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1  Simmers' Paradise / Sims / Sim Self Request ~ on: September 29, 2010, 04:22:02 pm
I'm new to posting here so forgive me if I have this wrong. I would like to request a sim self of well, myself.

Here are the pictures:

My skin is light to medium light. Very close to what you see in the profile picture above.

My eyes are deep brown. They look black when I wear black.

As for my hair... I guess I am a light brunette. Kinda close to XMsims "brown" and other brown hair colors.

I am 16 so I would say make me a teen, or whatever you think is more appropriate. You can use whatever Custom Content you see fit.

*Admin edit: Just to add img tags so people can see the images in the post rather than having to click the links Smiley*

Thanks in advance I've been trying to make myself since I got the game from pre-order way back whenever it came out years ago. None of them were quite like me so hopefully someone else can do better.
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