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1  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / St.James Legacy Continued ch.4-6 on: November 16, 2008, 11:54:05 am
St.James Legacy Chapter one through three
In case you haven't read the first three chapters above. Enjoy~Lori (sahmormakmom)
Chapter Four
Vivian and I are so proud of Drake. He has grown to be such a strong, educated young man with a good head on his shoulders. He has decided to go on to college, more importantly he's attending the college Vivian and I had attended. Drake wanted to pursue a surgical career. We couldn't be more proud of him. I just hope Kaleb makes good decisions like his older brother when his time comes.

So now we'll let Drake tell his story...
"Hello." Drake says as he relaxes in his dorm room after a particularly exhausting day in Physics class. He has just settled his muscles and worked a bit of the tension he was feeling out when a knock sounded at his door. He hadn't been expecting anyone. He's only been on campus for a week now and hasn't really socialized with his other dormies.
Drake opens the door slowly to reveal a face he hadn't seen in a long time. It was Kahl, his grandfather, still looking as youthful as his father.

I step outside pulling the door behind. "Grandfather? What brings you to my campus?" Kahl smiles as he looks at Drake and then at his surroundings. He was always impressed with places of knowledge.

"Has your father spoken to you about me?" He asked.
"No, should he have? Father hasn't spoken of you since his wedding with Vivian. Then again, you haven't been around either. Why do you ask?" Drake questioned.
"Do you know the whereabouts of a particularly old bear. It was your father's in his youth. This bear is very valuable and needs to be cleaned as well as preserved." Kahl said as his eyes began to glow a deep lavender. I noticed it and felt a bit suspicious of the desire to have a child's bear.
"No, last I saw it the twins were playing with that ragged old bear. Hell, Vivian has stitched the arms on it I don't know how many times. I don't think it is worth much now in the shape its in." I lied because I still had the bear in my possession. Dad had told me of the importance of the bear the night before I moved on campus. I wasn't to let it out of my sight. The horror that crossed Kahl's features were indescribable. He shook my hand and made a hasty retreat down the walkway. I never saw him again during my college days.

I sat down and emailed my father about the visit with Kahl. I reassured him that I still had the bear in my safe keeping. He went on to giving me advice as he always did. Dad told me to enjoy my college days but be sure to study as well and not let my grades fall. He also told me I should be dating as well.

I thought about all he had written to me. So I began to mingle among the recent additions to my dorm. I was lucky I chose this dorm I suppose, because there are mainly women in this dorm. Very fine looking women.
  I am so thankful for the working ice machine here.  I've had to ice down my groin on many knee jerking occasions thus far.  I suppose my tactful wittiness isn't exactly winning them over.  One girl in particular has struck my fancy.  Her name is Chloe Thomas.  She's in all my classes a biology major just like me. We met at a dorm party and as usual not one of my finest moments she shot me down, but I never gave up on her.

So I changed my approach noticing she had just moved in the neighborhood.  I asked if she would like to study together at my place.  She agreed. We started studying the books nightly then we naturally progressed to studying each other.  For the most part we were damn near inseparable.

  Dad wrote again asking me to come home for winter break to be with the family.  I thought about it and asked Chloe to come with me.  Her family was going on a cruise for the holiday break and she would have been alone.  I wouldn't hear of it.  I told her this would be an excellent opportunity to meet my folks.  We had only been seriously dating for a couple of months now but I was developing very strong feelings for her that I couldn't deny.
  When we arrived by train in Belladonna the Snow had begun to fall.  I love this time of year when the world turned white and glistened in the christmas lights mingled with the moonlight.  We decided to walk to my parents from the last bus stop in town.  Mervine had long since retired from the bus company.  So dad began to drive his old pick up back and forth to work.
  Chloe and I began to goof around in the yard when Dad walked up on us quietly.  The snow had begun to lay in earnest.

I scooped Chloe up and swung her around as she giggled hanging on to me.  I set her down and began to chase her as the snows became deeper.  I finally caught up with her and kissed her in the moonlight.

 Dad had been watching us the whole time.  He didn't say a word at first.
"Come on in kids Vivian has dinner on the table." Dad said as we stamped off the snow feeling the warmth on our faces from the fireplace.  The smells meandered together of spices and apples marrying with the aroma of the fresh turkey in the other room.  I loved this time of year.  I could see Chloe did too.

Dinner was lovely.  I looked over at my brothers Kaleb and Denver.  They had grown so much in the last few months I had been gone.  Kaleb was very nearly a teenager now and would be off to college too.
  Kaleb walked ahead of us to the livingroom and put on the radio.  Christmas tunes were playing. White Christmas was playing by Bing Crosby, a classic.  I pulled Chloe into my arms and we danced to the tune.  Vivian and dad joined in as the music played.  It was at that very moment, the peace and happiness that I felt in my chest at that time, I wanted Chloe in my life forever.  This moment set the wheels in motion for me to save for her ring and if time was good to them next year this time they would be dancing together married.

