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1  Resident Creators / Mod Requests / Option for a Teen to get a roommate on: September 12, 2008, 12:20:36 am
I have about 8 households of aged down Sims from old games that I wanted to finish raising same children..  The rent is expensive for them and I was wondering if there is a way to get a mod that allows teens to seek the ability to get a roommate.. I don't use Monique's computer and I wasn't really looking to use it.. I just want the ability to be able to have them seek a roommate, either by a modded object that brings it up for them or to go on any computer to do it or a computer that is just for finding a roommate at any age..

However it comes out I would be so appreciative.. I get kinda frustrated having to age them up and back down again.. I lose track of their age then when it resets.
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