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1  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Misc. Mods and Careers / Adult NPCs and Defaut NPC Clothes on: July 15, 2013, 11:31:31 am
This mod will change the age of elder NPCs, the nanny, repairmen, and all the others, to adults.  The Butler and Headmaster that could be elder or adult will only be adult.

By itself, all the NPCs effected will wear casual clothing.  I've created default replacements for the nanny, both elder and adult (tweed jacket and slacks), the repairman for elder and adult (actually the elders red flannel shirt and jeans flagged for adults), and the maid (uses housekeeping uniforms from Bon Voyage).

Download at Simbology.  Registration not required.  Be sure to check out BoilingOil's mods, in addition to TwoJeff's work.
2  Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / A single-sized Murphy Bed on: July 12, 2011, 07:42:12 pm
Apartment Life came with a full sized Murphy Bed, but for some of the smaller apartments a single sized Murphy Bed would really be useful.  Does anyone know where one can be found?
3  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / TS2 and Windows 7 on: October 23, 2009, 11:00:44 am
From my post on Simbology:

Win7-64 bit is up and running.  I still need to tweek the video a bit since I'm not getting my 1600x1050 display and a couple other minor things, but it's running.

I used the Windows Easy Transfer app to back up My Documents and a couple other folders, then began the installation.  If you have a 32-bit Windows now, you'll have to make sure you boot from the DVD rather than hard drive to install the 64-bit version.

Installing Windows was rather painless.  Your old Windows, Program Files, and Document and Settings will be saved as Windows.old.  If you've used the EA Download Manager to install any digital versions of the game, ProgramData will be saved also.  You'll need to install all the drivers for your video card, audio card, printers and scanners, and anything else you've have that need drivers.  

All applications must be installed also.  Avast, WinRAR, and FireFox are up and running on my box now.  Avast and WinRar are the 64-bit versions, FireFox is the 32-bit version.  Then came the joy of loading TS2, base game, 8 EPs, and 8 SPs.  If you copy the Windows.old\ProgramData folder to the C:\ or the root directory, you won't have to download programs if you've kept the digital installation files.  5 of my Stuff Packs, Castaways, and NHL 09 are digital versions and I was just able to install them.  Pests, yeah I installed it too, needed to be downloaded before installing.

Once everything is installed, you can install your backup of TS2.  The only thing left is to make any changes needed in the Program Files, the Inteen G file, lighting mods, Scriptorium, clean neighborhoods and the like.  If you use a nocd mod, you'll want to put that in, too.

The 64-bit version of Win 7 has two Program Files folders.  Program Files is for 64-bit apps, and Program Files (x86) is for 32-bit apps.  TS2 installed into the 32-bit folder.  I've played around 14 hours game time with out any issues, and really don't expect any.  The EA Store indicates all the TS2 games are compatible with Win 7.

Still to come, installation of SimPE, HCDU, Clean Installer, and various other utilities.
4  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Misc. Mods and Careers / Play Themed Versions on: July 11, 2009, 10:29:39 am
Requires Windows, any variation.

This utility is designed to make it easy for you to play different themes in The Sims 2.  It requires you to have at least two separate The Sims 2 folders, one for your normal game, and one named The Sims 2.<theme> for your themed game.  The same with any script files for modular stairs or fireplaces or anything else in the Script folder that you want to separated by theme.  If your themed games aren't in separate folders now, the most time consuming part of using this will be to set up your themed folders with the appropriate custom content.

Why should you use this?  By using themed folders, you can reduce the amount of CC in your Downloads folder.  That custom car is out of place in your Victorian themed neighborhood, just as the carriage is out of place in the modern neighborhood.  Themed folders will make sure you don't have any incongruities like this.  You'll find your themed custom clothes and hairstyles much faster not having to wade through all the other themes you have.

Why not just have separate Downloads folders to separate the themes?  Swapping Downloads folders in and out will increase the chances of corrupting the group.cache.  We all know how easy it is to delete that when we have problems.  You end up with all of your themed collection files in every game.  I don't know what would happen if you use one for a theme that you aren't playing.  I don't want to find out.  I don't care to find out what happens in the Thumbnails either.  There's also custom Paintings and SavedSims and PackagedLots.  Basically every folder could have things you want for a particular theme.