The evening was drawing to a close and we needed to return to campus.  Dad gave me a big bear hug that nearly broke my back.  I cherish these moments we have together as a family.

Chloe and I walked back to the train station and caught our train back to school.
2  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / The St.James Legacy Chapter One-Three on: November 07, 2008, 12:35:34 pm
After much thought and inspiration through the other works I've seen posted here, I havedecided to upload a Legacy of my own.  I hope you all enjoy it. Lori~sahmormakmom~
The St. James Legacy
Chapter One
My life didn't start out like most of you. My mother's history is limited knowledge.  I only know what I've been told about her and my father is even more vague.  I am an orphan in every sense of the word.
According to Ms. Bernice Crumplebottom, she's that old rich witch, Crumplebottom's sister in law, my mother went into labor and gave birth to me in the back alley of Belladonna.
 She said that she was passing by going to the courthouse when she heard the strangled cries of an infant.

Ms. Bernice said that she had seen my mother barely clinging to life in a pool of her own blood still connected to my crying body.
 She called for an ambulance to help my mother.  All that she could manage to get from her lips was that her name was Amanda St.James.
My mother died in the ambulance from the loss of blood.  Ms.Bernice naturally took me to her orphanage.

She placed me in the incubator monitoring me for a while.
That is when she said she took a good look at me.  I had regarded Ms. Bernice as my mother, never knowing my own naturally.  She had said I had the most unusual eyes, demonic as others would later whisper at her out of my ear shot.
Potential parents came and went over the years.

 When I was a toddler Mr.Greene used to visit me regularly.  He had taught me to talk and walk during our many visits.

 He always left saying the same thing to me.  "See ya tomorrow Champ maybe tomorrow I'll take you home." That tomorrow was the longest tomorrow I had never seen.
  It was lucky for me that I had my old bear.  Sure he was ragged around the edges, but he was my best friend.  Ms.Bernice had told me that my mother had the bear next to her when she birthed me so she assumed it was intended for me.  Oh well, if it wasn't it was mine now.

When I was ten, less and less children were being brought to the Orphanage.  I heard people whispering that it was because of me.  I heard Ms. Bernice arguing with the councelmen and the mayor in her office.  They refused to allow the children to come here as long as I resided in the walls.  So she sought out women of the streets by night asking to take their unwanted children when they came.  Very few babies were conveniently left at her door, many were left in the alley where I was born.

I had company even if it was just babies screaming through the next wall, for a few years.

On my sixteenth birthday, I recieved the news that rocked my world.  Ms.Bernice told me that I had to leave.  She said that she was going to give me the money that I was orignally given at birth by the city for being an orphan.  It wasn't much but it was a good beginning for me on my own.  I realized this of course after my brief stint with the psychiatrist.

The next morning I was sent away on the #4 bus, to begin my life wherever it may be.  I had my bear, ragged and torn tucked close to me for protection.  I kept my eyes point to the ground not letting anyone to see them as I boarded the city bus.
3  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Skintones / Bigfoot Skin BB 34DD for females and Males on: September 07, 2008, 08:09:06 am
Hello everyone!  Well I had intentions of uploading my bigfoot family, but Bodyshop had other ideas.  Well this is the skin that I recolored by Beos and Marvine.  I thank them immensely for their talents and because I'm not certain who else was involved since Bodyshop crapped out on me I'm going to thank AllenQ Warlokk Louis of simcribbling as well just incase.  They are all wonserful skinners.  Here is the pics of my family this skin is genetic. I have been using it for sometime and although you will notice the line on the thighs I have no idea how to get rid of it any suggestions would be great.

Don't upload to the exchange or any paysites.  No Bigfoots' were harmed in the rendering of the species.  No behavs were added, man has tamed the beast from birth.

4  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Bodyshop poses issue on: July 22, 2008, 11:13:41 am
Hi I know I have installed bodyshop mechanics, which did not work and another bodyshop pose.  i can't remember what it is call so that I can find it and uninstall it from my Downloads folder.  i already uninstalled the bodyshop mechanics.  But when I opened my bodyshop all my teens through elderly look like this and my toddlers are sitting happy.  I can't make any good sims with these disgruntled looks they keep giving me.  Help please.
5  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / The Sarah Lind Chronicles on: July 19, 2008, 09:10:25 pm

