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A Safe Haven / Teen Discussion / Re: What Label Annoys You Most???
on: June 08, 2009, 06:14:38 pm
I hate pretty much all lables. To me, they're useless, and un needed.No one is a can of soup. o.o But I hate it when people mix up goth, for emo. Or Skater, for punk. Ect. As said by StupidFriday. As I said earlier, not need and overated. Isn't that a bit hypocritical to say you hate all labels, but then you hate when people mix up labels? I'm not super fond of labels, but whatever.
Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Honeys / Audrey Kitching {{UPDATED!}}
on: August 10, 2008, 10:12:54 pm
well, as I've been informed her hair is no longer available. Whilst I cannot supply it, there are a few alternatives that I've searched out for. Rose edit.. Scroll down a bit, and it's a rose edit. It's pink. And thanks to Anva for the lovely recolour. There is another, or perhaps there was another. It may have been at that site, or MTS2. It's an XM sims recolour, but I've had trouble locating it. Sorry!