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1  Simmers' Paradise / Mac-Users Only Peer Support / Installing or Changing Templates For The Sims 2: Super Collection. on: August 10, 2021, 07:15:48 am
This is a guide to the file paths that you are going to need to navigate in order to replace the default templates or add a template to the Sims 2: Super Collection App.

1. In a Finder window open the Applications folder

Go to the The Sims 2:Super Collection App and right click or control click the Icon and then choose "Show Package Contents"

Note on the Mac we don't have some of the EPs, so don't try to install a Template that is not compatiable, also the paths are slightly different if you are working with the 34bit version or if you are working with the 64bit version.

Note: When I use the word Replace, I mean that you REMOVE the Old Folder and put the New folder in its place.

Note: I advise making a backup of the existing Templates.

To replace the Templates in the Base Game you look in the proper file path.

For the 64 bit version the path is Contents/Assets/TSData/Res/NeighborhoodTemplate

If you are still using the 34bit version like me, then the file path is slightly different.

For the 34 bit version the path is Contents/Home/TSData/Res/NeighborhoodTemplate

Looking inside the NeighborhoodTemplate folder you will see some folders named N### where # is some number, Strangetown is N002 for example. If you are replacing Templates with Fixed versions then remove the old folder and then put the new folder in its place thus replacing it. If you are adding a Main Neighborhood then this is the folder to put it in.

Next is the University Hoods, if you are fixing Templates then they need to be done too.

For the 64 bit version the path is Contents/Assets/Expansion Packs/University/TSData/Res/NeighborhoodTemplate

For the 34 bit version the path is Contents/Home/Expansion Packs/University/TSData/Res/NeighborhoodTemplate

Inside the NeighborhoodTemplate folder you will see 3 folders named U001, U002 and U003 Replace these folders with the fixed versions. If you are adding a University this is where you place the U### folder that is used.

Next is Downtown,

Note that if you add more than one Downtown, only the first one will have Sims, so DO NOT ADD another Downtown that has Sims if you already have the default Downtown, if you do you will seriously Corrupt your game!

For the 64 bit version the path is Contents/Assets/Expansion Packs/Nightlife/TSData/Res/NeighborhoodTemplate

For the 34 bit version the path is Contents/Home/Expansion Packs/Nightlife/TSData/Res/NeighborhoodTemplate

Inside the Neighborhood folder is D001, replace this with your fixed version, or if you are adding more than one make REAL Sure that you don't add a Downtown that has Sims, instead only add additional Downtown Neighborhoods that are Empty of Sims.

Next we do Open for Business


ATTN: It's important to remember that when merging in a subhood, the game will randomize all townie and service NPC names! That means Meadow Thayer, Kaylynn Langerak, Crystal Vu, and even Bella Goth, will all get different names. You'll have to fix this with an ingame tool like the Sim Blender.

In the the Open for Business folder we can add additional Shopping Neighborhoods if that is desired. For example I added the Shopping Neighborhood versions of Pleasantview, Veronaville, and Riverblossom Hils, plus I also added Sedona and Widespot RFD. I downloaded Sedona and Widespot RFD from MTS and there are other Neighborhoods on MTS if you are interested in them.

For the 64 bit version the path is Contents/Assets/Expansion Packs/Open for Business/TSData/Res/NeighborhoodTemplate

For the 34bit version the path is Contents/Home/Expansion Packs/Open for Business/TSData/Res/NeighborhoodTemplate

Inside the NeighborhoodTemplate folder, Remove the Bluewater Village folder and replace it with the fixed version, and add your shopping Neighborhoods as desired.

Next we do the Stealth Hood for Pets

For the 34 bit version the path is Contents/Home/Expansion Packs/Pets/TSData/Res/NeighborhoodTemplate

For the 64 bit version the path is Contents/Assets/Expansion Packs/Pets/TSData/Res/NeighborhoodTemplate

Inside the NeighborhoodTemplate folder you will see a folder named P001, replace that folder with the fixed version.

Next we do Seasons:

For the 64 bit version the path is Contents/Assets/Expansion Packs/Seasons/TSData/Res/NeighborhoodTemplate

For the 34 bit version the path is Contents/Home/Expansion Packs/Seasons/TSData/Res/NeighborhoodTemplate

Inside the NeighborhoodTemplate folder you will see a folder named G002, replace that folder with the fixed version.

