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1  Simmers' Paradise / Apartment Life Help / Witch Help :) on: October 03, 2008, 01:07:29 pm
I had this problem and it was a hack. I don't remember exactly which one, but it seems like it was one of carrigon's kick boxing or something like that. I know that's not extremely helpful but it's a start. I used the clean installer to disable and weed out the culprit. It also may have been a dresser hack I wish I could remember for sure.
2  Simmers' Paradise / Apartment Life Help / Outing and date gifts left outside on: September 28, 2008, 04:49:28 pm
Sweet, Thanks for your help!!
3  Simmers' Paradise / Apartment Life Help / Outing and date gifts left outside on: September 28, 2008, 02:46:38 pm
I couldn't find where anyone else has had this problem, but I'm hoping that some one will know what I should do. In apartments my sims can't pick up or move the gifts their neighbors leave outside their door. I know it's the way apartments work, anything outside is community property, but these things are blocking the door. How can I move or remove them? Any suggestions? Thanks a bunch!!
4  Simmers' Paradise / Apartment Life Help / AL Sectional Not Working on: September 26, 2008, 08:31:45 pm
You guys are awsome!!! I had the exact problem and just removed the "is chair..." cheat and have been tollerating the game without it, so Thank you so much for putting in the link!!!
5  Simmers' Paradise / Apartment Life Help / mailbox trouble on: September 26, 2008, 08:28:22 pm
I don't cap. anything and the cheat works for me, unless I have capslock stuck on...
6  Simmers' Paradise / Apartment Life Help / Placing Cars on: September 26, 2008, 08:26:19 pm
The game deleted the car when I tried placing it before rezoning also. Does the garage have to be connected with an "interrior" door? I had all kinds of trouble with attaching the garage until I used what I think was the "Justa door" that came with the game.
7  Simmers' Paradise / Apartment Life Help / Apartment on: September 21, 2008, 02:25:33 pm
It's ctrl + shift + C then type changelotzoning apartmentbase if the apartments are in the main hood. There's another "apartment..." if the apartments are in a suburb but I'm not sure what the word is... the above suggestion does work though, it'll list out all these cheats and apartmentbase and the one I can't think of come up.
8  Simmers' Paradise / Apartment Life Help / Can't pay the rent on: September 15, 2008, 12:08:23 pm
Have you used the insim to set auto bill pay to on? I've been using that and no one has been evicted. Also, is the mail box an apartment type? If it's a house looking mail box you've got a replacement mail box somewhere in your game. This thread covers that trouble
Also, I have started using Monique's computer in some of my homes and apartments to see how it works with AL and it hasn't caused me any problems (yet) but I won't swear to it until it's updated.
9  Simmers' Paradise / Apartment Life Help / Help! Appartment and Cars on: September 11, 2008, 06:45:56 pm
I've tried placing cars and then moving a sim in, the cars disappear leaving a drive way. Which wrecks what could have been a yard. Maybe some smart modder will find a way to change the way this is set up until then, I'll just be thankful for the game and the mods and modders who make it better.
10  Resident Creators / EP7 Mods / Thank You Thank you!! on: September 11, 2008, 06:32:08 pm
:tongue8:You are a God among... other really cool people!
11  Simmers' Paradise / Apartment Life Help / My Witch can't cast spells (Resolved) on: September 06, 2008, 02:05:23 pm
I figured it out, someone else had used my computer and thought they were helping me by messing with stuff. Which installed a hack and... Time to put my windows screen name on lock down! Thanks

My playable sim asked a witch he was friends with to move in with him. Now she can't cast spells! She still has the book and everything I had her make the reagents so she's got those also. But the Cast Spell... option won't come up for her. She can still fly, dresses like a witch and has everything, except the spell option. When she moved in with him her cat didn't come with her and I'd like to cast the cat spell for her. I've taken my Down loads folder out but it didn't work. Any ideas? Thanks!!
12  Simmers' Paradise / Apartment Life Help / Problems becoming a wizard/witch on: September 06, 2008, 01:08:12 pm
Carrigon has a pineapple that summons witches both light and dark. I don't have the link but I'm pretty sure I searched for it on insim. I don't have a Carmen witch. The one I see most is Phoebe Adams and the elder witch in my game is named Kitty, so I think names might be random. I don't know why this was different for me, but I had a teen that was really low friendship with the witch and had just met her but she showed him the light after one short conversation with him. I thought it was supposed to be that easy. Does it depend on the lifetime aspiration of the sim? Mine was a popularity sim.
13  Simmers' Paradise / Apartment Life Help / WEDDINGS? on: September 04, 2008, 10:08:14 pm
I had one wedding which messed everything up pretty well. I did have to let them get married inside of an apartment. I just didn't have  many guests. The messed up part is that since they didn't live in the same apartment togather... no one changed residence and they lived in seporate places. I wound up having to use the "add neighbor to family cheat" to get them moved in togather. I'm unsure if that was just some kind of glitch, but I'll admit like an idiot, I'd forgotten that the woman had placed an add for a room mate... nothing changed once the room mate showed up, that might have originally been the problem. They're one happy family now, thanks to this forum. You may try looking for a mod that allows community lot weddings. I hope this helps.
14  Retired Creators / SexyFeet Replacements / *SexY FeeT* replacements for Glamour stuff*Updated*01-08-2008 on: January 08, 2008, 02:15:35 am
Yeay!!! Thank you so so much! You Rock!!!
15  Resident Creators / Curvaceous Women / "Vestido de Gala" CP Gown for Fran~Oneblondmomma on: December 09, 2007, 02:50:22 pm
Thanks so much for all your hard work!! I hadn't planned on downloading today because I've just got so much already but I can't resist now that I've found your wonderful work. I wish I had a dab of your talent, it's terrific!!! Time to delete some of my less shapely clothes!!
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