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1  Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / WCIF hair's girls. on: April 16, 2010, 09:24:34 am
Hello guys and girls.

I'm wondering where can I find these 2 girls hair styles I saw in a WCIF section of an other forum,I wish to have them in my own game too.No one answered the person so I hope maybe here someone knows  YAY

You are so great if you find them  Rock
2  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / Primadonna sims can't work. on: June 12, 2009, 06:46:45 pm
Hello ^^

I'm sure to be in the wrong section, I'm sorry for that I'll not  be angry with you if you move my topic, but I notice I can't download on this site I click on the pictures to download the clothes I want and then I see an error page instead of the .rar ( start download.What a shame !

Does everyone has the same trouble ?

3  Simmers' Paradise / Accessories / That bag (look inside for the pic please) on: June 12, 2009, 05:47:11 pm
Hello again my friends.

I'm sorry to disturbing you again.I found a very sweet white handbag I wish I have in my game (the pic below) . As you know I can't design or recolors sims 2 stuff.
I'd like to ask someone who like design sims 2 accessories , to make this for me,please.I don't want my wish bother people.
Here the pic:

I'm very grateful with you I know that it's always hard to make something for the sims whatever the EP.
Take your time to make that I'm not in a hurry.

Thank you in advance !

PS:I'm afraid that bag is already made ! If it the case don't pay attention to my request.

4  Simmers' Paradise / Clothing & Body Mesh's / These separates clothes [Closed] on: June 12, 2009, 05:34:28 pm
Good Evening Insimenator's members.

I'm sorry to bother you but I need your help.Unfortunately, I can't recolor or design clothes because I don't have the patience for making that and not the good drawing software.(Photoshop is very expensive as you know and download it , is not a good idea)
Tonight I found some cool stuff on the Internet  I want absolutely in my game.

I'm afraid the stuff I want is already made and availible in a site, but I take the risk to ask you to make these cool stuff for me.

This is the photo:

that jean short:

and finally that top (I'm sorry I can't find the back)

Please,may someone can realize my wish ?

I'm very grateful with your future work and for your generosity.

Take your time I'm not in a should know that  YAY

5  Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / WCIF wall stickers? (found thank you ) on: June 09, 2009, 03:17:57 pm
Good evening my friends.

I hope you well ! My request for today is very hurry.I'm looking for wall deco stickers for the Sims 2. I found a little bit in sims2cri thanks to Google but I want to know if it possible to find another in others sites.
I'll very grateful to your help, it's so precious for me.

Have a nice day (or night)


6  Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / WCIF customs face mask? (closed) on: June 05, 2009, 04:11:29 pm
hello everybody.

Can someone help me to find some customs face masks (It's hard to find some good) for all ages all genders all themes and all skintones? I accept freeckles and beauty marks.

Thanks in advance.

Have a nice night (or day Smiley)
7  Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / WCIF inSimenator (french version) [Closed] on: May 30, 2009, 11:14:43 am
hello everybody.

I downloaded the French version of inSimenator for Appartment Life , and I lost it. Maybe I'm too tired or blind at that moment, but I don't find it on the site.
I need it very much !! I love that hack !
Can someone help me Smiley ?


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