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1  Simmers' Paradise / Anecdote Assistance / Help? I have an idea and need feedback and some help. on: January 20, 2009, 03:00:13 pm
I'm about to start posting a new story on insim called 'imogen' and was wondering whether you could spare a few minutes to look at my idea and characters to see if it will get interest...

Would you still recognize your own child...if you hadn't seen them in over 15 years?

this is the story of Laura and Adam Dantane a pair of high school sweethearts who suffer a tragidy when their young daughter Olivia is kidnapped at an outing to the beach, her fate remains unknown for over a decade and when our story starts the couple have both become successful in their careers with Adam running his own gym and Laura being an acclaimed teacher and lecturer. They have also adopted four children; Two teenage boys, a teenage girl and a young daughter.
The story starts at christmas time in the Dantane household and so because of her children being in the local town, Laura travels further from home to do her xmas shopping and by accident passes a girl she is sure is her lost daughter.
she follows the girl and loses track of her but still Excited by the news she goes home to tell Adam the news to which he isnt pleased. It is revealed that laura has a history of accusing young girls of being her missing 'lilybell' but this time she says she is even more sure and waits at the place she passed the girl for days and hits the jackpot. Following the girl to a local club she sees that the young woman is a member of a girlband and approaches her.
But the girl is furious, she thinks laura is crazy and disagrees of being her child, she says she is a different age has a different name, has known her mother all her life and laura is not it.
But laura's determination pays off when a dna test reveals that 'imogen' is actually her child but the problems don't end there.
Imogen is moved into the family home with the dantanes biological grandson milo, but cracks appear in the family.
adam and lauras marriage is starting to fray under the stress, the dantanes adopted teen emma's jealousy over imogen starts to cause trouble, and when their eldest son jake's sexuality is questioned and his secret relationship with bf zachary is exposed by imogen it results in the hideous attack on zachary which leaves his life in the balance.

suddenly Laura has to choose between her only biological child who was raised by someone else and the four children of someone else who she adopted and raised...

The characters in the story are: (pics will come soon)
Laura dantane - a dark short haired woman who's obsession with her daughters disapperance lead to her downfall.
Adam Dantane - loves his daughter but has loyalty and love to his adopted kids. He comes under question when rumours of an affair surface.
Emma Dantane - a sexy tanned blonde, witty and funny. Has a good relationship with all her siblings.
Jake Dantane - Short black hair and pale skin. Shy, withdrawn and artistic. secretly gay.
Connor james 'CJ' Dantane - tanned-dark with curly brown hair. Very good looking and charismatic. One of the jocks in his year whos misbehaviour is causing him to fail at school.
Samantha Dantane - the only non-teen child, a sweet quiet girly girl, but can be loud when teasing and being immature.
Chase munroe - Emma's love interest, brown spiky hair. a loveable cheeky chap whose old fashioned when it comes to courting emma.
Zachary Carra - Jakes boyfriend, long blonde hair, tatoos and very handsome, very sharp and sarchastic. very loving toward jake.
Kiska Rafello - A beautiful but slightly dumb friend and co-worker of Laura.
Margaret Newman - Laura's mother and the children's nan, very close in particular with Emma.
Imogen Kelly - Member of girlband MORE biological daughter of laura and adam. The center of the story.
Milo rutherford - imogen's baby son.

Any feedback would be great! any help to further the plot and any ideas for plot twisters and i need help changing Zachary and jake's names. A new character will enter the sotry later and i plan to call him zachary so he can be affectionatley nicknamed zac attack, so zac's name needs to be replaced, i also dont think that jake feels right. The dantanes give their children quite traditional names so no moonlights or anything but something a bit special, feel free to go for something sexy and unusual for zac as he's a special character =]
2  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / *NEW* Ashwell brooks on: February 05, 2008, 12:45:38 pm
i am still continuing with a piece of life but to save me from getting tired of writing it i am starting a new drama called Ashwell falls, it will be about the drama of patients in Ashwell brooks medical center. it will be like a sim hospital soap opera/drama.
It will focus on the story of about 5-6 patients (some of whom will recover and leave and be replaced) and how they got there; the family they left behind; and their time in the hospital.

i will also ask if anyone wants to leave suggestions for patients to be in it, eg leave details about looks, age, gender, name of a patient with a backstory and reason for their admission.

first post will be here soon if enough interest is sparked so please leave comments.
many thanks.
3  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / a P e r f e c t S t r a n g e r - new chapter up on: January 08, 2008, 07:25:33 pm
After being on hiatus for a while a piece of life is back, i've renamed it 'a perfect stranger' and the pictures and custom content (the characters included) have all been updated. i have most of the rest of the story done but its a matter of doing the pictures and putting it together now. PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS AND FEEDBACK and i hope you enjoy it! the part where it has been updated will be on page 3 and will look noticeably different.

weak, wearing and lifeless - 3 words that could sum up marcia and carl's marriage.
And cold, dull and limp not three things that say 'great sex life' their world was falling apart at the seams and marcia had to do something to stop it...of course, no-one expected her to go as extreme as she did, and as she stared up at the ceiling even she knew she had gone too far she felt weak wearing and lifeless...........

"get up carl it's time for breakfast......."

*sighs* "CARL! wakeywakey cmon!"

she knew he was awake, he was trying to get her to come upstairs - she didn't answer.
she sighed and tutted as she waited in the kitchen cooking croissants
They had to be perfect like every thing else in her life, like her:
car, her mowed lawns, her primed red bob, neat skirt suit, her marriage, her carl....

she sighed knowing she would end up going to see him and soon found herself on their 3rd floor opening the door to their bedroom.

"honestly carl what do you wa..."
"hey babe"
"carl what are you doing?"
"trying to be romantic and impulsive"
"erm okay..."
"try to sound less enthusiastic" he said sarchastically
"look ive got to go to work in 15 so i dont know what your expecting to happen"
the look on carls face dropped as he slumped down on their clean, neat plush double bed.
"we need to talk" carl mumbled in a dulcite monotne
"marcy?" he said as she wandered out the door..."marcy hon" hey said as he followed her into the kitchen.
"Marcia" he said calmly but with sharp intent
"what's wrong" she replied simply
"our marriage"
"carl i am not discussing this with you now" she said as she led the now argument into the front room.

""marcy our marriage is in serious trouble, you have this vision of a perfect life that we are in and it's not real!" he said with firm intent
"iv'e given you everything ive run this marriage from the start and i shall till the end!" she screeched at him

"youve never given me the one thing i told you from the start that i wanted! ive let the non exsistant sex life pass me by, ive let you wear the trousers in this relationship, ive let you continue this fantasy world in your head but youve never given US a baby" he answered slowly softening his voice

"fine then let's try for a baby that'll solve everything" she said quietly and reassuringly

"nothing will fully solve this marriage marcia" carl said as he led himself upstairs and after the sound of a shutting door and a small pause macia led herself to the car, started the engine and set off for work.
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