Hi Warlokk! Big fan here
Just wanna make some comments, questions and observations things that I have been wondering about since way back you started releasing your first bodshapes.
1. When my sims go pregnant, the clothing they are wearing that is linked to one of your bodyshapes gets that pregnant tummy, meaning that I dont have my sim wearing the default maternity clothing. Is this true for every bodyshape that you have out? I havent tried this on the unique sizes like Rengal, Powergirl, Pinup and so on.
2. Is it possible at all to have default career outfits linked to the sims current bodyshape size in any way?
3. Any plans for doing a complete set of outerwear for all sizes? Currently I'm converting the existing clothing such as dresses and such and recoloring them to look like outerwear. It works okay but it just isn't 100% right
4. Last week I just had a go at it and converted all your bodyshapes (as well as Marvine/Beos shapes) to allow for elders to look just as hawt. Well luckily I backed-up my files as it seemed that the converting all the bodyshapes made my game crash everytime I tried loading up a lot and bodyshop. I have the entire series so that's quite a few files but is adding elder age to a current young adult+adult age for a clothing item really that big of a deal? Have you or anyone experienced the same? I experimented by taking out some of the files by chunks out of the download folder and after taking out half of the sizes the game started running again.
5. Thanks again for all your hard work up till now :worship: