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1  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Families & Groups / Twilight: Edward & Bella on: October 14, 2008, 09:42:22 pm
Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

Edward & Bella

"About three things I was absolutely positive.

First, Edward was a vampire.

Second, there was a part of him - and I didn't know how dominant that part may be - that thirsted for my blood.

And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him."

Twilight is a book about an ordinary girl, Bella, who falls in love with a not-so-ordinary boy ... or if you want to be pedantic, vampire.
It's a messy, sweet, slightly violent and bloody love story.
And it's awesome.

With the movie about to come out, I thought it would be the perfect time to share my versions of these amazing characters.
They are packaged as adults because, well, teenager's just didn't sit right with me.



Clothes by ClubCrimsyn
Hair by Maxis, recolor's by simenroute

As Packaged




Hair by Helga, recolor by Ninika
Clothes by Migamoo and FashionTwist

As Packaged


And, more for my own amusement, a couple of candid's ...



And that's it ...

Enjoy Cheesy!
2  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Honeys / Prescott Westbrook on: July 04, 2008, 09:36:51 pm
This is Prescott Westbrook the current heir of my legacy and twin sister of Channing Westbrook.

You can see more about her in my picture thread, if you dare :lol:

Prescott's a randy, wild but fun-spirited Romance Sim, with a side-pocket of secondary Family aspirations. She's got four beautiful children, Calhoun, Hanover, Vaughn and Whittaker; with a hankering for some more bed-time bumpies :lol: I'd say treat her nicely, but Prescott's one for the fun *wink*


Hair by NoukieSims2

She is packaged with Maxis hair + clothes.


Make sure she has fun!
3  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Honeys / Channing Westbrook on: July 04, 2008, 08:50:42 pm
This is Channing Westbrook, twin sister of Prescott Westbrook, the current heir of my legacy.

You can see more about her in my picture thread, if you dare :lol:

Channing's a successful, rather strait-laced Business Tycoon, married to Sandi Smitten of Jessi's Poverty Challenge. She's a great step-mother to Sandi's son Dylan and is one of the best behaved Sim's in my game, so please treat her nicely Cheesy


Hair by Rose Sims

She is packaged with Maxis hair + clothes.


Treat her well and have fun!
4  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Families & Groups / "Tribulation Force" Characters ~ Based on the novel by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B.Jenkins on: November 09, 2007, 12:18:02 am
"Tribulation Force" Characters ~ Based on the novel by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B.Jenkins

"Rayford Steele, Buck Williams, Bruce Barnes, and Chloe Steele band together to form the Tribulation Force. Their task is clear, and their goal nothing less than to stand and fight the enemies of God during the seven most chaotic years the planet will ever see" -

The 'Tribulation Force' is the group of new believers who came to salvation after the disappearance of millions of Christians around the globe.

Comprised of Pilot Rayford Steele, his daughter Chloe Steele, journalist Buck Williams, and Pastor Bruce Barnes (which can be found here), this end-times force band together to witness for truth and to battle the enemies of God, first and foremost the suspected Antichrist Nicolae Carpathia who proposes the eradication of all religion and establishing a single world religion with the help of Catholic Archbishop Peter Mathews.

Meanwhile, Rabbi Tsion Ben Judah has concluded his study of the Messiah, announcing his findings publicly, shocking and stunning the world with his conclusion; while facing dangerous retribution from those who oppose his view. His only form of aid in his increasingly precarious situation is Cameron "Buck" Williams and the 'Tribulation Force".

Through the continued study of bible prophecy with an ever growing group of believers including Amanda White, the 'Tribulation Force' learn that the disappearances have ushered in a seven-year period called the Tribulation, initiated by the signing of a treaty with Israel, during which the earth will suffer from the most catastrophic calamities in its history.

Those left behind now face war, famine, plagues, and natural disasters so devastating that only one in four people will survive.

The odds are even worse for these enemies of the Antichrist and his new world order.


Amanda Susan White - Described as being 'mid-forties; acquaintance of Rayford's former wife, Irene; joined New Hope Village Church; lost her family in the Rapture; *spoiler* Rayford's love interest'. Packaged with Maxis hair and clothes, hair pictured is by Navetsea and clothes are by All About Style .

Rabbi Tsion Ben Judah - Described as being 'late forties;  a Jewish rabbinical scholar and Israeli statesman; commissioned by the Israeli government to study biblical prophecies of the Messiah; converted to Christianity; honorary member of the 'Tribulation Force'. Packaged with Maxis clothes, clothes pictured are by All About Style .

