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1  Simmers' Paradise / FreeTime Help / Free Time Patch on: September 20, 2008, 04:33:22 am
Hello there!

I'm seriously considering buying Apartment Life, but first I have to decide whether or not to patch my copy of Free Time. It wouldn't normally be an issue, but I had serious problems with the Bon Voyage Patch (the second one, I think) which made my game unplayable and finished off one of my neighborhoods. It took a lot of googling and checking the boards at MATY before I realised how to correct it (a complete reinstall and hack of my registry files). To this day, my copy of BV remains unpatched. I have had no problems.

After that, I heard that the first FT patch was seriously borked. The second one is supposed to be OK, but is it? My game runs fine without it, and I'm unsure whether I should take the risk after my BV problems, but it is good practise to patch before you upgrade to AL.

Any advice?
2  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Gloria's Tale on: September 10, 2008, 03:48:00 pm
Righty then. I've attempted to post stories before, but they've never received much attention. I figured it was partly my images that were the problem, so I've been practising some shots. Anyway, here we go with story number two. Contains unpleasantness, but nothing too graphic I hope. The pics won't be rated 18 or anything silly like that!

Edit: Have only just read the content guidelines for this site and realise I've broken a rule, so I'm not sure what to do. I guess I'll continue for now, but with a warning.

WARNING: In this story, you will see

a) homosexual relationships
b) age inappropriate relationships (this is the one I'm concerned about)
c) violence and criminal behaviour
d) pretty unpleasant plotlines

But you will NOT see

a) nudity (teen sims posing in their underwear is as risque as this is going to get... I prefer the power of suggestion anyway. Explicit pics really put me off a story... it's like Barbie and Ken came to life and started doing things to each other that kind of made me want to tear out my eyes!)
b) swearing (although I reserve the right to $^*((&%^ when things begin to &($£ me off!)
3  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Toddlers with LTW-Corrupted Character Files on: March 01, 2008, 05:16:55 pm
This is a follow up to my last post. I have una big problemo. Previously, I was getting sims with the wrong LTWs for their aspiration (family sims wanted to be Professional Party Guests etc). Now I have toddlers with LTWs. Clearly, this is A Bad Thing.

It means I have corrupted my character files. Now, it would be very easy to simply change the toddler's LTWs back to 'grow up' using BoolProp, or Insim, or SimPE. But according to other message boards, this problem spells the beginning of the end for your neighborhood.

I realise that this is my fault. I saved a family from my friend's computer and imported them directly into the game, complete with lot. Having read the message boards, I now realise this is Another Bad Thing.

What I want to know is this: is there a way to uncorrupt these files using SimPE for good? Has anyone done it before?

Help would be appreciated!:-P
4  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Wrong lifetime wants and LTWs with Inteen on: February 24, 2008, 03:59:49 pm
Hello there. I've got two quick questions here, and I was wondering if anyone could help.

1. In my game, certain NPC and service sims have aspirations which are incorrect for their aspiration (eg romance sims want to marry off 6 kids, fortune sims want a golden wedding etc). This worries me, as I have heard that it is the first step towards your neighborhood going up in a puff of firey doom smoke. I hear the next step is children having LTWs. Gulp. I've been too scared to check yet...

2. I have Inteen. One of my Romance teenagers has a lifetime want to WooHoo with 20 different sims. She's been a busy girl, but I've noticed that whilst she gets the appropriate memory for each sim (eg a WooHoo with Charlie memory) she doesn't get the WooHoo with 5 sims/10 sims etc memory. Does this mean that a) I cannot achieve her LTW whilst she's still a teen and/or b) not only is a true, but all this activity is going to mess up achieving her LTW as a Young Adult/Adult, as the numbers of sims she WooHooed with were not properly registered?

Just wondered if anyone else had the same issues :-O
5  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Life of a Sim- Coral's Story on: July 02, 2007, 04:14:18 am
Right, this first post is going to be an experiment to see how you upload pics onto these forums... let's see...

Meet Coral Smith.
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