OK, so how do you use this thing I say you can't live without?  After setting up your folders and a couple of things I give you step by step instructions to do, all you do is click on an icon, type "play <theme>" and your Victorian themed game starts up.  Or your Medieval game.  Or your Fantasy game.  <theme> is whatever stylized game you play.

The folders would be something like this:

EA Games/The Sims 2  This one is the plain ordinary, no themed set
EA Games/The Sims 2.victorian  This one is, duh, the Victorian themed set.

Run my program "play victorian" and the game starts:
EA Games/The Sims 2.original  This one is the plain ordinary, no themed set
EA Games/The Sims 2  This one is the Victorian themed set.

You quit the game:
EA Games/The Sims 2  This one is the plain ordinary, no themed set
EA Games/The Sims 2.victorian  This one is, duh, the Victorian themed set.
5  Simmers' Paradise / Sims 2 Web / Ancient Castaways - Mods and More on: March 10, 2009, 03:52:06 pm
One of the things I like about Freetime is the hobbies.  One of the things I hate about the hobbies are the neon colors for the completed car.  The white, silver, and black colors are okay.  The yellow is great.  I remember growing up seeing plenty of yellow muscle cars with black pin or racing stripes.  I could have lived with the orange.  But the blue and green neon-like colors had to go.

The original colors:

The Vibrant colors:

The Dark colors:

Recolors now available at Ancient Castaways
6  Welcome to / Issues & Suggestions / Advertising Other Sites on: March 10, 2009, 02:46:14 pm
Before Walt came along and turned over the apple cart, I had a thread advertising my website and updates I've been making.  Some items, mainly updated versions of other peoples mods, were posted here also.  With the coming of Walt, I deleted all my downloads here, but I thought I left site advertising thread up.  Is it okay if I start a thread again, or would that be a no-no for me?
7  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Misc. Mods and Careers / Monique's Individual Aging Clock ver 1.2 for AL on: October 15, 2008, 12:37:04 am
Monique's original clock updated for Apartment Life.  Should work fine with previous versions also, but untested.

From Monique's thread on MTS2:
UPLOADED: 10/24/2006
<< >> - for PETS

Sorry if I didnt start a new thread for this object because it's related to Individual Aging.

This is a cloned Moonshot Clock which allows you to setup individual aging for both sim and pet where it uses the same logic as in OFB_Local. Every 10AM(Pet) and 5PM(Sim) it will add one day to your sim and pet age days left to counter the global age controller.

Pie menus:
- Sim's Aging.../sim's name is (ON/OFF)
- Pet's Aging.../pet's name is (ON/OFF)

You can find this object in Electronics/Misc or Electronics/Small Electronics
Download available on my site.
8  Resident Creators / Mod Requests / CollegeInteractionsOnAnyLot on: October 12, 2008, 05:39:53 am
Just a few possible things to add...

1.  A teen attending college from home may be awarded a number of scholarships before starting college, but when college starts, none of those scholarships are added to household funds.  There's enough money cheats out there to manually add them, but it would be nice to have it automatic.

2.  After the YA finishes college, since he or she is already in a valid neighborhood, cancel out the taxi coming and putting the new adult in the sim bin.

3.  With the YA attending college from home, there is no way now to get to campus community lots and meet other YAs.  True, the YA walkby mod helps, but if you are at home, you're probably doing other things than watching for the YA shuffle on sims walking by.  And if you have TJ's mod to get rid of it, you take your chances trying to find a dormie.  

What about adding the University neighborhoods and communilty lots to the Go Somewhere option with the taxi, owned cars, etc?  (Give me the BHAV and I'll do it instead.  I can't find it.  lol)

4.  It would really be nice if at the end of the sophomore semester, students have the option to move on to campus.  It would fit right in with the community college theme that many have commented on.  It could also make the university community lot visitations less important Tongue
9  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Misc. Mods and Careers / Lot Full of Sims on: September 17, 2008, 01:01:28 am
Pushes the size of families beyond the 8 sim or 6 pet or 10 combined sims and pet limit.  The only limit will be your nerves   .

