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Simmers' Paradise / FreeTime Help / My Custom Conten Isn't Showing Up In Game
on: October 05, 2008, 03:00:16 pm
I just got Freetime and after installing it and eagerly beginning to play I noticed something was different about the lot I was playing in. All the custom content objects weren't in the game. So, I closed the game and restarted it. When it got to the loading screen and the box with the list of custom content showed up I made sure it was enabled, and then went to options while in the neighborhood I was playing and made sure the button saying 'Custom Content Shows Up In Catalogs' was checked. I restarted the game once again (which was very annoying - it takes forever to load) and the custom content still isn't showing up. All that's showing up is what my Sims were wearing before I installed Freetime and their genetics and the custom walls/floors. I've been looking through search engines for the past hour and a half to figure out what to do and I've done everything that's been suggested.
I'm at my wits end - From what I've seen this is a really cool expansion pack and I want to be able to play it with all my custom content because it makes my life easier. Has anyone on here had and fixed this problem?
Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Deceptive Reality - Chapter 1
on: August 22, 2008, 07:27:24 pm
This is my first story to ever be posted ever (Sim related or not). I know the pictures leave a lot to be desired, but this is only the first chapter and after taking the pictures for it I figured out how to take better ones (typical). Please bear with me, and constructive critism is much appreciated. So, without further rambling, I introduce to you... Chapter One (of my sure to be sucktastic story xD)Chapter 1
 It was a rainy Saturday morning around seven when they arrived. The surrounding mansions were dark, both due to the facts that the inhabitants would never wake up this early and because most were on vacation. It happened every time this year; the rich families living in the neighborhood would decide to go on vacation until warmer and drier weather arrived. They approached one of the smaller mansions (which was actually small enough just to be considered a large house rather than a mansion) with a small figure trailing behind on all fours. Staying cloaked in the shadows, it was possible to tell only that there were two adult sized humans surveying the home. Slowly, all three climbed the stairs onto the front porch and paused. “You’re sure nobody will notice?” a male voice asked, shifting into view so he was now visible in the faint light.
“Of course they won’t. The neighbors are away on vacation. I doubt they would even notice if they weren’t, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Besides, rumor has it this house is abandoned.” This voice was distinctly female, and that assumption was proven correct a second later when the woman stepped into the light as well.
 “Abandoned? Who in their right mind would abandon this?” the male asked, gesturing to the house he was standing in front of. He had a good point - while the surrounding homes were much larger and grander, it was impossible to deny the house was beautiful and impressive on its own, just as it was impossible to deny the beauty of the two standing in front of it. Both the man and the woman had dark black hair that provided a great contrast against their pale skin, and they both seemed to possess eyes which had a strange purple tint to them, which drew attention subtly. There was so much else to see on both of them, from their strangely skinny yet muscular figures to their clothes, which were casual but unique, especially in that particular area, that their eyes were rarely the first thing taken in when people saw them. Yet, once you saw their eyes you’d find yourself wondering how you had ever missed them in the first place.
 “Someone who didn’t have a choice,” the woman said with a small smirk. “What if somebody notices Roscoe?” “Nobody would be able to notice Roscoe if you hadn’t decided to keep the thing in the first place.” The smirk that had been on her face was quickly replaced with a scowl as she glanced at a grey cat standing in the grass near them.
 “Madison, don’t be that way. You know you like him; you’re just too stubborn to admit it.” The woman, Madison, shook her head before continuing. “I don’t like the cat, Matthew. We were better off without him. Besides, it’s true. Somebody’s bound to get suspicious when they notice a cat that wasn’t living here before.” “Yet they won’t notice a new couple?” Matthew pointed out with a small laugh.
 Sighing once, Madison chose to ignore Matthew. “Come on, let’s get settled in here.