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Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / Sussi Bodyshape Sexyfeet Skintones?
on: June 08, 2011, 06:12:41 pm
A while ago I downloaded a renewed Sussi Bodyshape with sexy feet. Stupidly I only got one skintone with it, just to try out. But now... I really love this shape but I can't find the other skintones anymore. I think they were on insimenator, but after two nights of searching, this question seems to be my last option...
Sims 2 Community Downloads / Men / More BearBB Outwear
on: September 15, 2008, 03:31:01 am
Jayru, No problem about these 'simple' recolors. The chosen textures look very good on the body form and are useful. Now that I've devoted storing space for the BEAR, I need clothes for him. And these will be worn with pleasure. Thank you!
Resident Creators / EP5 Mods / Pregnant Sims Wear Any Outfit EP5 Updated(3/3/07)
on: September 11, 2008, 03:40:48 am
I never bothered to try this out. But I'm curious. It should make (pregnant)life more pleasant for my historical Sims. One day they're in full medieval regalia, the next in a pink sweater?! Thanks. I've installed it and it works fine on the sims but... it clashes with the grand trianon collection from MTS2. (Flashing blue objects) Bad luck...
The Sims 3 / Sims 3 Buzz / why is everyone so pessimistic about the sims 3?
on: September 07, 2008, 02:45:33 am
First : I don't want to lose the wonderful Sims universe I've got right now. With all my beloved characters and families with their awesome custom contend. (My thoughts are exactly the same as JOOwish & Tenshii) I've got no desire to keep two sims games going. Second : I always thought that the real future challenge & evolution for the sims would be on line playing. So, for now I say NO.
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / Do you think sims need to lose weight?
on: September 06, 2008, 04:47:29 pm
Most of my sims are athlete male AND FEMALE (Need more clothes for the athlete girls!) And quite recently I introduced the REN-girls linked to BB and bear body shapes. I absolutely love the diversity!
It's a great pity the hights can't be changed. I often feel the need to have an evil dwarf in my game. weird? No?