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1  Simmers' Paradise / I Want My Own Thread / Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS -*Dec. 1st!*- on: December 02, 2011, 12:21:04 am
Wow. So verrrry long time no see. I've been doing tons and tons of simming lately, but for some reason haven't done anything with the photos. So I figured it was time to get off my lazy butt and post some. For some reason I just didn't feel like doing any screen-capture ones so they're all sub-par quality.  Undecided (Wa wa waaa)
Any who, about a week ago I started off playing the Atarny's. "WHO?" You're probably asking, because I haven't posted them in a very long time. (Going back to page three or so is I think when I introduced them. Jared, the dad is in the music biz and the mom Isabell, is a stay at home mom. She much prefers times to herself, doing things like painting and gardening. They are one of my most creative families ever.
Their two daughters, Winter and Sahara have been growing up nicely. Sahara dated Luke Josie for a while but he grew up to an adult so she moved on. Now shes dating one of the Tanne boys (I think maybe Logan??). Winter is much shyer, and is slowly getting to know one of the Amherst Son's. (His name I forgot). But either way, it won't last long, they just started dating and she's going to be an adult soon.
On to the pictures!

Nice Family Meal

Winter grows up so I decided to throw a big party with all the neighborhood teens.  Wink She gre up pretty well I must say, though I did take away the glasses shes wearing in this picture because they were glitching.

Sahara with her boyfriend.

Since Shara was going to become an adult, not to mention Jared had been wanting to on on a vacation forever, I decided to send them to the far east. Not to mention Jared had reached the top of his career track and the family had 30,000 dollars, so I figured they had some to spare.  tongue My once struggling family has become rich. (again)

Winter already calling her guy.

Jared unwinding a little from his stressful job. (He looks dang good in a towel.  Wink. )

As you can see, Jared and Isabell were feeling especially lovey-dovey on this trip, so they decided to head on on a date on the town after taken to kids back to the hotel. Wink

Things got a little steamy, and a little out of hand. (Being a little daring I pushed risky woohoo..)

Last day there I wanted to make sure Sahara and winter went out and did something together. For some reason they never really got along but managed to bond on the last day or so of the tip.

Sahara got told the dragon legend, for some reason Winter could care less and was fishing in the background.

Now back home again, Sahara grows up and BAM, Isabell realizes shes pregnant....what a curve ball. Wink And shes turning into an Elder in about 5 or so days. This usual group comes over to celebrate.

Luke definitely still has some feelings for Sahara. He even invites her to move in with him, but shes not sure yet.  Sahara loves him like a best friend but thinks that part of romance with him they had in their teens is over.

Winter also starts to make more moves on her guy.

I made Sahara stick around so she could meet her new little sibling. And that is....Saige! Yes finally it is a boy! Jared gets his boy about 15 years later in his sim life than he wanted!

And then soon after, Sahara moves out, decided to take Luke up on his offer to move in with him. Luke still lives in the house he inherited from his dad, Rye, when he died (which I have yet to take picture of yet, doh.).  Just so she can get up on her feet and take the world by storm. Little does she know, a big curve ball is coming her way.  Wink

Azure has grown up recent;y in the Tanne household and I have already built this gorgeous modern house for him with the money his parents gave him. (They are LOADED! Both Ceila and Damian have reached the top of two different career tracks). That house I will also take pictures of soon as well. Wink This thread is getting a little long so I'm going to head off and but Azure's growing up in a different post.
Thanks for looking!  Fanku2

