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1  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Re: Small Things {Updated 3-23-09} on: March 24, 2009, 03:58:29 pm
oh dear i can see myself stalking this thread from now on, the writing is fab and i love the plot line (first story without pictures that ive been enticed to read in a little while) so i shall be lurking. Cant wait for pictures now as not having them so far has built up suspense of what your characters will be like.
cant wait for the next update!
2  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Re: Suddenly Simmerised - The Simons Legacy - UPDATED: Chapter SEVEN! on: January 23, 2009, 06:07:07 pm
just read the entire thing in one go - fab! love it cant wait for the next chapter youve got me hooked Cheesy
3  Simmers' Paradise / Anecdote Assistance / Help? I have an idea and need feedback and some help. on: January 20, 2009, 03:00:13 pm
I'm about to start posting a new story on insim called 'imogen' and was wondering whether you could spare a few minutes to look at my idea and characters to see if it will get interest...

Would you still recognize your own child...if you hadn't seen them in over 15 years?

this is the story of Laura and Adam Dantane a pair of high school sweethearts who suffer a tragidy when their young daughter Olivia is kidnapped at an outing to the beach, her fate remains unknown for over a decade and when our story starts the couple have both become successful in their careers with Adam running his own gym and Laura being an acclaimed teacher and lecturer. They have also adopted four children; Two teenage boys, a teenage girl and a young daughter.
The story starts at christmas time in the Dantane household and so because of her children being in the local town, Laura travels further from home to do her xmas shopping and by accident passes a girl she is sure is her lost daughter.
she follows the girl and loses track of her but still Excited by the news she goes home to tell Adam the news to which he isnt pleased. It is revealed that laura has a history of accusing young girls of being her missing 'lilybell' but this time she says she is even more sure and waits at the place she passed the girl for days and hits the jackpot. Following the girl to a local club she sees that the young woman is a member of a girlband and approaches her.
But the girl is furious, she thinks laura is crazy and disagrees of being her child, she says she is a different age has a different name, has known her mother all her life and laura is not it.
But laura's determination pays off when a dna test reveals that 'imogen' is actually her child but the problems don't end there.
Imogen is moved into the family home with the dantanes biological grandson milo, but cracks appear in the family.
adam and lauras marriage is starting to fray under the stress, the dantanes adopted teen emma's jealousy over imogen starts to cause trouble, and when their eldest son jake's sexuality is questioned and his secret relationship with bf zachary is exposed by imogen it results in the hideous attack on zachary which leaves his life in the balance.

suddenly Laura has to choose between her only biological child who was raised by someone else and the four children of someone else who she adopted and raised...

The characters in the story are: (pics will come soon)
Laura dantane - a dark short haired woman who's obsession with her daughters disapperance lead to her downfall.
Adam Dantane - loves his daughter but has loyalty and love to his adopted kids. He comes under question when rumours of an affair surface.
Emma Dantane - a sexy tanned blonde, witty and funny. Has a good relationship with all her siblings.
Jake Dantane - Short black hair and pale skin. Shy, withdrawn and artistic. secretly gay.
Connor james 'CJ' Dantane - tanned-dark with curly brown hair. Very good looking and charismatic. One of the jocks in his year whos misbehaviour is causing him to fail at school.
Samantha Dantane - the only non-teen child, a sweet quiet girly girl, but can be loud when teasing and being immature.
Chase munroe - Emma's love interest, brown spiky hair. a loveable cheeky chap whose old fashioned when it comes to courting emma.
Zachary Carra - Jakes boyfriend, long blonde hair, tatoos and very handsome, very sharp and sarchastic. very loving toward jake.
Kiska Rafello - A beautiful but slightly dumb friend and co-worker of Laura.
Margaret Newman - Laura's mother and the children's nan, very close in particular with Emma.
Imogen Kelly - Member of girlband MORE biological daughter of laura and adam. The center of the story.
Milo rutherford - imogen's baby son.

