1.) can anybody please help me on how to delete my account from tsr?please just write where i needed to go.i've forgotten where i have to go in order to delete my account since the site had revamped.
2.)for example i've got this object used by my sim or as a furniture or fixture in one of my houses (occupied by a sim), would it affect, crash or ruin the game if i deleted it in my downloads folder?if ever i deleted it, would the objects that are in use or worn by my sim turn into a default one, be removed without affecting the sim or would my game malfunction?how about furnitures and fixtures in the house which is currently in use?would the furnitures i have deleted in the downloads folder just disappear or would the house not load due to furnitures erased in the downloads folder?
thank you for those who will answer my questions..i've really been baffled about the aforementioned for quite a while now..