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1  Simmers' Paradise / Objects & Recolors / Two requests...if their doable...? on: May 06, 2009, 11:38:52 pm
Hey all, I will un-ashamedly admit here and now that I know nothing about coloring or creating, so if what I'm asking for is impossible or simply not allowed, I'll apoligize in advance...

First, I'm absolutely in love with Monique's hacked computer, use it in just about every house I play, however that doesn't work so well for Harry Potter, or Mideval neighborhoods, and I was wondering if it's possible to make a more wizardly looking skin for Moniques PC say a crystal ball, or even an open book?

Second, is a simple recolor, I use MsBarrows free range cereal bowl for toddlers in a lot of my houses as well, and am in desperate need of some dark wood, stone and leafy recolors, once again for my medieval lots.

If anyone is up to the challenge, I'll be forever greatfull, and as I said if what I asked isn't possible, then I apologize for being so stupid as to ask!!
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