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1  Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / WCIF-this window seat? on: December 06, 2013, 10:38:26 am

It's in the background of the picture. I am having a "duh" moment here. Is it an actual item, or do you build it in game?
I did search for a "window seat" but never found what is in this picture.
2  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / Police Cars on: November 25, 2013, 08:14:05 pm
This is not a problem or an issue, but....every time I go into my neighbourhood to build, just before I click on the lot I want to enter, I see a police car go down the street. It's not a one time occurrence, it happens every single time. I'm starting to think this is a crime ridden neighbourhood. In my other neighbourhood before I click on the lot I want to play, I see the flying pig every time. Either my game is funny or somebody up there has a weird sense of humour. I'm kinda wondering when I get around to my Medieval neighbourhood if I'm gonna see the spaceship. That would just make my day! NOT! I don't want alien medieval babies.
I stopped playing for a few years and have just now got back into it. When I get enough houses built and families moved in I'm thinking there's gonna be a lot of burglaries. The funny thing is, now I am always checking the alarm system in my house, just in case my Simmies are trying to send me a message.  Laugh
3  Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / Stainless Mix Master on: November 05, 2013, 11:00:49 am
Years ago I had one. It was used in place of the food processor. I can't remember who made it or where I got it. Can anyone help me? Fanku
4  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Just Curious to Know on: June 06, 2007, 03:35:56 am
As stated I am just curious to know whether or not this is possible, and please I am not requesting that anyone do this for me.
I am one of the probably few who plays "Themes". My particular interest is Medieval and Victorian, and I have 2 custom created neighbourhoods for this obsession of mine.
I have all the custom content I need to play, careers, horses, clothing, hair styles, etc,and also the No School hack.
I even have cobblestone roads which are wonderful, but I am curious to know if there is a way to convert the rest of the neighbourhood to my desired theme. I pretty much ignore the cars and trucks transversing my cobblestone roads, but it would be really awesome if I could somehow turn those vehicles into horses and carriages.
Having expressed said desire, I do think it is not possible, I can't imagine the time involved, or all the coding and complexity of things of that nature beyond my ability to understand that would be required.
5  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Major Brain Dead Moment on: April 06, 2007, 10:08:08 pm
I looked for the answer to this, but couldn't find it. After years of playing the game, I cannot remember the most trivial things. In order for newly created Sims, is it best to create them in body shop, and then go into game CAS and tweak? I tried making a Sim to-day, and I really messed up. The bodyshape reverts to maxis default, and I can't for the life of me remember how I made my other Sims, cause it doesn't haappen to them. Been a long time since I created one of my own.
Also in my defense, am on new medication that's messing with my short-term memory, so the concentration thing is kinda crappy right now too. this embarrasing!
6  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Computer explanation request on: March 31, 2007, 09:44:12 am
Can anyone help me with this? This morning I got up, turned on my Sims computer, and there was a message on my screen, "delay write failed......blah blah blah.
I have 2 hard drives on that computer, and use the second one for file saving purposes only. (Copy Sims2 folders for back up on that drive).
Am now having trouble opening Windows on that computer, presently it is doing the "checking file system" thingy, and that is going quite slowly.
I am wanting to know just what is this "delay write" tool? The function, the purpose?
I'm not quite sure how this goes, my primary drive is 1G, and my secondary drive is 80 g's (?). Meaning my primary drive is the larger of the 2. I am in the land of utter confusion when it comes to mg's, kb's gig's, having no idea whatsoever, what any of that actually means. (other than a space measurement, but I'm old school, miles, not kilometres, farenhiet, not celcius, neither of which it appears I can spell properly at the moment)
Since I cannot get into that computer, all I can tell you is that I exceed all of the requirements to play Sims2, pertaining to Video card, speed, and space, etc. I am running Windows XP, home edition, and until today have not had any problems, apart from 2 spectacular crashes where I inadvertantly wiped my entire hard drive. Silly me, I had to do it twice, as if once was not devastating enough! But that issue has been resloved, the reason for the crashes has been discovered and repaired. Since then my computer has been running smoothly, no issues, glitches, etc., until this morning.

