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1  Retired Creators / Classic Pinupgirl / Striped variations in PINUP size on: November 22, 2008, 12:03:32 am
2  Retired Creators / Classic Pinupgirl / Maxis Tigerdress for CPU/Boots and Barefoot *new mesh* on: November 21, 2008, 11:58:18 pm
3  Retired Creators / Classic Pinup / *Seasons EP Only* Classic Pin-Up Outerwear on: November 21, 2008, 11:15:47 pm
4  Retired Creators / Classic Pinup / Athletic Wear Mash Up on: November 21, 2008, 11:11:06 pm
5  Simmers' Paradise / FreeTime Help / Just sent this to EA Games. on: November 01, 2008, 02:41:38 am
I forgot to add this last post. At my Desktop Icons. If I insert the BV Disk with the Freetime added. I get a message to put Freetime Disk into drive. I am not able to go back a play BV. Just with BV CD.  With this patch and Vista.
 The first post did help. If I take off all Games. OK. And installed up to BV. Guest what I can get the Home. But in the Freetime They added some blocks to make it more real. Have you been to and Island? Like Aruba. It is small. With thousand of people their. a lot do not have jobs. Tourism is their only support.
 also with the patch for freetime they added a controller. At the Hotel. When the Pop up show up. Notice the Cook. They look right at you. Strange. But in the past the cooks never looked up from their pots. Also. Those three lots I can build anything. Just can not stay there.
 Plus. I got the answer From EA. Just just bought these games last week. To install. When I took everything out. I went all the way to Freetime to have everything. Then I play it with out the things added. EA Put in some extra Flags to make the game a little more real. Which I have no problems with. Cause Simpe lets me add extra days to the Sims Vacation. And Motherlode is the best. LOL
 The Addons folder just wishful thinking ion my part. I put that there a With it empty.
6  Simmers' Paradise / FreeTime Help / Just sent this to EA Games. on: October 31, 2008, 11:56:24 pm
I did not really miss the quote. I When I reinstalled the games.I took all of the downloads out. With the folders. It still will not work. The patch that I got from EA is over 87MBS for FreeTime.   There are three Vacation homes that are there. Ok. When I tried to buy a Vacation home on that one Island. The Sims would start up the computer. Then the Sims just sits there. Ok. I booked a Vacation with that Sims to that Island. When the Sim arrives at the Resort. On the Right hand side I start getting pop ups stating. My ownership is, this it goes about 14 times. Then When it stops There is another pop that states No ownership. It does this the whole time of the Hotel stay. I Understandd the reason. Let's say I go on a Vacation to the Bahamas. They are glad to see you. Cause you bring the Money. But they want you to go home as well.
 I can build Cummunity lots. No problems. Can even use them. in only a few areas in the Neighborhood or if you wish Neighbourhood. The rest is reded out. I understand that. The Vacation home are for the wishful thinkers. Like myself.
7  Simmers' Paradise / FreeTime Help / Just sent this to EA Games. on: October 31, 2008, 10:40:38 am
Ok. I have all my mods in a folder. Just the mods. The custom content that I have downloaded are in folders as well. I removed the mods folder. Reinstalled the game without them. I get the same problem with out the mods in the download file. I also have notice that the Custom content that Folks have made like the clothing. Their names have been removed from the bodyshop. Which at one time use to listed along with the items that they have made.
8  Resident Creators / Mod Requests / Owner Spamming in game on: October 31, 2008, 12:11:34 am
I do not know if it is possible. But. Is there a way to get rid of owner owns this and this and this and this. Which pops up about 14 times. It does disappear, Then comes back again and again.:smt120
9  Resident Creators / EP7 Mods / No Loosing Enthusiasm Messages on: October 31, 2008, 12:07:14 am
10  Resident Creators / EP7 Mods / New Lifetime Wants EP7 Updated(9/30/08) on: October 31, 2008, 12:03:43 am
11  Simmers' Paradise / FreeTime Help / Just sent this to EA Games. on: October 30, 2008, 08:13:14 pm
Do not know if this will do any good. But!
To whom it may concern;
For Years I have been buying Maxis games. I started with A-train to give you an idea.
I have Sims2 which is a great game. But! Why are you controlling me on how I play this game?
The things I download from your site as well as from others that, I choose. There is a lot of great talent out there. Do you not agree? Which I like to see on my game. I just bought Season, Bon Voyage and Freetime loaded your patches. I cannot get things to work like I want to. I know it is just a game. But! There are many ways on how one plays their games. Can you not let us choose?
In trying to purchase a Vacation home that you have put onto the game. I cannot get my character to purchase such lot, or Lots.. What is the point? If one cannot do anything.  I like custom content. Why are you blocking what I like? When I share my lots. They are clean and without custom content. But in my game play stays the way I like it.
No. I am not asking for money back. Just want to play my games my way.
 I do not play online games. I play my computer games without being online. I do not trust the internet that well.
 I see that you are coming out with Sims3.. Maybe I’ll just stick with Sims2. Since you are so controlling on how one plays their games. I will stop at Freetime. You made your Millions of Dollars.
You like some many other businesses have forgotten how you made your money. I am not asking too much. When I say let me play the game my way.
 Thank you
John W. Osinski
12  Retired Creators / Accessoires / Bon Voyage Tweaked Sunviser/accesoire *new Mesh* on: October 28, 2008, 01:39:57 pm
13  Resident Creators / EP7 Mods / Motive Protect Hacked Painting EP7 on: October 28, 2008, 01:28:39 pm
14  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Skintones / Genie defalut replacement - Enayla's Pixie Bruise on: October 28, 2008, 10:52:00 am
15  Resident Creators / EP5 Mods / Take off accessories before eating pizza EP5 on: October 27, 2008, 08:24:38 pm
Got to the end off all these mods, Thanks for very thing that I downloaded. Playing catch up.
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