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1  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Most Successful Single Parent! on: April 24, 2008, 07:54:50 am
I am posting this for a fan of the story who followed the contest and i hope she enjoys it as i finish it and whoever begins to read it i hope they enjoy it also.

Name: Olivia Evangeline Morgan
Age: 32
Occupation: Lawyer
I think i would be the most successful parent because I believe i have tackled and am tackling being a success and a parent and i think im doing a darn good job especially since i had my children when i was 16. Yea its tough at times and its been tough along the way but I love the challenge and i love my Boo-Boo's.
I have 2 Teen Twin Children both the Age of 16.
Erica & Eric Morgan.



Me and My Boo's

Although both my children are very smart, Eric is such a nucklehead...and Erica is my nerdy beauty!!!


How it all began:
16 years ago I was just a regular poor inner city kid and a minority at that.  Growing up  in my home was never easy but i tried my best. When i was 10 my mother died of a drug over dose, she was a heroine addict and i never met my father. I've lived in foster homes ever since. One year the local community center sponsored a camping trip  in my projects and my foster parents allowed me to go. That trip ended up changing my life, literally. That was the year I got my first boyfriend. His name was Brent Billings. I met him while hiking on the trip. Brent wasnt hiking with my group though wasnt anywhere near my group actually, being the rebel that i was i took another pass and saw him gathering wood for his family and we immediately became attached. I soon came to find out that his family was loaded and that they owned their own cabin in the woods.

Brent and i were complete opposites. He was rich and went to private school and i was poor and went to public school. We liked different music and different movies, I mean he even dressed different, super preppy, he always had on some type of vest or tie. I on the other hand  couldnt dress at all, my hair was either always braided or always curly/ unruly and i always had on tons of eyeshadow and lip gloss, baggy pants and hoodies. To this day i dont know what he saw in me but maybe its because we were so different That we got along so well.

I knew his parents didnt approve of me but he seemed to not notice. We did everything together and for the month that i was at camp i barely hung with my group. He took me new places and showed me new things and i loved it. and in the last week of camp i gave him my virginity. When camp was over we kept in touch with letters because he lived far away and my home couldnt afford the long distance. We always promised eachother that in 2 years when he turned 19 and i turned 18 we would run away together but that never happened. A little more than 3 weeks later i knew something was terribly wrong, my period was late and i just knew i was pregnant, i went to the free clinic and they confirmed my suspicions so when i got home i ignored the long distance charges and called brent. His mother told me he wasnt home. I tried for weeks to contact him and i never  got him. I even sent him  letters explaining the situation and begging him to call and he never wrote back. After about a month my heart was officially broken and i was so confused i just didnt understand i thought he loved me. my last attempt to reach brent was horrible. I called his home and once again his mother answered and so i told her what happened and that i was pregnant but she just yelled at me and called me a ghetto low-class tramp. She said her son would never sleep with likes of me and that even if he had it was surely an accident, besides i was from the ghetto, what could he possibly do with me. She told me to stop wiritng and calling because she would never let him speak to me and that she'd thrown away all my letters. After that day i never tried to contact brent again. I couldnt afford an abortion and i wouldnt have gotten one anyway so i had my children and made a way.


 [SIZE=2[FONT="Book Antiqua]"]Now im a successful lawyer and along the way ive tried so hard to change from the person i was maybe subconciously hoping one day i would be good enough (for brent) but anyway being a single parent isnt easy and it never has been. My days are hectic and long but i love my children. My days usually go like this: I always get up early to cook my kid's breakfast but as soon as i wake them up to come eat chaos begins. In between cooking and cleaning up the breakfast mess, calming down any fights between the twins and getting ready for work it still amazing that i make it to work on time[/FONT].[/SIZE]

When i finally get to work, i work hard and i work ten hour days and most people know when they get home they will be able to relax but not I. I know its going to be a jungle.

My children know the rules even thought they act like they dont. no guests until i get home and all homework and chores must be done but of course when i get home erica is on the couch with her boyfriend grant and eric is downstairs trying to god  knows what to his girlfriend marlayna.
My house is a mess and neither one of them have started their homework. I  have to pretty much threaten their boyfriend and girlfriend to leave and threaten my own children with restrictions to get them to clean and by the time they stop playing with eachother and calm down enough to do their chores right the've made bigger messes than before. but eventually things calm down and they settle down to get their homework done

Once things get quiet and the kids are studying i take a hot bath and then go out to my garden and stargaze, i reflect on the day. so often i look at my children and see their father. It saddens me to know that their father doesnt even know that there are 2 beautiful human beings in the world that are his. I've tried to find him but i've had no such luck and i wonder if he ever thinks of me but i still smile because i wouldnt have changed anything about my life. my children are blessings and because of my past i have the future i love.

As a young mother, struggling while in college, i was often times depressed. I was living alone in a studio apartment in the projects with both my children, I barely had money to put food on the table let alone pay any bills. I had no help and was on the verge of being kicked out of school because of not being able to pay my tuition. the saddest times of my life were spent sitting in my own head trying to figure things out with my two precious babies playing around me and i was in such a trance i couldnt even enjoy them.

Then one day one of my professors noticed my lack of attention in his class and asked me what was wrong and i just broke down. The truth of the matter was i was ready to give up on life, my children, and school. I was just tired and i didnt think i had anything left in me to give and then he said:

There may be days when you get up in the morning
and things aren't the way you had hoped they would be,
that's when you have to tell yourself
that things will get better.

