I couldn't find many/any myself, so what I did, you could do.... Just download some Prairie and Victorian clothing (All About Style has great stuff). Put these clothes in your Downloads folder along with any of the curvier shapes and clothing for those shapes (I used the CP) that have similar "mesh styles/shapes" to them. For instance, if you have a prairie dress, perhaps you could download a Classic Pinup gown? At any rate, the shape of the curvier clothing mesh is the shape your recolor will be, so just aim to get as close as you can. This is the only way of making recolors by using someone else's mesh...otherwise, you would need to modify the desired mesh in Milkshape.
Once your downloads folder has both the normal and curvier clothing items in it, open up TS2 Body Shop (comes with the game). Make some recolors using it. Here, I refer you to the many tutorials...just do a search in your browser for "TS2 converting clothing between body shapes." Worked for me!

Thanks, i'll give it a go.