Catholic Archbishop Peter Mathews - Described as being in his 'late forties; a former cardinal/archbishop, Cincinnati archdiocese; the head of the new world religion 'Global Community Faith'. Packaged with Maxis clothes, clothes pictured are by moononsun.

Viv Ivins - Previously known as Viviana Ivinisova, described as being in her 'mid-sixties; a lifelong friend ('aunt') of Carpathia; a critically important aspect of Carpathia's inner circle'. Packaged with Maxis clothes, clothes pictured are by All About Style .

Coming Soon ... Characters from "Nicolae", "Soul Harvest", "Apollyon" ...

Custom Content Included:

Amanda Susan White

Brows by helaene
Eyeliner by Zephyr
Blush by @stefan
Skintone by @stefan , adjusted by Buffy.
Eye’s and lipstick by bruno

Rabbi Tsion Ben Judah

Brows by helaene
Eyeliner by Zephyr
Eye’s by bruno
Skintone by @stefan
Blush by @stefan
Eyebags, laughter line, forehead puckers and wrinkles by Onah
Amish beard by necrodog

Catholic Archbishop Peter Mathews

Brows by helaene
Blush and eyeliner by @stefan
Eyebags, laughter line, forehead puckers and wrinkles by Onah
Skintone by @stefan , adjusted by Buffy.
Eye’s by bruno

Viv Ivins

Brows by helaene
Skintone by Buffy.
Eye’s, lipstick and eyeshadow by bruno
Eyeliner by
Beautymarks by kamikitten

Love to hear what you think Cheesy
5  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Families & Groups / "Left Behind" Characters ~ Based on the novel by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins on: November 08, 2007, 02:09:22 am
"Left Behind" Characters ~ Based on the novel by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins

"Driverless cars careen out of control. Terrified people watch their loved ones vanish. Some say it's an alien invasion, but Rayford Steele knows that his wife's warning has come true—Christ has raptured believers and he's been left behind!" -

The "Left Behind" series, concieved and written by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins, focuses on the pivotal characters of Rayford Steele, Chloe Steele, Cameron "Buck" Williams and Pastor Bruce Barnes who are stunned when millions of people disappear including children both born and unborn. Every one of them has links to people who have 'disappeared' and slowly the conviction grows within them that it is the "Rapture", when God takes his true believers from the Earth and begins his final attempt at turning mankind toward him.

Realising their disasterous mistake; Rayford, Chloe, Buck and Pastor Bruce Barnes band together and join a community of 'tribulation saints', named so after the seven year period of Tribulation they have been ushered into by the 'Rapture'.

Meanwhile, a slick Romanian politician by the name of Nicolae Jetty Carpathia begins to gain notoriety, first as the Romanian President and then as Secretary General of the United Nations with the help of Chaim Rozenweig and his 'Eden' formula; his climb is followed closely by "Buck" and his boss Steve Plank, who soon gives up his journalistic integrity to work for the politician. At an alarming pace, Nicolae's increasing popularity sees his control grow ... until even world domination isn't unreasonable.

The disappearances, the 'Rapture', of millions of people caused devastation around the world; but the 'tribulation saints' soon learn that the seven years to follow will only bring more judgements upon mankind, from a worldwide earthquake to World War III, ravaging the world until the pinnacle of the seven years is reached; when Jesus Christ returns to earth to build his kingdom.


Rayford Steele - Described as being in his 'mid-forties; a 747 captain for Pan-Continental Airlines; he lost wife, Irene, and son, Raymie, in the Rapture; member, but non-attender of church prior to Rapture however he is now a member of the core group at New Hope Village Church; located in Mount Prospect'. He is also the father of Chloe Steele.

Chloe Steele - Described as being in her 'early twenties; student at Stanford; initially sceptical of Christianity but becomes a new believer; lost mother, Irene, and brother, Raymie, in Rapture; is also Rayford's daughter'.

Cameron "Buck" Williams - Described as being in his 'early thirties; a senior writer for Global Weekly; author of Newsmaker of the Year story on Chaim Rosenzweig; located in New York'.

Pastor Bruce Barnes - Described as being in his 'mid-forties; the assistant pastor at New Hope Village Church; must lead new congregation of 'tribulation saints'; located in Mount Prospect'. He also lost his wife and children in the Rapture, (Outfit from GLS).