There are times when people disappoint you and let you down,
but those are the times when you must remind yourself
to trust your own judgments and opinions, to keep your
life focused on believing in yourself
and all that you are capable of.

There will be challenges to face and changes to make in your life,
and it is up to you to accept them.

Constantly keep yourself headed in the right direction for you.
It may not be easy at times,
but in those times of struggle you will find a stronger sense of who you are,
so when the days come that are filled with frustration and unexpected responsibilities,
remember to believe in yourself and all you want your life to be,
because the challenges and changes will only help you to
find the goals that you know are meant to come true for you

After that i began to look at life differently. I began to make the best of any situation, believe in myself and cherish what i had been given.

And here we are now.

Believe it or not, at the age of 32 i havent done very much dating. As we all know i got pregnant at the age of 16 and ever since then my focus was always school, my children, or my career. i guess it safe to say  the dating scene is not my scene at all and besides brent, ive never slept with anyone else. so imagine my suprise when one sunday during my noon time run my neighbor Antonio Mckenzie asked me on a date.

"Excuse me!.....Umm Excuse me, Olivia"
"Oh hey Antonio i didnt hear you i had my headphones in,how are you?"
"I'm doing great, i didnt meant to interrupt you workout.
"Dont be silly besides i was just finishing up, can i help you with something"

Seeing as how i am a lawyer, frequently my neighbors ask for  legal advice so i wasnt expecting him to ask me on  a date.

"Well i was just wondering if i could take you out to dinner sometime,  im wasnt sure if you were involved with anyone but i would love to take you out, and get to knowyou better."
"Wow,umm, Wow....Ummm, im sorry i just wasnt expecting that. but ok i guess, sure. i would love to"
"Great how about next saturday at 8"
"Great, Saturday at 8, ill be ready"

I havent had to  really deal with bringing men in and out of my life so i wasnt sure how the twins would take it but to my surprise, they took it better than i thought. Eric was really excited and happy for me, he said that it was about, and Erica well she said she was ok but her attitude was little off.
I didnt pay to much attention to her expression because of my overall excitement for my date but through out the week her attitude got worse.

By Thursday,  just 2 days before my date Erica was completely out of control, her attitude was horrible, she was being mean and rude to her brother and out right disrespectful to me, something i have never allowed.
I kept asking her what was wrong but she just kept screaming nothing. When saturday rolled around i was all smiles,  i got dressed and did my hair and makeup and i went to ask Erica's opinion of how i looked and she completely snapped.

"Soooo What do you think" i said as i twirled around the room.
"you look like you'll be a single mother for the rest of your life"

That comment completely snapped me out of my pre-date bliss.

"what the hell did you just say"
"look little girl, i am your mother and i have tolerated your attitude for this whole entire week, you smart remarks, your rude gestures, and whatever the else you've been doing that you know i dont tolerate, so i suggest you open your mouth and say whats wrong and if nothing really is wrong you better wake up tomorrow with a new attitude."

Then the walls came tumbling down.

"Your my problem, i mean really mom, how could you even consider going out on a date with another man"
"But sweetheart im single, im lonely, im also an adult, and i dont understand your anger"
"How unfair is it for you to try and fill in a whole in your life when you have yet to fill a whole in Eric's and Mine"
"Excuse Me"
"Mom, we want to have a father too, we want to know who our dad is and all you care about is your lonliness but its not like we can go out and date new dad's i mean im just not ready for a man to be in your life because ive never had a man in mine."

"Aww baby i am so sorry. i didnt know you felt this way, i have tried so hard to provide you and your brother with you alls every hearts desire, ive tried to be a mother and a father and i never knew that wasnt sufficient enough for you. I'm sorry, im not trying to give you a father or even to replace what you never knew, im just trying to move on and enjoy life"
"Mom im sorry too, its not that i dont want you to date but i want to meet the man who helped create me and i just felt like that should have been your first step before dating, but what do i know"
"I've tried to find your father you know that but because it means so much to you i will search harder and i pormise you that one day you will meet him"
"Thanks mom for understanding and caring"
"your welcome and sweetie when you have a problem, always come to me please, I love you"
"I love you to"

After things were resolved with Erica, a burden was completely cleared from my chest just as another was placed there. my children need to know their father. i still had a date to go on but my mind was so occupied.
when Antonio arrived i tried my best to push my other thoughts aside and focus on the date.
Antonio was so sweet, he made me laugh and we had great conversation. he took me to a little outdoor jazz cafe by the beach and we just cuddle and listened to jazz, i had a great time, but even though i was enjoying myself, something was off.

When i got home the twins were sleep, and i was exhausted also so i went to bed immediately but as soon as i fell asleep i began to dream.....

I dreamt of brent, and of the life we could have had. I dreamt of a successful life with  more children. my dream felt so real that i just knew that i would wake up and he would be lying next to me. i saw him coming home to me and his children with dinner waiting, i saw family vacations and holidays, i saw the life i wanted, the life i needed, the life i deserved.

When i woke up the next morning i was extremely sad and depressed but i was also given a new wave of motivation, i was going to find brent! for me and for the children. He deserved to at least be aware of what he was missing and my family and i deserved a shot at a whole family.
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