2  Simmers' Paradise / I Want My Own Thread / Re: ~Katie's cuties [update NOVEMBER 26TH] on: December 02, 2011, 12:18:25 am
Melanie and scout are cute together.
I freakin love all your toddlers and little kids, they're so adorable.  Cheesy
3  Simmers' Paradise / I Want My Own Thread / Re: A Day In The Life Of Severmort on: December 02, 2011, 12:17:15 am
Voldemort and Snape? Genius. Haha I love this pictures, keep them comming!  Grin
4  Simmers' Paradise / I Want My Own Thread / Re: Fate's Wonderful Simming World on: April 29, 2011, 04:24:27 pm
You have gorgeous sims, I really love your models as well!
The dressed you created are quite lovely as well, I downloaded a couple! (actually a lot ahah)
5  Simmers' Paradise / I Want My Own Thread / Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. -April 24th on: April 28, 2011, 07:21:38 pm
Hey hey hey!
So I sent Skye and Hade on their honeymoon! (Finally I remembered his name.rolleyes) I didn't want to leave Itan home all alone so I made him go as well- to Hades displeasure. They went on a mountain vacation!

Log Rolling. Smiley Itan wanted so badly to win but never did, which made Hade happy. There is a bit of a competition between these two for attention from Skye.  Which has made their relationship go into the yellow.

Love this picture of Her

Nice Family picture.

Itan was so cute as a child, I knew he had to grow up looking good. Especially with Ryes genes in him. Wink

Relaxing around the campfire.

And Itan got to meet bigfoot! Which made him happy! But more and more, Itan is starting to realize his mother keeps forgetting about him, especially with Hade around and her being pregnant again. Wink


Home Again! And somehow Itan got food poisoning. Sad

Everything seems nice for a while until...

Itan is also starting to see something weird In Hade.... (Wink Now you know what I was going to do to spice Hade up. )

Pavel was also born, but before the honeymoon. He had some weird cheeks as a toddle, but has grown into them as a child. Not sure I like his hair so i'm going to change it. Smiley

And Skye had Twins! She got pregnant with them on the honeymoon. Wink One is boy, named Jayden, and the other named Jocelyn.  They are already toddles.

Itan grew up as well, and he is one sexy sim. Cheesy

Thats it for now. Wink As you can see, more excitement is sure to be around the corner, especially since Itan has made friends with Ceila's son Azure, who doesn't have the best reputation.
I have been aspired to make my own vacation destination and am very tempted to do so.

Thanks for looking! Fanku2
6  Simmers' Paradise / I Want My Own Thread / Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. -April 24th on: April 27, 2011, 12:10:58 am
HappyThoughts~ Thank you! Haha I'm happy to be playing too! They actually already went on the honeymoon but I have yet to upload the pictures. Not to mention, but Skye had three children- two of them being twins! Cheesy I'll have them posted by tomorrow.
7  Simmers' Paradise / Sims 2 Pictures / Re: Wedding Pictures :) on: April 24, 2011, 11:38:33 pm
 Skye and her fiance finally got married!
They had a small charming wedding in their backyard, the first backyard wedding I've done in forever!

8  Simmers' Paradise / I Want My Own Thread / Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. -April 24th- on: April 24, 2011, 10:56:59 pm
*Cough* Well hay, long time no see. Uh, yes, I am alive. You will not believe what happened! My computer totally exploded- not really. I'm just incredibly lazy and went through one of my longest phases of non-simming. I'm stunned my thread is still up but very happy. I have some photos to share! For some reason, photobucket is being annoying and won't let me upload, so I'm using imageshack for now, hopefully it doesn't do anything weird with my photos. o_O

Anyway, I played the Rellian household because I realized I was super behind on their family. When Itan becomes a teen I will move to the Rehains!
Anyway, I finally decided I need to have Skye and her fiance have there wedding. (Still don't even know his name, sad, isn't it?)
They had a small charming wedding in their backyard, the first backyard wedding I've done in forever! This is mostly because they have no friends. Tongue

Some Extra pictures of the ceremony/Reception party.

Itan, being the troubled kid he is, talking about death and making others feel uncomfortable.

Kind of an odd picture because of Cams neck, but I like it. Especially because they're sleeping together but keeping it casual. XD They are friends with benefits.

Now Itan has a step father!

And for laughs, one picture of Skye making out with her husband in her child's room. How awwwkardd.