Any feedback would be great! any help to further the plot and any ideas for plot twisters and i need help changing Zachary and jake's names. A new character will enter the sotry later and i plan to call him zachary so he can be affectionatley nicknamed zac attack, so zac's name needs to be replaced, i also dont think that jake feels right. The dantanes give their children quite traditional names so no moonlights or anything but something a bit special, feel free to go for something sexy and unusual for zac as he's a special character =]
4  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Re: Little Fire Burning (new chapter 28.dec) on: December 30, 2008, 07:40:28 am
woops maybe a little over 5 cleared out my sent and inbox so it should get through many thanks again for taking the time to do this
5  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Re: Little Fire Burning (new chapter 28.dec) on: December 29, 2008, 08:30:18 pm
thankyou! i swear they've dropped off the face of the earth lol would you send me them by e-mail attatchment? if so ill pm you my email addy manymany thanks!
6  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Re: Little Fire Burning (new chapter 28.dec) on: December 29, 2008, 05:15:35 pm
i love this story and your pictures are amazing, bit shocked that english isn't your mother tongue, i never would have guessed tbf. I was just wondering if you could help me with something, ive found someone else with this but they cant remember. I used to have the same eyes as your characters in my game as my defaults and i loved them but my game crashed and ive had to reupload all my faves and get new stuff but ive forgotten where i got those eyes from! i usually get stuff from mts2 but ive checked and checked and without specifics its v.hard if you could help id be so grateful as ive spent an hour and a half today looking for them! many thanks
7  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Re: Spirits Rising-IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT on: December 27, 2008, 05:46:52 pm
i vote for this story! lovely so far and i also wondered if you could tell me where you got the eyes on the baby in the last pic? i used to have them and after a game crash ive had to reupload everything and its one of the things i cant remember where i got it from originally it'd be a great help as those were my fave eyes and my sims dont look the same with dif ones
8  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Re: Finding faces, The end, part two up! on: December 23, 2008, 12:37:20 pm
what a lovely story been watching it for a while now, just wondering where you got a few things for your story. James' pacifier; his buggy/pram; and how you were able to have your sim hold her baby while sat on the sofa? many thanks
9  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Deceptive Reality - Chapter 1 on: August 23, 2008, 09:57:04 am
wow very good first story, one of the best new stories on the forum, i like that it's mysterious - i hate to have the entire plot predictable and obvious to me! shall be lurking on this story, cant wait to see where its headed and is nice to see a story that isnt about families and is back to the individual plotlines. fab!
10  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Chapter 10 - monday on: August 17, 2008, 04:01:05 pm
This is the first chapter of the 7 part week story. The other chapters are prepared and just need putting together so i shall put up the next part tomorrow and maybe a few more. The story is finally back, sorry it was a long break but it was to do with the sims being difficult (crashing etc) and some very difficult family problems. I hope you enjoy it and please leave comments and feedback.

Harri was nervous; her mind rushing with thoughts. She was staring down at her feet but kept looking up to see his face, it was sad compared to marcia’s which was expectant and hopeful.
She mulled over her options in her head, she really needed time to think about it but she’d been expecting this for a while now and had already predicted what she would say. But now all of that has gone from her head.

“So? What do you think?”
Harri paused, she looked at carl and their eyes locked, she couldn’t speak as tears prickled at her eyes.
“Well?!” Marcia hurried



The moving van pulled up to the house, everything inside their home was packed into cardboard boxes and crates. A skip was at the front of the house where all the furniture they weren’t taking with them was placed.
Harri was sat at the front of the garden in a pretty summer dress. Her long brown hair flowing back over her shoulders in the breeze, this house had saved her life, and the people in it had given her a place to stay and although she had bad memories of the event that had occurred here she knew that the good outweighed the bad.
She would be sad to leave it and though she had been assured that she had a room at the new house harri was growing increasingly worried over her stability in their family.
Why would a couple who had given her so much already give her a room in their new house. A beautiful room that she had already seen and helped to decorate, she was certain it was larger than marcia and carls room!
She no longer had anything to give them and a tear rolled down her cheek at the thought. Why were they being so good to her? after she had betrayed them and nearly done a runner with Dan.
"Hey beautiful." came a familiar voice from behind her and she turned her head to see him.
He was smiling and she patted the ground next to her to get him to join her.
She giggled as carl rolled up the ends of jeans so they didn’t get dirty when he came out onto the lawn.
"What?" he chuckled
"nothing." harri smiled
"Go on" carl asked
"no its you your just such a funny little thing..."
"little thing?" carl questioned
"no your little quirks and stuff its just so well kinda cute really.”
“wow, not used to being called cute.” carl grinned
“oh stop looking so pleased with yourself!” harri joked as she cuffed the top of his head playfully with her arm.
“I cant help it I am pleased!” carl chortled putting his arm around her
“Come on kids the van is here.” called autumn from the doorway
“alright.” carl exhaled as he got up and headed indoors to collect boxes, harri followed.
Picking up a box and lugging it to the door, harri didn’t appear to be struggling.
“whoa hey, let me do that!” Carl called
“look” Harri said turning to face him “for the first time in weeks, well since before I fell pregnant, I can feel like im actually doing something useful or helpful so im going to lift my weight - or rather this box if you don’t mind.” She smiled
“Ooh! Sorry.” Carl said raising his eyebrows faking importance
“Wow that wasn’t camp at all.” harri replied to which carl laughed shaking his head and turning back to fetch a box and follow harri’s lead.
11  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Hunks / 'Den'. on: August 12, 2008, 11:39:15 am
wow he looks really like preston from the ordinary boys (britband) lol dead ringer, ace work!
12  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / a P e r f e c t S t r a n g e r - new chapter up on: August 06, 2008, 05:20:41 pm
i have some good news, i am going to finally update the story soon - maybe tomorrow, but it will be slightly different as the cc i used in the story before my game crashed has been update with new & different custom content, so the characters have been remade as has the house, so for any changes in the story regarding their looks, i apologize but theyve just been altered for those reasons. The pics will be bigger and better and hopefully the story will be greater than it was.
13  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Final Life *New* on: May 09, 2008, 01:33:25 pm
oooh i love this story ~ but whats happened to jerry!
14  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Mary in the Mirror/Dreams made of glass (Chapter 15 of sequel up) on: May 05, 2008, 05:33:54 am
wow what a story can't wait for more i love seth and kanes romance and i quite like gabriel too even though hes a sleaze.
15  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Women / Layered Medieval Dresses on: May 04, 2008, 05:34:42 am
could someone post the mesh i can't get onto modthesims its being very weird and so i can't download the meshes id be very grateful x
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