Ugh... just happened to me; not my main game thankfully, I keep a separate one for my fantasy themed hoods. I'm using Numenor's AnyGameStarter, had trouble with his first version and found he updated. So, I back-up my existing folder, or try to, thought it hadn't copied properly and deleted the folder... you can guess the rest :doh: Thankfully I hadn't started playing, but what I
had done was make a good few sims to start with *sniff*
Oh well, with any luck they'll turn out better than they did at first... Still gotta download all my themed stuff again though, and there was loads!

@phoenix: I found
this site recently if that's any help - I liked what I found so much I bookmarked it

Thank you for the link. I am very familiar with that forum. Due to differences of opinions I no longer visit that forum. I still have many friends that are there and whom I stay in touch at other forums and in emails. I will also forever be loyal to it. I have had many a great time there and shared many a laugh and cry too for that matter. I have had friends check and have had no luck.
I think I may have to give up the search. These darn doggys are getting to be a pain. Thanks to the WCIF area I did locate some nice ones.
I wish there was some way to get the old files off my old hard drive.
Thanks Again