting tomorrow night.

But for now, I had a lot of school to do. Luckily this was a Friday night, and I would only have maybe 2 days of work to make up, and even if my mom was out of the hospital by Sunday, I still planned on staying home to help her out with the new baby on Monday. So I was either going to be on time, or ahead of schedule anyway. The kids all played while I got my homework started, and I started getting them ready for bed at around 8pm. Carrie, Abbey, and Andy were bathed and in their cribs/toddler beds, asleep by 8:30.

Adam and I got a call from Mom at about 9:00.
“Hey kiddos! Sorry I didn’t call earlier. I was doing some work on my iPad to get that out of the way while I waited on our newest member of the family to come on out and meet us. But he was taking his sweet time, and then the contractions got CRAZY, forget about it. Haha, so I’m all medicated up, and they say that the baby’s head is right there, and he will be born no later than 11. So I will get ahold of you Aubrey- YOU Adam my man, need to go to bed- as soon as I can. Love yous guys!”

Adam went to bed after saying goodnight to our mom, and I stayed up waiting for any news from her. And while I did all of this waiting, with the house quiet and all of the kids asleep, I got the first huge chunk of homework out of the way. And there was a ton of it. This school is kind of a fan of sending as much homework as possible on weekends. Not to be rude, but I attend a really lackluster school, and in just a few months, I have noticed that many students are behind because few of the teachers really know how to teach. The sophomores are doing things that I had finished at the beginning of 8th grade. I digress.

She did call, finally, at almost 2:00 in the morning and said that there was a complication and she had to get a C-section, but that she and the baby were both fine. She said she loved us and would be in the hospital a few days, but that she would explain in the morning because she knew that I was as tired as she was. Mom sent me a pic of 8lb 4oz Atticus. He’s cute as a bug’s ear. But I had quite a day and had another few ahead, so I went to bed.
72  Simmers' Paradise / Apartment Life Help / Re: Making Restaurant Work on Residential Lot on: April 08, 2011, 04:19:21 pm
Okay, I tried both suggestions. I made sure my business was open, customers were coming in, I had employees in the area, etc. Still, from the collections file I couldn't select the stove or podium.

I tried to do so from the business menu thing, and there is nothing at all selectable or even present in that folder. I clicked on the thing that looked like a cash register, and there isn't anything.

Here's a print screen of what I mean:

I'm really not sure what to do from here. Should I move my family out, change the lot to a community one, put the stove and podium in it that way, and then change it back to residential and move my family back in? Will those items stay on the lot of I change it?

That's really my only other idea, unless any of you guys have any suggestions.
73  Simmers' Paradise / Apartment Life Help / Re: Making Restaurant Work on Residential Lot on: April 06, 2011, 09:05:24 pm
That sounds like it makes sense. I will look and see if it works.
74  Simmers' Paradise / Apartment Life Help / Re: Making Restaurant Work on Residential Lot on: April 06, 2011, 07:05:42 pm
I bought the items through the buy/build menu. I don't know how to go through the business menu. And my business was closed at the time. I will try to see if opening it makes such items selectable.
75  Simmers' Paradise / Apartment Life Help / Making Restaurant Work on Residential Lot on: April 06, 2011, 04:41:24 pm
I have a family that has a restaurant built in the ground level of their house. It's all put together, but I didn't have the hostess podium or restaurant stove in my catalog even after I started a home business over the phone.

I went to MTS and downloaded the "OFB objects for Residential" package, and the hostess stand and stove are both in the collections now, but for some reason, when I click on them, they are not useable. If I click the item to place in my kitchen, only my original cursor shows up.

I'm not sure of what to do. Can someone help me with this?

I have all EPS.
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