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1  Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / wcif a Studio TV camera? on: April 06, 2011, 10:53:33 pm
Hello, I am looking for a Sims 2 Studio Television Camera; it does not have to be functional, I can pose a camera man using a posebox, but having a "function" (so long as the camera man didn't go through the wild gyrations that pin ball game players go through) would be plus. This would be for story purposes. I actually had one, downloaded many many moons ago from a totally unremembered site, but that computer had a motherboard failure and the data on the hard drive was thoroughly corrupted. It may have been tech sims, or something like that, and unfortunately the only place these files were backed up was on the second drive (I foolishly didn't consider a motherboard failure, since the cpu was not overclocked) if any one has any ideas, that would be great.
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