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1  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / I just Went To The EA Site... on: September 21, 2007, 06:48:37 pm
Sleepycat, I have wanted some of those items but didn't know they were available. Thanks so much. BTW, I have a black cat that used to look just like the one in your avatar, but he grew up into this enormous 19 pound cat. He's beautiful and loves everyone. Thanks again for the link to the site!
2  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Sims wont go home on: September 12, 2007, 11:12:00 am
You are absolutely right. I have come up with the same information. There are a lot of people who are having problems getting their Sims off of vacation homes. As for now, my recommendation is for people to not have vacation homes, instead just use the hotels only. I read Maniacs post yesterday that he used the same version of Insim you used- the obj version- and got his off of a lot as well. For all good intentions, I would not give the advice to anyone to put it in their game, don't want to be flamed about that please, but I used it. Yes, I did, and it worked. It worked for that purpose, and now I have my Sims back. I also made copies of that vacation home (thanks for the great idea!) and now we wait for the patch. I'm in communication with EA/Maxis over this and also their BBS reporting bugs. I want this heard very clearly so that we can get it fixed when the patch comes out. From what I've heard, this is a pretty buggy EP. But everyone knows that already. I took out the Insim right after I got the job done. Just like you, I had to move the stuck Sims in with another family, then move them out. Lost their home, kept their wealth. I know, they move out with only 20,000, right? Look in their backpacks! They have enough cars to total their entire worth once again. I'll move them onto an empty lot, exchange the cars for simoleons, and they're ready to go. Thanks for your help, good luck to everyone, happy times.
3  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / pregnant while on vacation? on: September 11, 2007, 05:46:12 pm
I have a Sim who got pregnant while on vacation. The Sim has a faster decay of motives, but doesn't progress, i.e. no belly or delivery of a baby. As far as when she gets home, I haven't gotten that far yet. My family is stuck on 3 Lakes in their own vacation home and I have a thread going right now asking for help with that. I don't know if the pregnancy is related to them not being able to go home. Got the message that it was time to go, transportation was dispatched, no transportation. Called to end the vacation, did the conversation, but no message that transporation was dispatched. No jump bug, she just hung up the phone and after day 2 of time running out, they're still there. I boolpropped an error on her, reset her, took out the few mods/hacks I have, only have recolors now, no custom content, gave them more time, still won't leave. I guess they like the mountains, I would for sure. So there may be problems with a vacation pregnancy. BTW, I love that swimsuit your pregger Sim is wearing. Did that come with the game? I had problems with my first install, uninstalled everything, ran clean installer, reinstalled everything and found new clothes that didn't show up at first. But I didn't have any new swimsuits for Sim females. I am seeing bugs to the tune of vermin in this EP but I love it. I'll still play it regardless and do workarounds.
4  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Sims wont go home on: September 11, 2007, 05:28:22 pm
I have the same problem. Two Sims stuck on a vacation lot in 3 Lakes. Had 2 vacations, stayed in their own vacation homes, first time in Twikki (SP?) this time in 3 Lakes. All custom content removed, hacks/mods gone, nothing except Maxis straight out of the box. I got the message that the time was up on their vacation and that transportation had been dispatched and would arrive shortly. Never did. I had both Sims at different times call to end the vacation and go home, they did the conversation, then just hung up. No jump bug or anything, they just hang up the phone with no message of transportation or anything. Any ideas are welcome and thanks.
5  Resident Creators / EP4 Mods / More Pets Allowed In Family New Version Available(12/16/06) on: October 24, 2006, 09:04:43 pm
Cooooool, Now I can create this really awful butthound.... er... I mean, bloodhound, that one of my best friends used to have and not go over the critter limit. Thank you!
6  Resident Creators / EP4 Mods / Don’t walk away from stove while cooking on: October 20, 2006, 12:23:29 am
Thank you Pet Mastah, your diligance in keeping up with keeping up is greatly appreciated.
7  Resident Creators / EP2 Mods / EP2 Required:No autonomous cops & robbers on: April 22, 2006, 11:16:49 am
Thank you!
8  Resident Creators / EP2 Mods / EP2 required:no autonomous juggling with fridges new version available(4/17/06) on: April 15, 2006, 10:54:12 pm
Absolutely fantastic! Thanks so much! Just had to check on this one before I went out tonight and here it was! thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!!
9  Resident Creators / EP2 Mods / EP2 required:no more attraction(swoon thing) New Version Available(9/25/06) on: April 10, 2006, 10:38:27 am
I was laughing to myself when you mentioned that sound.... harps playing while nearly losing control of their knees. That absolutely kills me! It's been the number one peave to me ever since they added it in. I can always look into their chemistry file to see exactly how they feel about anyone (One lightening bolt, two, etc.) without the male swooning just at the moment the female's giving birth. But yet, he'll scream if he see's her naked coming out of the hot tub just after woo-hooing.....  actually that scream is funny to me. At any rate, I greatly appreciate how generous you are by sharing with us all. It makes the game so much better to be able to make lime seared prawns at home! And so much more! Thanks
10  Resident Creators / EP2 Mods / EP2 required:no more attraction(swoon thing) New Version Available(9/25/06) on: April 09, 2006, 10:44:17 pm
Hi, thanks for all that you have done to help the game! I have a question: is the swoon thing where they have the hearts floating around, harps playing and their knees wilt while they fan themselves? I absolutely hate that. I have downloaded your hack, but they're still doing it. Anyway, you've done so much for everyone and your help is greatly appreciated.
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