There are no other Neighborhoods supported by the Mac so we are now done.

When you are done you can start the game from scratch and the game will generate all of the Main Neighborhoods for you, however you will need to add the University Neighborhoods that you want to use and you will need to add the Shopping Neighborhoods that you want to play. To do so you need to have a Mod by Mootilda This is a Mod that you need if you are going to have mutiple subhoods like me, so go to MTS and get Mootilda's Mod for Multiple Subhoods, unzip it and put it in your Downloads folder.
2  A Safe Haven / General Discussion / Re: The New Official Spam Thread! on: June 30, 2021, 08:01:31 am
This sort of thread does NOT have to make sense, Making Sense is for Tiny Minds with no Imagination. LOL Anyway I am alive more or less {I seem to have at least motor control and some functioning brain cells that are receiving signals from my eyes and ears, so I am concluding that I am alive}. I hope that everyone is well and at least coping. I am having tremendous fun playing the sim 2 after I recently restarted using clean templates and I created a ?berhood that I am enjoying.
3  A Safe Haven / General Discussion / Re: The Official InSim Photo Album on: December 02, 2020, 06:48:06 pm
nice, looking pretty good. Rock
4  A Safe Haven / General Discussion / Re: The New Official Spam Thread! on: November 30, 2020, 03:17:00 pm
Cool, I like to think I know you a little, so I decided to share with you and the community here.
5  A Safe Haven / General Discussion / Re: The New Official Spam Thread! on: November 11, 2020, 03:19:18 am
Ahh well I am still asuming that your friend and husband were trying to get her pregnant, so congrats to them.  YAY

Did you check out my Picture? Being Curious.
6  A Safe Haven / General Discussion / Re: The Official InSim Photo Album on: November 04, 2020, 09:41:51 pm
This is me, not too out of date just a couple of years, what I had handy to use though.

7  A Safe Haven / General Discussion / Re: The New Official Spam Thread! on: November 04, 2020, 09:33:05 pm
Hey are you referring to Katie as the pregnant friend? Just checking to be sure.  YAY Ahh well congratulations Katie I hope that your pregnancy and the subsequent birth go well for you. Rock
8  A Safe Haven / General Discussion / Re: The New Official Spam Thread! on: April 26, 2020, 02:25:30 am
OMFG Raven The First Pic reminds me of the Pet Shoppe Sketch! I think it is one of the Best that they Ever did. He is an Ex-Parrot! He has gone to his Reward!

I hope you all are taking care and trying to stay healthy, I know I am here in sunny Southern California. Where we still have orders to self-isolate. Me I am doing fine btw.
9  Simmers' Paradise / Mac-Users Only Peer Support / Re: installing CEP in Sims2 Super Collection Mac on: April 25, 2020, 03:40:47 pm
If you are using the 64 bit version of The Sims 2 Complete Collection, I wanted to note that they changed the paths somewhat.

For the 64 bit version the path is Contents/Assets/Expansion Packs

Complete instructions for installing CEP in Sims2 Super Collection Mac for the 64 Bit Version.

a) _EnableColorOptionsGMND.package:
Place the file "_EnableColorOptionsGMND.package" into your Sims Downloads folder:
~/Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads

b) _EnableColorOptionsMMAT.package:
Open the Applications folder, then RIGHT CLICK The Sims 2 app, and select "Show package contents"
Navigate then to Contents/Assets/TSData/Res/Sims3D/
Place the file "_EnableColorOptionsMMAT.package" in that folder.

c) "Extra" folder:
Open it and you will find 2 subfolders, "MyDocuments" and "ProgramFiles".

c1) Open the "MyDocuments" folder and move the entire "zCEP-EXTRA" subfolder, along with the several files contained in it to:
Applications folder-->TheSims2-->"Show package contents"-->Contents/
c2) Open the "ProgramFiles" folder and move the entire "zCEP-EXTRA" subfolder, along with the several files contained in to:
Applications folder-->TheSims2-->"Show package contents"-->Contents/Assets/TSData/Res/CATALOG

CEP works fine as far as I can tell, once it is installed using these instructions

Download the Latest CEP at MTS
10  A Safe Haven / General Discussion / Re: The New Official Spam Thread! on: April 21, 2020, 04:05:49 pm
Well even though I missed most of the Spam that was tossed here, I do like to hang out here and I very glad that Jenna and TheRaven are both still around. They make the place feel homey.