Anyway, Skye had a child with her new fiance and it was a boy. I can remember his name but it started with a P. Cheesy They all wanted to go on a vacation so I went to the Mountain Vacation spot and redecorated a bunch of lots in preparation. Plan on those pictures coming up
I finally have an idea how to spice things up with Skye's fiance. Lets just say.....nah I'm not going to say anything but it's going to be amazing. Not to mention sort of funny. Wink haha

Thanks for Looking! Fanku2
9  Simmers' Paradise / Sims 2 Pictures / Re: Pretty Sims - Post ALL your beautiful females HERE! on: February 11, 2011, 10:07:31 pm
dalina- goodness, your sims are absolutely gorgeous and unique, really quite stunning

Lulupink- Momoko is beautiful, I really love how delicate shes looks. Simply gorgeous!
10  Simmers' Paradise / Sims 2 Pictures / Re: Post Your Professional Pictures.... on: February 11, 2011, 10:04:49 pm
puskuning- holy....your pictures are amazing. I love them. *_*
11  Simmers' Paradise / I Want My Own Thread / Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. ~December 27th~ on: December 27, 2010, 11:46:15 pm
wow. Ok. I'm a horrible person. I haven't played the sims 2 in months. Even on winter break I haven't been playing. But these are old pictures I never put up so I'm going to show them to keep my thread alive. BECAUSE, I am playing tonight!

A little bit of them Rehains~ Aire is has given birth to a boy, I forget his name, but I haven't taken any pictures of him yet. :/
And a bit on the Rellians~ Now Rye's son is a child, but here he's just a toddler. I love this just lagsss so much. @_@

I really need to change their last names, they are to similar.

But anyway, I have all these ideas cooking in my head what i want to do. >Smiley so expect some new things. I got more RAM recent;y and got rid of old games and programs I wasn't using. So hopefully that will speed my game up.
12  Simmers' Paradise / I Want My Own Thread / P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. -November 6th- on: November 06, 2010, 12:14:04 pm
Alright, here's another update! I played Ceila and Damian's house again. Basically and the kids are teenagers now and Celia and Damian grew old. Smiley

Since Sahara's Old boyfriend Luke grew up, Logan took the chance to snatch her up.

Logan is a romance sim, so I plan for him to have many more ladies. Sadly though, so far in this area he seems to be of a failure, every ladie he coems onto turns him down. (Besides Sahara). Poor shy Logan. XD

My group of teens had sort of a hang out day with all their friends.

Ceila's Birthday Party

The party lasted for quite a long time. As you can the police came and shut them down. They were playing videos and had music blaring at 2 am. XD I think it's funny that Ceila beat Skyler every time they played.

Azure is going to become an adult in one day! When that happens I will take a family picture. Plus a more close up one of Ceila and Damian as senoirs. I'm excited for all the teens to grow up. I already have everything planned for them. Cheesy
Happy simming, thanks for looking.  Fanku2
(Is it just me or is it a little dead around here...? o.o)
13  Simmers' Paradise / I Want My Own Thread / Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. ~November 1st~ (WOAH! REAL UPDATE.) on: November 05, 2010, 08:18:36 pm
happythoughts~ heh heh. I purposely made this house have a ridiculous amount of trees and shrubbery. Their house is in the more in the wooden area. Smiley And yes, the objects are still functional, as long as nothing blocks them. Smiley
Thanks for the kind words, I plan on updating again this weekend. ^_^
14  Simmers' Paradise / Sims 2 Pictures / Re: Post the pictures of sim houses in your game on: November 02, 2010, 09:10:44 am
Thought I'd show a couple pictures. Smiley
A new house I just built:

15  Simmers' Paradise / I Want My Own Thread / Re: NicoleRaye's Swagtastic Sims (Update w/ lots of pics! 10/21/10) on: November 01, 2010, 10:20:41 pm
Gorgeous sims! Necole and Justin are such a cute couple! (Justin is drool-worthy.) They have a adorable kids as well. Smiley
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