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1  Resident Creators / Mod Requests / G&M Stuff - Making autonomous-only action selectable. on: November 24, 2008, 03:40:28 pm
Dear Squinge,

What I would like for Christmas...

Ehrm, sorry, felt the sudden urge to start a Santa-like letter.
Anyways, I do have an actual request:

The Garden & Mansion Stuff Pack comes with a new action/animation (which can also be seen in the trailer): sims can slide down the banisters.
Unfortunately, this seems to be an autonomous-only action, and since it's so incredibly cool that sims can finally do this, I'd like to be able to tell them to do it, instead of sitting there, waiting until they decide to slide down the stairs rather than walk down the stairs.

So yeah, is it possible to make this a selectable action?

Thanks! (even if it's not possible, just for thinking about it)
2  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Help needed with graphic-settings. on: October 25, 2008, 09:19:50 am

I kinda need your help. You see, just yesterday, I got my new pc.
After installing every single Sims 2 EP and SP there is out there, I put in my back/up, so that I still have my contest-sims.
The only issue I now have, is that my shadows and refresh rate are still grayed out, as in: I can't change them. I know for sure that this new pc can handle it, so I'm guessing it has something to do with me putting my old files in, and maybe overwriting a file which now makes my game think that my pc still can't handle that.
I think it's a file in my Config. folder, but I wanted to check with some people who know more about this, before I end up killing my game.
Sooo, any idea's on how to fix this? I thought that maybe I could just delete the Config. folder, but I don't know if the game will automatically generate a new one. So yeah, any help would be greatly appreciated. ^^

3  Resident Creators / Mod Requests / Hula and more + Toddler poses on: September 17, 2008, 05:48:16 am
Hiya Squinge,
Since you're back now, I thought there might be a tiny chance of his happening.
Could you possibly update both the Hula and more hack and the Toddler poses one? because I believe they could be of even more use then they are already, if certain animations get added to them. ^^
If not, I totally understand and stuff, but I know of several people that would gladly welcome new versions of these hacks into their games. Cheesy
4  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / InSIM with Freetime - Contest issues on: March 07, 2008, 05:38:11 pm
Hiya all!

Since I'm not too fabulous at thinking my actions trough, I've installed Freetime, while I really need the InSIMenator to be able to do my round for a contest I'm in.
Is there a chance to totally screw my game by using the OBJ-version to take my pics and then exit without saving? Or will I be relatively safe if I do that, and immediately kick out InSIM afterwards?
Because I don't want to drop because of a new EP, but I don't want to blow up my sims either.
So yeah, just wondering if any of the experts here knows. Smiley

Thanks in advance for any answers provided!
5  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Be My Valentine - The Love of Berezi and Odin on: March 11, 2007, 03:01:30 pm
Yes, finally, after aaages of busy/lazy me, I'm going to finish their story!
For everyone who didn't follow the contest, I'll repost my contest entry's and all here, and then I'll go write my 'Round 3'. Everything is written out of Berezi's point of view.
I hope you all have fun with reading this. Smiley


Meet Berezi and Odin

Berezi Rodreu, 26

Berezi: "Arrr! Ya pirate!"

Berezi: "Oh Odin.."

Odin Amgra, 43

Odin: "Say cheeese!"

Berezi: "Oh, there he is! How's my breath?"
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