Anyone else Huge Monty Python's Flying Circus Fans here?
11  A Safe Haven / General Discussion / Re: The New Official Spam Thread! on: April 17, 2020, 09:10:16 pm
Eh good to have you, I missed most of the spam too oh well. Saw that you are on moonlight, that is cool as I am registered there even if i just lurk.
12  Simmers' Paradise / Sims 2 Web / Re: Snarf (Lion-O) news and updates at my LizCrea Sims 2 new forum on: April 06, 2020, 12:25:43 pm
I answered his question in a PM, after he pmed me, so he is OK I think
13  A Safe Haven / General Discussion / Re: The New Official Spam Thread! on: April 06, 2020, 12:21:51 pm
I am not a Singer In a Rock In Roll Band or anywhere else, for that matter.  Rock

However I am very familiar with Monty Python's Flying Circus Spam Sketch,

Spam Spam Spam..Wonderful Spam. I like Spam one of them says.  YAY
14  Welcome to / The Welcome Wagon / Re: Hello :) on: April 06, 2020, 12:16:06 pm
Good to See all of you.

I am here most every day, I mostly check the Mac section to see if someone has posted a reply to one of my several posts there or if someone has made a new post there. Otherwise I do check to see what activity there is on the Main Page, but I don't do that often ...Maybe once a week, maybe less than that, don't know.

If you do want my attention for some reason don't hesitate to PM me.

Please Everyone take care and try to stay healthy.
15  Simmers' Paradise / Mac-Users Only Peer Support / Re: Getting past the 2000/11800 file limit on: April 06, 2020, 12:09:17 pm
Note: you should have Show all filename extensions checked to On. Otherwise you can get confused about the filename extensions and with what we are doing having the correct extension is critical. So make sure that you are set to Show all filename extensions.

I am fairly certain that you may need to keep the files that you create in someplace normally accessible Like the Desktop for example and then run the Terminal before you place the files in their proper place.

Then Make sure that you then place the files in the Correct Directory, I know it is confusing but the Mac has 3 Different Library Folders and it sounds like you might have put the files in the wrong place.

Update: I tried to see if the files are in the correct directory running sudo chmod 644 and with both it says "No such file or directory" like the mac doesn't read that at all. I tried to run launchctl limit and like @bourgeoisbanana said, nothing has changed.

At least according to what you wrote. I think that is the problem.

On my Mac the correct path is <Mac's Hard Drive Name>/Library/LaunchDaemons

On your Mac when you look inside the <Mac's Hard Drive Name>/Library/ do you see a Folder named "LaunchDaemons"?

Do let me know on this.

If so then Apple did not change the file structure {I don't expect that they would it would mean more than a few Popular Apps would have to be fixed if they did}. So you need to put the files in the <Mac's Hard Drive Name>/Library/LaunchDaemons folder and I would do it after you have run the chown commands on them in Terminal and then checked them...See Section below on that part.

Note: If you don't have and use Shell Files just ignore that section, it is for those who use Shell Files. If you don't know what Shell Files are you should also ignore that section.

Once you have created limit.maxfiles.plist and created limit.maxproc.plist

Then you go over carefully to make sure you did not make a mistake, me I copied and pasted the text I provided into each file and then I changed to filename extension on each file. Anyway now is a good time to verify accuracy.

Next Run the Terminal and did the chown commands and then you should go to the Finder.

Select limit.maxfiles.plist and then type command I or go to the File Menu and then choose Get Info, you will then get a window.

Scroll Down in the Get Info Window to Sharing & Permissions: you should see in columns Name: system; Privilege: Read & Write; Name: wheel Privilege: Read only; Name: everyone Privilege: Read only

Do the same procedure to limit.maxproc.plist and you should have the same results in Sharing & Permissions as for the other file.

Note: also in the Get Info Window both files should have Open with: Property List (default)

If you see the same things that means that you did chown commands correctly, if you don't see the same permissions that I am seeing then it would mean that you did not do the commands correctly, try again.

Once you have verified that the files have the correct Permissions using Get Info, you then should put the files into <Mac's Hard Drive Name>/Library/LaunchDaemons and then you Restart.

Everything should work then.

Do let me know how it goes. I know it is not really Simple, but it did work for me and I am sure it will work for you too.
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