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31  Simmers' Paradise / Sims 2 Pictures / Re: ~*~Yuri couples!~*~ Post them here! on: April 15, 2009, 04:50:55 am
Yay! Nice pics Magicflute... =] I really love their family... their kids are really adorable.

Good to see some new faces, amber. Cute couple. =]
Keep the pics coming guys, I'm really looking forward to seeing more of your couples or updates on your current couple! I'm hoping to get my own pics soon... unfortunately not a lot of freedom around here. =[
Have to wait for a good opportunity.
32  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Re: Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 42 of sequel up) on: April 15, 2009, 04:20:50 am

Okay, both of those chapters were really sweet. Well, I lie. The one with Seth was sweet & sad and I just thought the second was sweet because Ferris' very cute adult appearance is only just now setting in. haha. I really, really love him, I might die from his sugary-white face. =]
I do wish that Crystal and Early can live happy together, even thought Ferris is being kicked out. =[ If only Crystal could be a little nicer about it...

I hope Seth really didn't do it... and if he did he can think he didn't. haha. Good enough for me.
33  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Re: Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 40 of sequel up) on: April 04, 2009, 11:09:42 pm
Aw. Hope you recover soon! Flu is a nasty thing, lucky I'm in a hot place or I'd be sick as well.

That was really cute. >.< I just love Early and I'm so glad he's cleaning up, and really wants to be a good daddy. =] I feel bad for Ferris, but I'm still rooting for Seth on that one.

I'm excited to see what happens with everyone! Especially Terry and Izzy.
Well if you post later this week I'm gonna have to wait. =[ Going to Japan for a week! I may get to use an internet cafe there one day but we'll see.
34  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Re: Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 39 of sequel up) on: April 02, 2009, 09:36:09 pm
haha. Must be tough work. =o

Aw... no, Seth. >.< I already miss seeing his pretty face.
Okay well, kinda glad that Terry is going to come after Izzy.. but still things are so complicated. Also kinda hard to accept that Bastian is dating another guy, but I guess it's for the best if Izzy and Terry actually get together. Man, it makes me dizzy just thinking about it. x___x

Keep 'em coming. I don't mind waiting but... it's too much suspense. haha.

35  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Re: Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 36 of sequel up) on: March 31, 2009, 08:09:36 pm
Aww. I'm sad to see that Izzy and Terry are truly over... although it's better this way, but still I was kinda sad to see that Terry and Nando didn't get together. Still, I love his new boyfriend. =] I also really want to see Izzy and Bastian back together. >.<

Yay, Ferris is going home! Well, as long as nothing crazy happens while on the island.

That's so sad, I can't believe Seth killed Kane for real. =[ But he was under the influence, so he still doesn't belong in CT. He has to be in the city for Ferris. That would be so awful if he went back to the funny farm. T____T

Awesome updates. There's so many characters now to keep track of. haha.
36  Simmers' Paradise / Sims 2 Pictures / Re: ~*~Yuri couples!~*~ Post them here! on: March 22, 2009, 01:08:03 am
Yay! =]
I love the pics... Sorry you had to go to a yuri-forbidden zone... I have much experience in those. >___>

Aw, their son is adorable. ^^
Please post more pics when you get back!
37  Simmers' Paradise / Sims 2 Pictures / Re: ~*~Yuri couples!~*~ Post them here! on: March 14, 2009, 06:04:51 pm
Thank you! =3 -oogles yuri-

Awesome couple, magicflute! They look really good together. I really like Devan, she has that punk rock twist that I really like. =] Please keep the pictures coming!
38  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Re: Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 34 of sequel up) on: March 04, 2009, 10:23:41 pm
haha. Strange yes, but they're all terribly gorgeous! =]

I understand you have to keep the story under wraps. I just hate waiting for a good story. haha.

I can't wait to see the next chapter, and the Ferris flashback. I'll try to check back more often but I really have to grab the opportunity here. v.v Hopefully I'll be able to read the chapter as soon as it comes out.
39  Simmers' Paradise / Sims 2 Pictures / Re: ~*~Yuri couples!~*~ Post them here! on: March 03, 2009, 01:17:16 am
I can only hope! You all must provide any and all yuri for the next few months... and that's all I get. =[

Maybe maybe maybe I will be able to post some... I do have Sims up and running here but nothing even close to the prettiness of my home game... and I have to start my couples from scratch. T___T' I miss my compy. Almost no custom content is a bish.

Please, for my sanity, post at least a little bit. pleaseandthankyouandiwillloveyouforever. =]
Yeah... I'm already going through withdrawals. heheh...
40  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Re: Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 34 of sequel up) on: March 03, 2009, 12:43:30 am
Aw! Seth and his grandma... so cute. =]
I'm just a little scared for Ferris though. He's in a pretty awful situation now.

I'm really awfully mad at Bastion right now... I don't blame him, but knowing Izzy's side makes it worse. haha.

I really, really hope that Early can get it together and be a daddy to Ramon... I'm a sucker for a reunited family. haha. And I love the Nando flashbacks! So cute... I really, really love teen Nando, he's freakin' adorable. =3

Gosh, that was a whole afternoon of reading! haha. I can't wait for the next update. I'm also terribly interested to see Ferris' flashback... as we still don't know too much about him.
41  Simmers' Paradise / Sims 2 Pictures / Re: ~*~Yuri couples!~*~ Post them here! on: February 25, 2009, 06:36:29 am
Neh? Anyone?

-puppy dog eyes for yuri-
42  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Re: Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 31 of sequel up) on: February 25, 2009, 06:35:25 am
Ahh! Oh my word, when you write you write! Well I don't have time to read those right now... but I'll let you know when I do!

Aha, I wondered why.
haha. No, unfortunately I cannot take credit for whatever story that was. Unless someone at home found mine and tried to upload it, which is very unlikely.
43  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Re: Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 26 of sequel up) on: February 20, 2009, 08:21:37 am
Aw. Just read the last chapter and the most recent chapter. Awesome good story right there. =P
I really really want everyone to get back to the city. The conversations between Izzy and Isabel make my spine shiver. haha. Reminds me of a lot of my relatives.
Also really want to see with Bas and Izzy, since I really love them as a couple. If I was Bastion I would be thinking twice about the shag, they definitely don't need more to fight about.

Well, other than the fact that my lotr stories were written something like 4 years ago... I deleted most of them a long time ago now, and either way, I'm not even on my home computer. haha.
I think it would be so fun to write something for AFF, since I'm always reading such crap-tastic stories there. =D Ah... memories. But who knows, maybe someday I'll get bored or inspired enough to do so.
44  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Re: Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 25 of sequel up) on: January 31, 2009, 01:53:27 am
Yay! Internet! Sorry I've been gone for awhile... the jet lag and all the other crap over here (the insane heat, for one) has kept me from the computer for awhile.

Lotr? Hm, kind of, when I was reading the books I started writing a couple fanfics, but I never posted any of them. xD Because I was a wimp like that.

haha. That's true. Someone who can beat him up a little. Ferris is too sweet... or at least too willing. =P
45  A Safe Haven / Teen Discussion / Re: Most Ridiculous Answers to Essays on: January 23, 2009, 07:21:55 pm
Hm, I'd say the funniest (and really this isn't all that funny, since I'm boring) thing I've written, was for an essay.

The first English class of the year, and with the famed English/Socials/Law teacher in our school. We had to write an essay on something we learned over the summer. Since I hadn't learned anything, obviously, I wrote about all the methods I developed to avoid my parents/work. Got a pretty decent mark too, since the teacher is made of awesome.
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