guess wat!? I'm still alive!! I've been working very hard to get this update hense my comp. crashing. TWICE. Well onto the delicious, well awaited update xD

The Dekalbs moved!! ^.^ I got tired of the old house I like this one MUCH MUCH more.

Awww how sweet....o wait, ughhh, somethings happening.....

Dun dun dun!! Those roses are not from Ashton....but from his love affair!!!! O.O Yes, I know I hav no pics of it but he went on a date with one of his younger -ahem- lady friends and Sarina read the flower note, got pissed and hate him for about five sim hours.

Then everything was hunky-dory!! O.o -is truamatized- xP
...Moving on....

A confusin yet amusing equation...
Autum+ self sims bf= first kiss??? By the way his gf which is my self sim, is dating Autums brother, Sam xDDD It's a love....square. O.o

Got a bird, his/her name is Astral.

DEATH!! ^.^ I know it's mean to be happy for them dying but I've waited sooo long for them to die so the others can grow up xDDD

Ashton: OMG fur realz? I'm dying??
Family: -sob sob-
Grimmy: Yup Yup, time to goez!
Sarina: Ladadadada...=]]
xD I just love that pic, she's oblivious as to her husbands death xD

Then she dies. T.T

R.I.P. Pawz, Ashton, and Sarina. And.....Tyler...cutting the shrubs -headdesk-

Finally sam grew up, ehh he's ok.


Autum: This is my 'I'm too hot for you so get me a frappocino, kthnx' face x]]

My my, who is this hunk of man-meat?? Hmmm??
You'll find out in the next update!!! ^.^