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Simmers' Paradise / Apartment Life Help / Outing and date gifts left outside
on: September 28, 2008, 02:46:38 pm
I couldn't find where anyone else has had this problem, but I'm hoping that some one will know what I should do. In apartments my sims can't pick up or move the gifts their neighbors leave outside their door. I know it's the way apartments work, anything outside is community property, but these things are blocking the door. How can I move or remove them? Any suggestions? Thanks a bunch!!
Simmers' Paradise / Apartment Life Help / My Witch can't cast spells (Resolved)
on: September 06, 2008, 02:05:23 pm
I figured it out, someone else had used my computer and thought they were helping me by messing with stuff. Which installed a hack and... Time to put my windows screen name on lock down! Thanks
My playable sim asked a witch he was friends with to move in with him. Now she can't cast spells! She still has the book and everything I had her make the reagents so she's got those also. But the Cast Spell... option won't come up for her. She can still fly, dresses like a witch and has everything, except the spell option. When she moved in with him her cat didn't come with her and I'd like to cast the cat spell for her. I've taken my Down loads folder out but it didn't work. Any ideas? Thanks!!