Hello! My Name Is Maddie, After Reading Astral's Legacy story on the Avalon's I decided to write my own (It Isn't half as good as hers though). I am sorry if the pictures aren't amazing or my Grammar isn't good. I decided to do this legacy just for fun. Please comment-I LOVE comments! Anyways thanks for reading! Oh and Asha is Astrals GORGEOUS simmie!!!!
CHAPTER OneHello, I am Asha Wolf. I have a Long story behind me, I used to live in a place far away nestled in the forest I lived with my parent and a small community of other people like us, they where wear wolves, now we weren’t like the pathetic wear wolves you see downtown there a joke! We where real wear wolves I'll save you a nightmare and I wont tell you what I mean. Our whole community struggled with our magical curse. We where ruled by the Wear wolf king and his wife who live in a palace that loomed over our houses- the modern Middle Ages. Anyway At age 16 I knew I wanted to cross the border and live among the humans (If a wear wolf crosses the boarder there powers are lost) of course that would mean sneaking away from the king and leaving my family-my life but on my 20 birthday I made my way out my window, on a moonless night all I could rely on was my night vision but even that would be lost at the border, Well you get the picture I am here now and I am ready to start my legacy!
My tree!
When I snuck Out I also brought along my best friend-My dog Misty. She hopes to carry out a legacy of her own too.
Here is my "Home" I bought the grill with the last of my starter money and it doesn't even work!-rip off!
I decided to go to the spa, not only because I can satisfy all my needs there but I am starting to feel depressed at my empty lot
When did coffee get so expensive! Gosh! Who has that kind of money??...don’t answer that
Never Mind about the coffee, Look who just walked in, he is kind of cute! minus the creepy old lady though.
Asha: Hey Hot Stuff
Griff: Hey..
Asha:..Ughh yeah I guess I like gold
Griff: gold..Goooold
Asha: Ahh what are you doing you old PRUNE! We where just talking!
Griff: You are Hot,Hot,Hot HOT!
Asha: Hmm..I thought you would think so
I excused myself from talking to Griff and snuck behind the guy at the coffee shop to make some hot dogs, he didn't even notice what an Idiot!
Hi random person, no feel free to sit with ought to asking be me guest.
Griff has me talk about money-related things alot..I wonder is his passion is Fortune..Hmm.
After I took care of the rest of my needs I walked to the place across the street, since Griff left I thought it wouldn't hurt to look some more.
So I was at this game place and I started playing the piano when a CAT came up and started moaning, my wolfy instincts came over and I stopped playing and growled at it
Blonde Lady: Hahahahah, did she just growl at that cat?
Asha: you lost your self a legacy place
Blonde: NO Please uggh *growls* I like growling at cats too!
I left the Game place half because of the annoying blond and half because it was late but when I got home It was light again!--I am SO confussed..And Tired..
I woke up in great pain, I slept through the entire day which should be night, but since I can apparently time travel when ever I go somewhere I slept through the day where I was really at the spa but I was sleeping-HOLY CRAP I AM CONFUSED!
Asha: Oh Hey Griff..Umm what up?? Ohhh..SURE I'll go downtown with you at the Hub..yeah I heard it’s climbing the charts too. Meet you there!
Will Griff and Asha hit it off? Will Asha ever find out about her time traveling powers? Stay tuned next chapter to find out!