6  Simmers' Paradise / Sims 2 Videos / Music video ~Broken Vow~ on: July 18, 2008, 12:37:07 am

Broken vow is a soul searching music video featuring the InSIMenator's new Sim actor Kavar Sim.  
  The back story to the song, is Josh the jilted lover, needs to come to terms with himself, after discovering his long time girlfriend has found another love.  Josh is a musician that resides in the nieghborhood near his unfaithful girlfriend's residence. Question is, will Josh ever truely be able to love again so completely, or has Elizabeth left her mark?  Does Kavar(I mean Kevin.oops! slipped out of Character) think his relationship with Elizabeth is strong enough to keep them happily together?  Is this the end of Kavar's acting career?  The world will just have to wait...

enjoy the show:-P


*attached image removed*
7  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Celebrities / Sweeney Todd and Mrs.Lovett on: July 02, 2008, 04:14:07 pm

Just when you thought it was safe to go out on Fleet Street again...Here is another Demon Barber and Mrs.Lovett to tickle your fancy.  What you see in the pictures is what both Mrs.Lovett and Sweeney Todd are packaged with.

Sweeney Todd includes

Reflect Black by La_Exotique@MTS2

Maxis side burns altered and recolored by LoriBeam sahmormakmom
"Freshly Shaven" stubble by A.S.K.
HIM666 La Pink Schlera Mask
Layerable Natural Teeth 1 by alkaloid
Hollow of the Cheek by A.S.K.

maxis aging wrinkle-men
Kajal-Riitta (black)-Bruno@MTS2 for the brown eyes Bronzed
just Lips~Pale~by A.S.K.

skin is demusedSimsby HystericalParoxysm@MTS2
hair originalmesh Andromeche by beos recolor with white streak Lori Beam sahmormakmom

clothing mesh AAStyle_MAoverallsaltered2_112905
design color by Lori Beam sahmormakmom

Mrs.Lovett includes

Kavar_Vintage brown hair by or MTS2
dress mesh k8parsfacelizabethan022406 made by unknown
skin by Hystericalparaoxism DemusedSims-MTS2
besen_wHut50er1 mesh by Besen
Just Lips ~Pale~ by A.S.K
lashes by MS
Shadow by

Hollow of the Cheek by A.S.K.
Layerable Mouth Corner~(D.Eclipse)
Layerable Natural teeth 1 by alkaloid
Dark Bronze Eyes by Enayla @MTS2 and

as with all sims, please respect the creators and recolorers and give credit when used.  Please do not upload to paysites or the exchange.  These are free range sims and should never be caged.:-P

I hope you enjoy these sims as much as I do.  
If i missed a creator or a few please drop me a line no disrespect was given just didn't show up on the listing when I packaged.  Thanks
8  Retired Creators / Male / HBB surgical scrubs w/blood tinged gloves on: June 30, 2008, 01:43:04 pm
Does your buff surgical team complain about pinching scrubs that fit too snug in all the wrong ways?

Well then your struggles are over with the improved new surgical scrubs equiped with gloves for sim safety and pager  for those emergencies.
Dr. Ian Fancy packaged    Face mask and head wrap not included.  PS...If someone can make a headbonnet for men and women that would be great to use for more realism.

Dr. Ian Fancy
Maxis hair  and brows
skin ju-beos-hugeBB-ERECT-louis07med-Allen-ABQ hairy
BBpj bottoms ju-beos_hugeBBpajamas011206 by beos and marvine
recolored BB pajamas bottoms and design by sahmormakmom (Lori Beam)
kkitten_eyes1_1 realistic eyes 1 by Ina@kamikitten

as with all the creators without their talents this would not be possible.  My humble thanks to them all.  
Please do not use recolors or creations on other sites and claim them as your own.  Not Cool!  Please give credit where it is due.  please no paysites or the exchange.

I hope you enjoy Dr.  Ian and his outfit.  If you like the nurse's scrubs or the patient's delivery outfit pm me and I will send you the rar.  permission is still pending on the nurses outfit otherwise I would have included it.
9  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Celebrities / Julie Andrews as Mary Poppins on: June 18, 2008, 10:58:25 pm
The ever enchanting Dame Julie Andrews as seen in the Disney Movie Mary Poppins. This is my first ever upload of one of my most utilized sim. She was made with maxis light skin texture by me.
eyes- kkitten_eyes1_9 Kamikitten realistic eyes 9by Ina@kamikitten
brows- Adele:Thin Brows in Black
layerable Natural teeth 1 by alkaloid
layerable mouth corner by D.Eclipse
Hollow of the cheek by A.S.K.
Lady Turquoise
BA_Eyeliner by Barcelonista
lips by Jason Ulloa
1hairline by EyeCandy
scarlett_hat recolored by LoriBeam sahmormakmom Mary_Poppins_hat
Earring sets001_RB1 @xm-Sims
bips_chigno_1905 by Bipsouille
Never upload to paysites or to the exchange. For personal use. Give credit to the original creators and the recolors. I hope you enjoy her as much as I did.

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