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1  Simmers' Paradise / Apartment Life Help / Mods Hackdiff Say Is Compatable With Apartment Life on: August 28, 2008, 10:22:40 am
I ran the hackdiff program on some of my favorite mods and I am posting the report here for all of you to see, that way you can find out if your favorite mod is compatible or not. I Hope this helps some of you out there.

I am not speaking for the creators of the mods. I just ran the program and posted the findings.

I'll try and post this in the Apartment Life section when one gets started. If I remember to.

Updated to remove ACR since reports say it is not working

2  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Mods hackdiff says is compatable with Freetime on: February 27, 2008, 08:26:25 pm
I ran the hackdiff program on some of my favorite mods and I am posting the report here for all of you to see, that way you can find out if your favorite mod is compatible or not. I Hope this helps some of you out there.:smile:

I am not speaking for the creators of the mods. I just ran the program and posted the findings.

I'll be posting this in the Freetime section when one gets started.


3  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Custom objects question (not mod related) on: September 20, 2007, 08:52:59 am
I was wondering if anyone is having trouble with custom objects in the game ? ( not mods just objects) I was having trouble with one of my houses crashing out. I had no mods in the game at that time just objects, and now I am scared to use any of my custom object in my new house. Does anyone have any advice for me? Thanks in advance for any help Smiley
4  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Missing trash bin in CAS on: September 15, 2007, 04:47:09 pm
Am I the only one who does not have a trash bin in CAS I went to delete some skin and such and found no trash bin anywhere :angryfir:. Can anyone help me figure this out or is it something Maxis did?
5  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / updated 9-13:Mods hackdiff says is compatable with BV (added a few more to the list) on: September 11, 2007, 02:53:32 pm
I ran the hackdiff program on  some of my favorite mods and I am posting the report here for all of you to see, that way you can find out if your favorite mod is compatible or not. I Hope this helps some of you out there.

I am not speaking for the creators of the mods. I just ran the program and posted the findings.

I guess I forgot to post the file. Sorry

I added a few more to the list. I think that about does it for the stuff I use are may use in the game, and I hope this was helpful Smiley peace to all.
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