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1  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Confused about vacation days? on: March 19, 2009, 02:02:30 pm
Hi all,
I'm a little confused, do you actually need to save up vacation days in the bon voyage pack to take a vacation or are they only used if you call in sick to work i'm really confuse please help thank you!   huh
2  Resident Creators / Mod Requests / Re: Mod for building on Comm & Apt Lots? (Edited 6:50PM) on: March 15, 2009, 06:22:36 pm
There is a cheat that does this you open up the cheat box (hold control shift c altogether) and type in boolprop aptsublotspecifictoolsdisabled (exactly as i've written it with the space after boolprop) then put a space and put false then hit enter it will allow you to enable all functions and works with Al and M&G hope this helps
3  Resident Creators / Mod Requests / Re: No auto vending machines or chess on: March 11, 2009, 02:46:22 pm
thank you guys you're the best!
4  Resident Creators / Mod Requests / No auto vending machines or chess on: March 08, 2009, 12:35:06 pm
I am wondering if two mods are possible. One to stop my sims obsessing over the AL vending machines, I like them in my game but they just wont leave them alone! Same problem with painting and chess. It would be awsome if there was a mod to stop all auto stuff. Thanks for listening to my request  Cheesy
5  Simmers' Paradise / FreeTime Help / Re: Can't cook for food contest at home on: February 23, 2009, 03:17:13 am
Oh ok that makes sense thank you guys  Cheesy
6  Simmers' Paradise / FreeTime Help / Can't cook for food contest at home on: February 22, 2009, 06:02:55 pm
I've got my skills up to cook dishes and my sims wants are to enter a cooking contest, I got invited to the secret lot and can enter there but I have no options to cook at home! Can anyone help? I've filled my kitchen with original maxis objects but still the option won't appear. I think i'm at level five Any help would be appreciated thank you!
7  Simmers' Paradise / Apartment Life Help / Is there a way to have more than four apartments? please help! on: February 16, 2009, 01:59:08 pm
Hi all,
After months of crashes, I finally have AL working  Grin the thing is I built a lovely apartment block but can only have four apartments active although I made more! Is there a cheat or way to increase this to house more than four apartments? Any help would be greatly appreciated  Hug2
8  Simmers' Paradise / Apartment Life Help / Re: Something About My Downloads. on: January 15, 2009, 06:31:52 pm
If it's all numbers and letters it's either a re-coloured object, a house file or saved sim file usually
9  Simmers' Paradise / Apartment Life Help / Re: Another Phone Problem. on: January 02, 2009, 04:02:04 pm
It sounds like you have either a hack to change phone behaviour or a custom phone installed the game doesn't like, try removing the phones or hack and try with maxis ones you can add them a bit at a time to find the incompatible one, if it heps it's usually one with a file called line controller
10  Simmers' Paradise / Apartment Life Help / Re: Sick of game crashing please help on: January 02, 2009, 03:41:01 pm
the error I get is "this application has crashed" It happens at random times no pattern I thought it may be my card but i have a fairly recent one and all the drivers are updated and I play with the lowest graphic options
11  Simmers' Paradise / Apartment Life Help / Re: Help please!!!! on: December 31, 2008, 05:13:07 pm
a lot of the files get replaced when a new expansion is released to avoid it copy the eagames sims folder to the desk top before installing then run it once, close it then put the files back they'll replace any new ones and it should work other things to try are delete the thumbnails file it will regenerate a new one in eagames the sims thumbnails  or delete the cache files that are in the same place but not in a folder they will also regenerate on starting the game, hope this helps
12  Simmers' Paradise / Apartment Life Help / Re: Beach? on: December 31, 2008, 05:08:42 pm
There is a way, download textures that look like both, there is a way to build pools under the sea texture to make them swim in it i think there are tutorials on modthesims2 and you can download a rug on sims graveyard under pc sims thats lets you sunbathe off vacation to get that beach feel hope this helps
13  Simmers' Paradise / Apartment Life Help / Sick of game crashing please help on: December 31, 2008, 04:11:07 pm
Hi all, I'm sick of seeing the error message and my game crashing, I have a pc high enough to run it, plenty of spare gigs, I put all graphics options to minimum, scanned for problem content, I don't think it's this as it happens in different places with different objects and they can't all be corrupt, i've even halved my downloads (sob) but to no avale, please does anyone else have this problem, know of common things or even suggest somethin, anything? After reading on the net i'm seriously tempted to go back to XP and bin Vista as some have said this is the problem, please help this desperate sims player!!
14  Simmers' Paradise / Apartment Life Help / Write novel crashes game on: December 29, 2008, 04:48:09 pm
Hi all
Can anyone solve this mystery, i've finally got my game workable(ish) but when my sim tries to write a novel I get the dreaded this application has crashed stuff. I thought maybe it was the custom PC I was using, So I tried it with several including the maxis one. Same problem, I tried hackdiff with no luck. Can anyone tell me if it's likey to be a hack and if so does anyone know of one that causes this? All help very much appreciated and happy new year!
15  Simmers' Paradise / Apartment Life Help / Not excepting custom content help! on: November 16, 2008, 09:02:08 am
yes I always do just in case I lose antything, also I started with a fresh neighbourhood and characters so I can't think of anything unless something is corrupted but if so, why can I use it pre Al but not after? argggh
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