Even if the 8 sim, 6 pet, or 10 combined limit will be exceeded:

  • Move In is enabled
  • Marriage is enabled
  • Pregnancy is enabled
  • Adoption is enabled
  • Pet adoption is enabled
For both Move In and Marriage, the pop up will still appear saying you can't exceed the limit, then the game continues and the family has a new member!

This mod will conflict with twojeffs Preg For All Genders as he originally wrote it. With Jeff's permission I made a small change to his mod to allow it to work with my Lot Full Of Sims mod. Preg For ALL Genders needs to load after Lot Full Of Sims. The way I've got them named, if they are in the same folder this will happen automatically.

Developed for AL.  Confirmed use in SSNS, BV and FT.  May even be suitable for earlier EPs.

Edit 10/10/08

Merge large families from the neighborhood screen
Quote from: ancienthighway;1409307
It may be necessary to add
uintProp maxTotalSims 50
uintProp maxTotalHumans 35
uintProp maxTotalPets 15
to the Config\userstartup.cheat. Those uintProps were introduced with Pets, and may or may not be in later EPs.

Quote from: Azureale;1413972
I also figured out why I couldn't anymore merge some more members to an 8 Sims family. I had to move up the 3 lines concerning maxTotalSims/humans/pets on top of my userstartup.cheat . I suppose they have to load first of something like that.
Many thanks to Azureale for digging into this.

Download removed.  Visit my site for download.
10  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Misc. Mods and Careers / Simmodder's Increased Challenges 1 for AL on: September 09, 2008, 01:33:26 am
Simmodder posted these mods on MTS2 in May and then hadn't been back there since. I've updated these for Apartment Life.

Hi this is the first in hopefully a series of modifications designed to make the sims 2 a bit more challanging and therefore more interesting to play. They don't change anything drastically, they are more like tweaks. These 3 packages all effect the way sims can earn money, apologies for the crappy picture!

Here are the mods:

cd_buisness_levels - this mod makes you need more customer loyalty stars to reach the first 5 buisness levels, and therefore makes it harder to get easy buisness perks and increase the value of your buisness early on. The biggest cash sum perk is also reduced from $50,000 to $30,000. This mod requires OFB.

cd_higher_bills - all bills are approximatley 2.5x higher. Plus an extra $100 is added on to every bill. This mod should work on the base game alone but I have only tested it with Seasons.

cd_jobs - This mod makes promotions harder to get by changing what affects job performance. As well as mood affecting job performance there is a penalty for sims going to work with low energy and at the higher levels job performance is harder to get. The promotion bonus is also reduced from 2x salary to 1.5x salary. This mod will only work with Seasons or higher since job performance is also affected by which season it is (this code was already there it is not something new that I have added).
His cd_jobs mod was actually working fine in Free Time and probably does in Apartment Life, but it was based on Bon Voyage code and missed the updates in the later EPs. I've updated it to use the Apartment Life code.

The introduction of apartments broke cd_higher_bills. I've fixed that, and also increased the bills for residential lots. Even with his higher bills my sims were accumulating too much cash too fast. I've set the bill rate to 30% the lot value plus 15% of the objects or furnishings value. Simmodder had this set at 15% + 15%, game default is 1% + 1%. This can be adjusted by editing the BCON. The various BCON entries are labeled so you can find it easy if you with to change it for your play style.

I used cd_business_levels for a while but took it out because I felt while the lower 5 levels were a little harder, the upper 5 levels became way too easy. Anyone I had open a business quickly became so flush in money I couldn't spend it fast enough. So while updating the other two, I finally dug into this one to see what I could do with it. I've set all of the requirements for increasing business rank to 1.5 times the EA values. I also decreased the cash value of the business awards to 10% of what EA had. First level is an award of 100 simoleans and the top is now 5,000 simoleans. Again, these values are labeled and editable via the BCON.

Downloads available on my site.
11  Simmers' Paradise / Sims 2 Apartment Life Chat / aptBase vs aptSublot on: September 07, 2008, 02:11:20 pm
EA provided us with 2 cheats to use dealing with those apartment lots of EP8.  Unfortunately, they didn't bother to provide documentation for them.  So after playing the game for a while not knowing why one worked when another didn't, I stumbled over the answer.

