uhriahx are you sure you answered in the right thread?
I have my custom block and there are 3 flats on the left side and 3 on the right one. All tenant's flats on the left side look the way you can see on the picture. The flats (apartments) on the right side are not alit in the nighttime and there are no blackened objects. But there are doors and built-in closet visible in black only. Very odd. I saved a back up of prev objects.package and will try to test it back.
Squingy, this is not gently to ignore the thread in your forum. If you cannot do it - just let me know. I remember in Sims1 public fishtanks were always stocked. I guess Maxis decided to make it for home purposes only in Sims2
Is it possible to make all public aquariums always stocked? Why should my sim pay for stocking that? (I mean AL huge tank - it costs a lot of buckz to stock indeed)