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Simmers' Paradise / Pets / Dog Request
on: December 07, 2008, 03:45:11 pm
Could some one do this dog for me please,Rufus he is a Pure Jack Russell and he will guard you and the house and I Love him Dearly
*attached image removed-please use a 3rd party image hosting site*
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Installing Troubles
on: October 11, 2008, 09:43:41 pm
I have tried to use Sims 2 RoboFile Maid 3000 and it will not Work with my new computer which's OS is Miscrosoft Windows Vista,is there something Like Sims 2 RoboFile Maid 3000 that will help me Install all of the Clothing,Walls,Floors and Objects are in their own Folders can someone help please?
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Lot Troubles
on: October 07, 2008, 12:56:56 pm
To the People here at I need your Help,I have the Following Lots(33:Houses,18 Community and 18 Apartments) what quantity of Houses,Community and Apartments should I Install into the GAME any help would be helpful
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Lots
on: October 03, 2008, 09:40:21 am
I have downloaded the following(33:Houses,18:Community,18:Apartments) I like them all and I want to use them all,is there a Limit to the number of Lots that a person can Install into the Game?,also is there a Mod so that you can add more Lots?
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Sims 2 Homes
on: June 28, 2008, 08:28:45 am
I have downloaded alot of very beautiful homes(the ones I like),the Question is this is there a limit of homes thant you can have in the game?,also I have moves the Homes that came with The Sims 2-to- Freetime
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Sims2pack Clean Installer
on: April 14, 2008, 01:24:26 pm
Can someone explain something to me,I have been re-installing everything Game Expanison Packs and Stuff Pack and everything else,Here is where I need Help I reinstalled all of the sims so far ,then i checked the sims folder in the downloads folder and I found a Pink band over lashes(Eyeliner) what does that Pink band mean and what other colors are there and there meaning?
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Freetime Terminates
on: April 04, 2008, 12:08:41 pm
I have tried 3 times to get Freetime work,what I mean is this The Game loads OK,but when I create a new neighobrhood(Simsville,I have all of the sims from the original Series) I had pick Bay area for Simsville,it starts to load then it terminates,I have removed all of the caches fills can someone help me?
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Folders
on: April 03, 2008, 11:32:08 am
Can anyone help me,I have the following in my Downloads Folder Automotive Buy Mode Build Mode Clothes Pets and so on
to (1)Clothes (2)Pets (3)Buy Mode and so on
will the stuff in this folders show up in the Game?,HELPPPPPPPPP
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Freetime will not start again
on: March 13, 2008, 08:53:04 am
I started sz new Neighborhood(Simsville) with sims from Sims 1(Goth Family,Newbie Family Mashuga Family)and so on saved it then exited the Game,finished installing all of the Items(Clothes,skintones,sims and other),I wanted to see what Residential Homes that I Installed that is when it stops by itself or terminates can anyone help me?
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Bodyshop
on: January 27, 2008, 04:07:28 pm
I went to start the Sims 2 Bon Voyage Bodyshop and i used the Sims 2 Bon Voyage Patch it started to load about half way through loading it stops and terminates,i deleted the groups.cache what is going on?
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / Sims 2 Download Folder
on: December 07, 2007, 12:47:33 pm
If i tick someone off Iam sorry,I just want to help People who play Sims 2 and love it dearly,the following is what you can have(sub-folders) in you downloads Folder (1)Automotive (2)Buy Mode (3)Build Mode (4)Clothing (5)Hair Homes Makeup Floors Walls and so on,if put sub-folders in these folder the game will not work,it will crash and terminate,I just want to help people if they are having any troubles
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Bodyshop(Bon Voyage)
on: December 07, 2007, 12:03:23 am
First off,I am Re-installing everything back into the Sims 2 I went to go into the Bodyshop(Bon Voyage) and it keeps crashing on me,I also installed the the Bon Voyage Patch and it still crashes and it terminates,I also deleted the Groups.cache and it still crashes and terminates,what is going on?