In an earlier post, I parrotted a post I read on another site saying that aptBaseSpecificToolsDisabled was use in the main neighborhood, and aptSublotSpecificToolsDisabled was used in the suburban neighborhoods.  That was completely wrong.  My bad for not testing those statements first.

It appears aptBaseSpecificToolsDisabled can only be used on unoccupied apartment lots.  Anything you do with this cheat will be a permanent change to the lot and will effect all apartment units.

aptSublotSpecificToolsDisabled is used on occupied apartments lots.  Changes are maintained only for the household that was in play when the cheat was used. When the family moves out, the changes are lost.

I was playing a CAS sim, Hugh, in the trailor park after installing Gunmod's lighting mod.  Night came upon my sim while he was outside smoozing with Jessica Peterson, and it was completely pitch black.  EA built the lot with no external lighting at all.  So I use the Sublot cheat and place some street lights along the street and the back of the lot.  I moved the bathroom furnishings around in Hugh's trailor also to make it easier for gameplay with the view I like to play from.

Later I played Jessica.  The very first thing I noticed was the lights I'd just placed were missing.  I exited and went back to Hugh and saw the lights were still there.  That's when I realized the meanings.

Apartment Base - the entire apartment lot.
Apartment Sublot - unique view of the apartment lot when playing a given household

So I load up Hugh's possessions and move him out.  Same for Jessica.  Now with the unoccupied apartment lot, I placed the lights as I needed them.  Moved Hugh and Jessica back in to separate trailors.  Hugh went back into the one he had before, and Jessica into a different one with more room. Remember I rearranged Hugh's bathroom?  It was back to the original arrangement.  But the lights were there.  For both playables.

Conclusion:  Changes in Sublot are reset when the family moves out of the lot.
12  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / Is SeeThem2 Right for Me? on: September 05, 2008, 06:48:50 pm
I've seen a whole lot of users asking for help, and as the game of 20 questions is ongoing, the use of SeeThem2 has come out of the closet, so to speak.

SeeThem2 does two things for a player:

  • It adds the censor.package to Downloads
  • It creates or overwrites Config\userStartup.cheat with the following entries:
  • boolprop snapObjectsToGrid false
  • boolprop testingCheatsEnabled true
  • boolprop allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation true
What this means to you the player:
1.  Anything you had in your userStartup.cheat file is lost.  Overwritten.  Gone.  Deleted.

2.  snapObjectsToGrid - This is a very useful cheat for decorating houses or setting up photo opportunities.  But when it is set while in Build Mode you cannot place doors or windows.  It will cause problems trying to place the Very Mysterious Shelving from Apartment Life.

3.  testingCheatsEnable - There is no harm at all in leaving this on all the time.  I've got it in my userStartup.cheat file.  I play with mine on all the time.  Many people I know have it on all the time.  

Where it "messes up my game" comes from is it will generate errors IF you have broken mods/hacks.  This is a good thing.  It tells you that you have a mod or hack that does not work right.  You have an opportunity to fix your game.

Why play with it on?  Besides finding broken mods, you can point and click on any motive/need, on skill bars, on personality bars, and on interest bars and drag them to where you want them.  You can do the same with the Short Term and Long Term relationships.

4.  allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation - I've got this on in my userStartup.cheat file also.  There's no harm with this one on all the time in any Mode.  Leave it on, go to place an object, and before the object is placed, use the < or > keys to rotate the object the way you want it.  EDIT:  It's been reported this cheat interferes with the placement or use of the new large aquarium that comes with Apartment Life.

5.  The last thing it does is put the censor.package into your game.  But it's a censor.package created for NL by Quaxi.  Quaxi's since created a version for OFB and for Pets which is compatible with every EP after Pets.  I prefer using the most current version myself.  I mean, if the old version was good, why are there newer versions?  There's a link on the FAQ page at Ambertation to the 3 different versions he wrote, along with a tutorial for SimPE to enable or disable the blur.

