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1  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Problem with Sim owned buisnesses on: June 04, 2008, 01:30:34 pm
Believe it or not, I actually have a problem that I can't figure out on my own.

All my sim owned community lots have a problem. When my sims call their employees in to work, the employees just come to work and hang out without the green balls appearing over them. The same thing happens when I hire employees by computer and phone. Ive tried selling the buisnesses and buying them back but no luck. If I hire a sim that walks into one of the buisnesses, they work fine. But when I open the buisness the next day, the employees just hang out. Any idea what could be causing the problem?
2  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Residential / Old Amberville Prison on: August 23, 2007, 02:03:49 pm
This is an old minimum security prison that was just so underused that it became a residential lot. It is partially based on an actuat correctional facility with a few added privacy features so that more than one of your sims can use the massive bathroom at the same time... It only has two bedrooms but one of them is a large dorm room so there's plenty of room for the kids...

These are pictures of the actual in-game house.

The bathroom has 8 showers and 5 toilets, 4 sinks and 4 slots for urinals.  The urinals can be found here:

Community items in residential

View of bathroom

View of the kids room

The house, besides having 2 beds and a bath, also has a kitchen, dining room, a large 2 car garage and a cozy living room on the first floor and a good sized game room on the second floor... There is absolutely no CC so you can decorate it any way you like.

For added realism, you can fence in the yard with Typhoon fencing which can also be found at MTS2.

I have everything up to GLS so anyone with GLS and higher shouldn't have problems with it...

3  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Residential / My medium sized mansion on: August 20, 2007, 10:37:06 pm
This is one of my favorite in-game houses and has a large master bedroom with its own balcony, bath and a room that would make a good nursery... It also has 5 smaller beds, 2 additional baths, a good sized kitchen and living room... On the property is a large pool with hottub, a pool house with 2 baths, a small decorative shed and a bowling alley.

These are pictures of the original in-game house.

Second floor view. The only difference between the decorated in-game house and the one that I've uploaded here is that I added a another bath on the second floor.

First floor view.

The house that I uploaded here is almost completely empty except for some  normal maxis stuff including the hot tub and fountains...  Other than that; there is absolutely no CC so you can have fun doing your own decorating and landscaping... I just used the pictures of the in-game house to give you some decorating ideas for it. :smile:

I have everything up to GLS so anyone with GLS and higher shouldn't have any problems with it...

4  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Residential / Little Green House on: August 19, 2007, 01:22:52 pm
This is my first upload here and it is a small house that was based on a house that I saw in a horror movie called Slugs. It has 2 beds, a living room, a kitchen and 1 bath with room to expand a bit. This house is mostly unfurnished except for some stock maxis kitchen and bathroom stuff so you can decorate it and landscape it with your own CC...

I have everything up to GLS so anyone running GLS and higher shouldn't have a problem with it. It was packaged using GLS and thoroughly checked with the Sims2Pack clean pack installer...

Be sure to let me know if you have any problems with it because I plan to upload a few more of my smaller houses for you to play with...

Enjoy... :smile:

Edit 1 - fixed CC problem and removed all CC...  Thanx Dinki!!! :smile:

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