Would I be better off only enableing the second drive when I copy my folders and/or replace them, and then disabeling the drive when I am finished? This is the first time the computer has not opened, so to speak, after this "delay write" message has appeared. It has operated before after displaying this message, so I am completely in the dark as to what my actual problem is.
7  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / How on Earth do I accomplish this? on: March 27, 2007, 06:12:27 pm
I have this unrelenting fascination with houses, bordering on obsession, so consequently I download far too many. The fun thing is to just tour the property, but every now and again I do happen upon a particular house plan that captures my fancy.
And therein lies my dilema. I do not always like the choice of decoration, and rarely like my pre-made houses to be furnished.(Simply a personal preference, not meant to disparage anyone's tastes and excellent efforts)
So I make my changes, and in the interests of the KISS effect (keep it simple stupid)(if you knew me, this practise is self-explanatory) so as to not overload my game too much, I usually replace the walls and floors with Maxis *ugh* content, delete the unwanted items, repackage the house (for my own private use). I then exit my game, and using Clean Installer delete all the unwanted files that show up.
Thus far, that practise has proven quite effective,
No matter which angle I approach a bay window from, I simply cannot delete the items placed on the windowsill. Consequently I cannot also simply delete the bay window (cannot delete objects with something on them).
I don't want to have to resort to my other practise of mapping the entire house out, and rebuild from scratch, but I just can't get rid of these items.
So............any suggestions???
8  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Another stupid moment on: March 16, 2007, 03:09:06 pm
So....... I finally got brave, cleaned out my downloads folder, got rid of all my hacks, and installed Seasons. Stupid me, forgot to backup my neighbourhoods, so yeah I lost them. Oh well.
I backed up everything else, don't know how I forgot that one, but that's ok. I went to University, played for a while just to see how things go, because I can't find the Prima Guide anywhere in my city. I hate not having the guide!:(
Then I saved and quit. Went in the next day and thought I'd try Riverblossom, curious about the winter (I'm such a dumb-ass, I live in Canada, I know about winter-lol) and for whatever reason I could not play. The game ran, the Sims did their thing, but I could not click anything. So I quit and restarted the game, and everything is like I never played at all, the Seasons-creating weather comes up, then creating Pets comes up. Weird, not sure about that one. But now............a lot of my clothes in CAS are blackened, and they were working fine before.
*cries* I'm so confused------what am I doing wrong??? *cries some more*
9  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Sorry-very confused on: March 16, 2007, 02:52:13 pm
I thought at one time there was a list on No atonomous mods, but I can't seem to find it. Could be my spelling *red face*
If there still is, do they work with Seasons, or are they in the "to be updated process"?
Because I am computer technically challenged I removed ALL my hacks, and I'm starting fresh. I've got the Updated for Seasons. but I was just wondering about the atonomous ones.
Sorry if I missed the post. And I'm not asking for an update, just wondering is all.
10  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Is this normal? on: March 15, 2007, 04:05:20 pm
I was playing in my University and I forget which Sim, she lives alone, anyway............I sent her to the fridge for a snack of chips and she went nuts! The way she gobbled them down, and the noise she made *yech*-what a pig!
She wasn't in danger of starving, I was just topping up her hunger level before I sent her to study and work on her term paper.
11  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Re: Hair ??? on: March 10, 2007, 04:12:29 pm
I am in the process of cleaning out my downloads folder before I install Season's. I'm actually getting rid of stuff-hard to believe, download addict that I am--but stuff is actually being deleted. LOL
I have mastered the Hair Binning Tool from MTS2, and am in the sssllloooowww process of cleaning out my hair recolors. (Sometimes I think this is gonna take forever)
My question is: Does it make that much of a difference when you un-check unwanted or non-existant hair colors? I remember reading about the polygons for hair meshes, but I'm curious as to the actual recolors themselves. BTW by unwanted, what I mean is the hair style recolors that repeat themselves, or weren't made for a particular age group.
Thanks. Smiley
12  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Question for Beosboxboy on: March 05, 2007, 06:01:52 pm
I have Season's, but I haven't installed it yet. I read your info about Season's but I'm a bit confused. I'm really sorry to be such a bother, but my video card is-HIS X1600Pro 256mb ICEQ AGP8x, and I purchased an additional 1GB of ram. I have 120GB Sata 7200rpm hard drive, with an additional 80 gig hard drive for storage for my downloads (By storage I mean the zip and rar files I download).
Is this good enough, or should I get something better? Somewhere else there was a test you could run to see if your system could handle Season', and I need to upgrade my video card driver, and my sound card driver, (which I will get my computer technicians to do, as I just don't know what is what) Without Season's installed my game runs beautifully, and if possible I would like it to run just as well when I am ready to install Season's.
I realize you are very busy and lots of people have lots of questions for you, but you always give such comprehensive explanations that I didn't know who else to ask.
Thank you very much.  Smiley
ps---I forgot, I'm planning on buying another gig of ram at the end of the month.
13  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Corrupted file question on: February 21, 2007, 07:31:21 pm
Ok here goes my attempt to explain my problem. After 3 computer crashes in which my hard drive was wiped completely, I think I have found the problem. In "C" drive, EAGames, the sub folder for "language support" is corrupted, at least according to my computer. For the 4th time I have uninstalled the  ##game, and now before I attempt to re-install it for the 5th time, do I have to purchase new games? How do I tell if the corrupted file is actually installing from my base game or one of the expansion packs?
Actually everything was fine until I tried to put in the scripts for my modular stairs, which have all worked fine before. This time I tried that "Scriptorium" from MTS2, and that is when everything went for "exploded*. After I put the stairs script into the "Scriptorium", the game wouldn't load.

If I choose not to use that program, can I still put all my stairs scripts in like I used to--C drive-Program Files- EAGames- Sims2- blah blah blah. I know you have to put the scripts in the base game.

I'm sorry to be such a bother, but today I finally got my computer back, after buying 1Gig of ram in addition to what I already had, and now I can't even play-----crying profusely----
14  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Lot Expander fromMTS2-anybody try it? on: February 16, 2007, 04:13:14 pm
Has anyone got this program form MTS2. You are supposed to be able to expand lots after you put a house on it. I've tried it 6 time, all complete failures. Just wondering if anyone else has gotten it to work. I sent a pm to the creator, but haven't heard back yet. I made sure it was the only house on the street too, so I wouldn't be bumping into my neighbour.
15  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / How do you minimize the game? on: February 15, 2007, 07:02:18 pm
I see in some posts, about the game minimizing, how do you do that? And on a funnier note, today for the first time in all the time I have been playing the Sims2, the spaceship appeared. I've had the flying pig, lots of times, but until today I didn't know there was a spaceship.

In my one family, they have 4 adult sons who all go to work on the helicopter, and today my elder female sim got the fright of her life when the helicopter came. Don't know why, but for a minute I thought the poor old dear was going to croak.
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