It's your decision on whether you use SeeThem2 or not.  Hopefully this has given you a little information that will help you decide if it's right for you or not.
13  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Misc. Mods and Careers / Witch Clothes enabled for Formal and Outerwear on: September 05, 2008, 10:37:35 am
This is a small hack that enables the witch clothing to be worn as formal and outerwear.

Download removed.  Visit my site to the download.
14  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Misc. Mods and Careers / Monique's Child Support for Apartment Life on: September 04, 2008, 03:57:45 pm
Updated to work with Apartment Life

Moniques orginal mod is on MTS2 and works fine with EPs up to Free Time.  Apartment Life added the new living location, Apartments which needed to be added to this mod.

This is a separate controller that will work behind your game and it wont conlicts with other hacks.
Someone requested something like this from this thread:

Support Amount (default):
pregnant $200 (until not giving birth) x 3 = 600 approx. (no support if you're playing Supporter's house)
baby $200 (Mon,Wed,Fri and Sun) x 4 = 800/week
toddler $200 (Tue,Thu and Sat) x 3 = 600/week
child $200 (Wed and Fri) x 2 = 400/week
teen $200 (Thu) x 1 = 200/week

The default support amount can be changed in BCONs.
0x00 - pregnant
0x01 - baby
0x02 - toddler
0x03 - child
0x04 - teen

The transfer of "support amount" from Supporter to Dependent is actual.
It will subtract from Supporter's family fund and it will add to Dependent's family fund.

- Dead sim can be a Supporter...
Because RealHogsFan said "paying after they die is like receiving a check from SSI until you are an adult for the death of your parents".

- Fixed Dead sim issue which was reported by Ancient Sim.
- Inserted "Sim A has met Sim B?" suggested by Syberspunk. Supporter will no longer give support to a dependent that s/he has never met.

Added this routine:
If the Supporter cant support any longer, Dependent will still receive the amount from "nowhere" and the controller will open a credit accounts (hidden from us) that will keep track of "behind" payments then when you play the Supporter's house this controller will add amount to your bills (Tuesday bills only) and subtract that amount from your credit accounts until your credit accounts is zero balance. The amount is less than or equal to $10,000 because I doubt that bills can handle more than $32,767, so if you have a credit account of $15,000, $10,000 will be added this week then $5,000 next week.

Added the ff. in Sim Pie Menus:
for Dependent,
- Child Support is ON/OFF - allows you turn on/off child support except pregnant adult. Default is ON.

for Supporter,
- Child Support.../"Behind" Payments - allows you to view the current total "Behind" Payments.
- Child Support.../Pay..$__ - allows you to pay "Behind" Payments in case that if you cant wait Tuesday bills.

- It is the same as v3.0 except that I removed "Sim A has met Sim B?"

EDITED: 10/22/2006
- PETS compatible

Pls choose only one version.

Sorry no screenshots
- v3.0 updated for Apartment Life.  v1.0, 2.0, and 3.A are available on MTS2 and have not been converted for AL.

All 3 file in the .rar are needed.

Download available on my site.
15  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Residential / Adjoining Townhouses on 2 lots on: June 20, 2008, 01:51:23 am
Since finding LotAdjustor on MTS2, I've been spending a lot of time building with it to eliminate those annoying 2 square boundaries around the outside of my lots.  Most of what I've done so far has been 1x2 lots, which has been a challenge for lighting (Gunmod's lighting mod is in my game).

These two 2x2 lots are meant to be placed side by side.  While both are pictured with Windkeeper's tall and privacy OpenMe windows (MTS2, TSR), the left unit is packaged with Maxis windows and the right unit has no doors or windows at all for your finishing pleasure :blob6:

The left 4 bedroom unit is priced at 40K and includes a furnished kitchen, dining room and 1 1/2 baths.  The master suite encompasses the entire 3rd floor.

The shell on the right is priced at 17K, but by the time it's made usable, it's out of the start up price range.

Alterations are possible everywhere EXCEPT for the two squares on the side where the building are joined.

CC was limited to a recolor of the Brickfest wall covering (used in the area of the front door) and a mcTrick floor (mcTrick's Place shut down some time ago).

Free Time is required.
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