Hattie Durham - Described as in her 'late twenties; a flight attendant for Pan-Continental; works with Rayford and was aboard with him when the 'Rapture' occured; from Mount Prospect'. She was also the object of Rayford's flirtations prior to the Rapture and remains in close contact with him.

Chaim Rozenweig - Described as in his 'late sixties; an Israeli botanist and statesman; discoverer of a formula that made Israeli deserts bloom (appropriately named 'Eden'); a former Global Weekly Man of the Year; living in Jerusalem'. He also becomes a close friend and asset of Nicolae Jetty Carpathia.

Steve Plank - Described as being 'fiftyish, the former editor of Global Weekly and boss of "Buck" Williams; becomes press secretary for Nicolae Carpathia; located in New York.'

Nicolae Jetty Carpathia - Described as being 'mid-thirties; ex- president of Romania; masterful politician; becomes Secretary General of United Nations'.

Coming Soon ... Characters from "Tribulation Force", "Nicolae", "Soul Harvest" ...

Custom Content Included:

Rayford Steele

Skintone by @stefan
Eyeliner by Rensim
Brows and lipstick by helaene
Eye's by bruno
Maxis wrinkles converted to Adult by me.
Packaged with Maxis clothes and hair, as pictured; Army hat can be found at All About Style.

Chloe Steele

Skintone by @stefan
Eye's, eyeshadow, eyeliner and lipstick by bruno
Blush by LianaSims2
Brows by helaene
Packaged with Maxis hair and clothes, hair can be found at Rose Sims 2 (Donation) and clothes can be found at helaene.

Cameron "Buck" Williams

Skintone by @stefan
Eyeliner and eye's by bruno
Eyeshadow by Barcelonista
Brows by helaene
Packaged with Maxis clothes and hair, clothes pictured can be found at All About Style and hair at Roanjena.

Pastor Bruce Barnes

Skintone by @stefan
Eyeliner and eye's by bruno
Brows by helaene
Maxis wrinkles converted by me.
Outfit recolored by me (requires GLS).
Packaged with Maxis hair.

Hattie Durham

Skintone by @stefan
Eye's, eyeliner, eyeshadow and lipstick by bruno
Blush by LianaSims2
Brows by helaene
Outfit by elau (mesh included).
Packaged with Maxis hair, hair pictured can be found at Roanjena.

Chaim Rozenweig

Skintone by @stefan
Brows by helaene
Eyeshadow by Barcelonista
Eye's by bruno
Maxis wrinkles converted by me.
Packaged with Maxis clothes, clothes pictured can be found at All About Style.

Steve Plank

Skintone by @stefan
Eyeshadow by Barcelonista
Eye's by bruno
Brows by helaene

Nicolae Jetty Carpathia

Eye's and eyeliner by bruno
Skintone by @stefan
Eyeshadow by Barcelonista
Brows by helaene
Packaged with Maxis hair and clothes, coat pictured is found in GLS.

Love to hear what you think Cheesy
6  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Honeys / Benjamin Rochester on: June 21, 2007, 02:08:23 am
Benjamin Rochester

Benji, as she prefers to be called, is from New Jersey and is a tattoo artist turned substitute teacher. She is a proud "ANTM:Remixed" (hosted by the fabulous summer_wine) and "Sim Mommy-To-Be Modelling Agency" (hosted by the amazing Sweetdey26) participant, not placing in either, but enjoying every minute of them anyway.



Between contests, Benji met "The Bachelorette: Virgin Islands" contestant, Xephyr Kostos and after a whirlwind romance, they wed and had their first baby - babies, sorry!:D. Not long after being eliminated from "Sim Mommy-To-Be" Benji gave birth to twin girls, Odyssa and Odessa (a nod to Xeph's Greek/Italian side - and his slightly unhinged mother).

Finally enjoying the quiet side of life, no camera's in their faces or poses to be pulled, Xeph retired from his job as a government agent and Benji worked her way up the education career levels.

Until a lil' surprise came along, named Athena! Now they're a happy family enjoying their last days as a complete family before the girls head off to college.

Skin: Enayla
Brows: Helaene
Blush: LianaSims2
Eyeliner: LianaSims2
Lips: Helaene

**She is packaged with Maxis base-game hair, clothes and eyes - I use defaults of Sussi's eyes, which can be found here and non-default if you still want her to have the eyes anyway.

I really hope you guys enjoy her Cheesy
7  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Families & Groups / Behind Closed Doors: Caleb, Irina and Katia Rose Rowe on: March 25, 2007, 05:45:11 am
*Important*: This thread contains references to adult content such as eating disorders; please do not continue if it may cause offence.

