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1  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / Re: What is the size of your 'Downloads' Folder ? on: June 17, 2009, 01:18:54 pm
I have 40,000 files
 10.9 GB's
 My game starts in 6 minutes if that and has No lag.

I finally got things just so and wll now I have been playing TS3.  rolleyes
I am not planning on every dumping my TS2 though
Actually plan on starting it up and playing a bit tonight.
2  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / Re: Is binessimsrevue Gone? on: March 30, 2009, 07:42:45 pm
The site is back working at it's opriginal address now. All is fixed.
3  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / Re: BE AWARE! What TSR *really* do with your account details... on: March 30, 2009, 07:37:38 pm

The thing that got me is the post made at TSR by Steve B
He made a claim that he does Not share anyones PAYMENT info that all that is secure. Which is true BUT No one ever accused them of sharing PAYMENT info as in credit card and banking details. We accused them of sharing out names and addresses etc.
Still unsure why they require my info when nothing is in fact shipped?? or have they finally stopped that?
The fact he turned off comments for ONLY that post does make him a bit guilty looking and only shows that he is in fact full of it and is not going to be corrected

What really gets me about the BBS They do all that talk about how concerned they are about keeping young people safe and we know the majority of the BBS is in fact Young they run to TSR because it is advertised on the BBS, Yet they know that they are in fact Not keeping this young folks info safe.
Wonder what the laws are regarding kids info and privacy?
 I know EA and BBS can not be sued but if TSR was seen as not keeping children safe and then Parents seen that BBS and EA supported them and KNEW this
 well that would not look really good would it for a company that actually sells a game to young people??
Just thinking outloud....
4  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Make Up / 2-B-Real: Those Damn Freckles! on: March 05, 2008, 06:56:55 am
I lost these and your natural lips when i moved things to my new computer.
I can not even tell you how thrilled i am to find them again.
 Thank you so much
5  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Eyes / Paryun Recolours by Hyper on: March 05, 2008, 06:19:47 am
Very pretty colors I love that blue. Can not wait to add and give them a try.

Thank you
6  Retired Creators / Objects / Few shoes as decoration on: January 06, 2008, 12:17:14 am
I Loveclutter that adds realness to my homes. This is Pefect for that. I hope someone recolors a few of them for us.

Thank you
7  Resident Creators / And Things / Wall-hanging quilt recolor-Seasons required on: January 05, 2008, 11:52:48 pm
This is very pretty.
I hope to see more from you

 Thank you.
8  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Custom Objects & Recolors / Fun Themed Bunkbeds on: November 09, 2007, 03:21:31 pm
These are great. I can not wait to use them.
 Thank you.
9  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / Poisen what? on: October 06, 2007, 10:12:23 pm
I believe they can take a shower to help get rid of it.
 I know that was how they get rid of the sand fleas or whatever it is that makes them itch when on the beach area.
10  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / I'm such an idiot! on: October 06, 2007, 10:07:03 pm
Quote from: Sadie79;963887
Ugh... just happened to me; not my main game thankfully, I keep a separate one for my fantasy themed hoods. I'm using Numenor's AnyGameStarter, had trouble with his first version and found he updated. So, I back-up my existing folder, or try to, thought it hadn't copied properly and deleted the folder... you can guess the rest :doh: Thankfully I hadn't started playing, but what I had done was make a good few sims to start with *sniff*

Oh well, with any luck they'll turn out better than they did at first... Still gotta download all my themed stuff again though, and there was loads! Sad

@phoenix: I found this site recently if that's any help - I liked what I found so much I bookmarked it Wink

Thank you for the link. I am very familiar with that forum. Due to differences of opinions I no longer visit that forum. I still have many friends that are there and whom I stay in touch at other forums and in emails. I will also forever be loyal to it. I have had many a great time there and shared many a laugh and cry too for that matter. I have had friends check and have had no luck.

I think I may have to give up the search. These darn doggys are getting to be a pain. Thanks to the WCIF area I did locate some nice ones.
 I wish there was some way to get the old files off my old hard drive.

Thanks Again
11  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / Sims 2 Bon Voyage Bugs and SecurROM Flame-O-Rama [BV patch download at risk] on: October 05, 2007, 12:52:02 am
I believe I have found the way Eaxis handles their issues and bugs.

How to debug a "C" program

1] If at all possible, don't. Let someone else do it.
2] Change majors.
3] Insert/remove blank lines at random spots, re-compile, and excecute.
4] Throw holy water on the terminal.
5] Dial 911 and scream.
6] There is rumour that "printf" is useful, but this is probably unfounded.
7] Port everything to CP/M.
8] If it still doesn't work, re-write it in assembler. This won't fix the bug, but it will make sure no one else finds it and makes you look bad

LOL Sorry it just seemed to be appropriate considering the replies we get from that company.

On topic though I just wish they would grow some chest hair and come out with a real statement that they plan on standing behind.
 I mean other games have had issues with it. Obviously they knew this they do not after all live in caves.
They did not care and now do not care to admit they messed up.

Just once I would Love to see them take a stand on anything they have to deal with.
They have yet to do that on any issue that they have been faced with. They have him hawed on everything from this SecuRom to bugs, to testing, or lack of it, to file sharing, and the whole pay fiasco.

It really makes me wonder what kind of people are in charge over there.
Whatever type it is I am seriously getting a tad fed up.
12  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / Need honest opinion on what video card to purchase on: October 04, 2007, 07:10:24 am
I had a Dell Dimension 2400. Years ago. It was a pretty ncie system.

 I had a Radeon 9550 with 256 MB on it.
 Mine ran a AGP card.
If yours does as well you can get the card for like 50 or 60.00 I never had a bit of issues with it took fabulous pictures and showed great detail

You can go to and scan and it will tell you if you have a AGP or PCI or PCI E slot for your graphics card.
Just make sure to check nd know what type you need.
I am pretty sure it will likely take a AGP. but be sure to check.

i have always used ATI cards. I have only recently went with a Nvidia So far so good with it. It is a Nvidia 8600.
13  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Custom Objects & Recolors / Bedford Office Entry on: October 01, 2007, 07:23:00 pm
Another great set.
 Thank you.
14  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Custom Objects & Recolors / Relax Outdoor Set on: October 01, 2007, 07:20:38 pm
This is lovely. Thank you
15  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / I'm such an idiot! on: October 01, 2007, 07:11:56 pm
Thank you Vita  and Thank you for the link.
My game files actually were lost due to a computer dying and taking everything with it.
When the game died it only took what wa actually installed from the collection I have started since getting my new system Thankfully I have recovered rather well.
 I lost close to 50 or 60 GB's worth of files. Thanks to Many close friends sending me things through email to help me recover things and The Graveyard and that site no one can name. I have managed to recover many files I once had. Let me add that I did PAY for MANY of those files and FEW of those I contacted regarding it even acknowledged my email.

 I just REALLY Miss those darn Sims 2 lux dogs especially that Pit Bull Terrier.  No one has made one quite like it. Since it was in fact a free file well no one seems to have it. That and few sites allow you to even post that you are looing for a file. Even when it is a freebie from a now gone site.

If anyone happens to have that file, I would be eternally grateful and am offering a small reward. :0)
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