Behind Closed Doors: Caleb, Irina and Katia Rowe

Caleb, 39, and Irina, 34, have been happily married for the past 16 years. Caleb is the owner of a successful restaurant, while Irina is a part-time charity worker and devoted mom to their daughter Katia Rose, 15. While both Caleb and Irina are constantly in demand, they still manage to maintain a healthy family routine and spend plenty of time with Katia, their pride and joy.

Katia is popular at school, is head cheerleader and is running for Student Council; and with doting dad, Caleb, and dedicated mom, Irina, attentive to her every need, it appears that Katia Rose has the perfect life.

This is nothing more than a well constructed façade.

What no-one knows it that Katia is in the throes of anorexia nervosa, a dangerous and deadly eating disorder. While her father spends days and nights at the restaurant and her mother dines with the ladies at the club; Katia battles with a severely distorted body image and refuses to eat. On the rare occasions that her parents are home for dinner, Katia distracts her parents with talk of her friends, grades and cheerleading; her uneaten dinner goes unnoticed.

Katia spends hours criticizing and hating her body; looking in a mirror that reflects a myriad of inadequate parts that only she can see.

As Katia unwillingly wages war on herself, her body begins breaking. Her ribs slowly begin to protrude, as do her hip bones and her collar bones; dark circles form under her eyes and her organs begin straining from the effort that staying alive requires.

Unable to help herself and with no-one willing to notice, Katia could easily become one of the 10% of sufferers that succumb to death because of anorexia.

Luckily, Katia is only a pixelized representation of these sufferers. Please find it in your heart to give her a safe and truly loving home, and use her mother and father as you see fit.

Again, in your game, you are master. Will Katia seek help? Will her parents notice and intervene on her behalf? Or will it be too late?

It’s up to you.

Download Details:

Irina Rowe


- Eyebrows by bruno (part of Christina Aguilera download)
- Eyes by icedmango
- Blush by Liana
- Eyeshadow by Barcelonista
- Eyeliner by SeraSims
- Lipstick by Bunnyt0astx
- Skintone by Enayla “Pixie Dream”
- Outfit by BoutiqueEmilie, mesh included by SimChic

Not Included

- Hair (Pay) by Peggy

Caleb Rowe


- Eyebrows by helaene
- Eyes by icedmango
- Eyeliner by SeraSims
- Skintone by Enayla “Pixie Chocolate”
- Outfit by kalynn06

Not Included

- Hair by HystericalParoxysm

Katia Rose Rowe


- Eyebrows by bruno (part of Christina Aguilera download)
- Eyes by icedmango
- Blush by Liana
- Eyeshadow by Barcelonista
- Eyeliner by SeraSims
- Lipstick by Bunnyt0astx
- Skintone by JasonUlloa
- Outfit by pixie

Not Included

- Hair (Pay) by Peggy

*Feedback is always appreciated Cheesy
8  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Families & Groups / Behind Closed Doors: Carolyn & Jamie Stanton on: February 16, 2007, 08:51:53 am
*Warning*: This thread contains references to adult content such as abuse; please do not continue if it may cause offence

Behind Closed Doors: Carolyn & Jamie Stanton

Carolyn Stanton, 29, and her daughter Jamie , 8, are as close as a mother and daughter can be. Their close relationship is greatly admired by the staff at SimCity Hospital; where Jamie spends long spells of time due to an unidentifiable illness. Her mother is exceptionally attentive to her every need, spending every hour of every day with Jamie. Doctors and Nurses alike, applaud her for her dedication and commitment to her ill daughter.

Carolyn is the perfectly devoted mother and Jamie is fortunate to have her as a mother.

This is nothing more than a well constructed façade.

What no-one knows is that Jamie is one of the invisible victims of a Munchausen By Proxy perpetrator; her mother Carolyn. This means that Carolyn is responsible for the unidentifiable illness that Jamie suffers from; as in an effort to receive admiration from professional peers such as doctors, Carolyn induces sickness in her daughter using various abusive methods.

This results in Jamie being subjected to numerous tests, medical procedures, even surgeries, which are completely unnecessary and only serve to investigate a physical illness that is not present. All the while Jamie stays silent, trusting that her mother knows what is best for her, never considering that it could be her ‘protector’ that is the cause of her pain.

Sadly, perpetrators of Munchausen By Proxy (MBP) such as Carolyn, are rarely identified; resulting in a 9-10% mortality rate amongst the known victims of  MBP perpetrators.

Luckily, Jamie is only a pixelized representation of these victims. Please find it in your heart to give her a safe and truly loving home, and use her mother as you see fit.

Again, in your game, you are master. Will Carolyn seek help? Will she repent and become a true mother to Jamie? Or will Jamie find a loving family prepared to truly care for her?

It’s up to you.

Download Details:

Jamie Stanton


-Sweater by Lady.M here
-Pants by Grito here (OFB Required).
-Eyeliner by serasims
-Eyebrows, eyeshadow & lips by helaene.
-Blush by Liana.
-Skin by Enayla, “Pixie Glow”.
-Eyes by Enayla, “Wild Night”.

Not Included

-Eyeshadow from ‘Special Effects Makeup – Spooky/Sickly Shadow, Contacts, Cracked/Sore Lips, & Tears’ by SussiSoGoodSims.
-Hair (Pay) by Peggy.

Carolyn Stanton


-Eyebrows, eye-shadow and lipstick by helaene.
-Outfit from Pernilles Pages includes simchic mesh.
-Eyeliner by serasims.
-Eyes by Enayla, “Moss”.
-Blush by Liana.
-Skin by Enayla, “Pixie Dream”.

Not Included

-Hair by xmsims and peggy.

*Feedback is always appreciated Cheesy
9  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Families & Groups / Behind Closed Doors: Mr & Mrs McCallum on: February 07, 2007, 08:01:27 am
Behind Closed Doors: Mr & Mrs McCallum

Matthew and Andrea McCallum appear to be the perfect couple. Matthew, 27, is a manager at the local supermarket, while Andrea, 23, is a sales assistant in a boutique. They were married three years ago in the company of their closest friends and family. Both are considered to be beneficial members of their community. With their mortgage under control, they plan to start a family soon.

They are perceived as the epitome of domestic bliss in their small community.

This is nothing more than a well constructed façade.

What no one knows is that Andrea is one of the 5.3 million women that experience domestic abuse. Her husband Matthew controls her comings and goings; dictates her habits and is responsible for the bruises that taint her body.

Luckily, Andrea is only a pixelized representation of these women. Find it in your heart to give her a safe home and to use her husband as you see fit.

In your game you are master. Will Matthew repent and be a better man? Will Andrea escape his grasp and live a fulfilled life without him?

It’s up to you.

Download details:

Andrea McCallum:

-Eyebrows, eyeshadow & lips by helaene at: or MTS2 profile at:
-Blush by Liana at : under ‘make-up’.
-Eyeliner by Sera at :
-Skin by Enayla, “Pixie Glow” at:
-Eyes by Enayla, “Green Secrets” at:

Not included:
- Hair by XMSims, can be found at:
- Outfit by All About Style, Themes > 1950’s > Page 2 :

-Nosebleed and bloody lips are by Ninika and can be found on her profile:
-Black eye is by macthekat at:

Matthew McCallum

-Eyebrows & eyeshadow by helaene at: or MTS2 profile at:
-Eyes by Enayla, “Betrayed” at:
-Skin by Enayla, “Pixie Dream” at:

*Feed back is always appreciated Cheesy
10  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Honeys / Aliyah - Serpent Seductress on: January 20, 2007, 08:59:48 am
Hi there,

This is my first upload at InSim Smiley I've kept Aliyah to myself for far too long, so I thought I would upload her; but be careful: She's been known too induce death!

First things first, she is packaged with Maxis hair and clothing and was made with Pets Bodyshop (with patch, so compatibility with earlier games should not be a problem:) )
Her Custom Content is:

Eye's (Seduce w skin) by Enayla, and skin (Pixie Serpent) at :

Blush, eyeshadow and eyeliner by Liana at : under 'make-up'.

Lipstick is 'Puffed Lips Hand Drawn' by applesoveroranges at :

For her hair, I recommend Nouks 'Huge Side Ponytail' at :

And for her outfit, I recommend 'Dresses by Kate K for JustSims2' at :

Now REMEMBER Aliyah may appear sweet and wholesome ... A friend of nature ....

But do not be fooled! She expects the best ... in dining; in clothes; in men ....

Often devouring her conquests, soul and all. She is the epitome of a femme fatale.

So when you look into her eyes, do not be caught in her spell of false innocence. Those eyes are responsible for the deaths of many Sim males ...

Will yours be next ?

*Hope you guys like her Smiley
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