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1  Retired Creators / Miscellaneous Bits & Pieces / Re: Wooden Sliding Stable door / request / updated on: July 09, 2009, 01:24:02 pm
Impeccable, Bloom. I'm amazed you got it done so fast. Cheesy
2  Simmers' Paradise / Objects & Recolors / Re: Window Makers: A desperate cry for a very useful horse-world window on: July 05, 2009, 10:29:06 am
Yeah, what I had in mind was just the one-tile entrance/exit. Windkeeper had made a one-tile version of the sliding door, but I don't know how hard it was to achieve.
3  Simmers' Paradise / Objects & Recolors / Re: Window Makers: A desperate cry for a very useful horse-world window on: July 03, 2009, 10:35:23 pm

Uploaded on my own domain
4  Simmers' Paradise / Objects & Recolors / Re: Window Makers: A desperate cry for a very useful horse-world window on: July 03, 2009, 10:19:49 pm
hmm... those reminds me a bit of some of the half walls (not sure which EP). I'm almost sure I've seen similar fences, too.  Undecided

Wanna point me to them if you can? I've sure scoured everywhere I can think for anything remotely like them, and the half-walls are nothing like what would be passable in a barn.

Also, BlooM, I've never cloned a door before and have no knowledge of animations or what settings to choose and whatnot. I went with the default cloning selection, and if it's incorrect, my biggest apologies. I can't find any door tutorials to help me along in that either.
5  Simmers' Paradise / Objects & Recolors / Re: Window Makers: A desperate cry for a very useful horse-world window on: July 03, 2009, 08:41:37 pm
Thanks so much! I, too, am extremely busy (caretaker of a research farm) but I'll try my best to help however I can -- and I'm so thankful you're brave enough to have a go at the door. So you just want me to clone, package, and upload as-is? I'll try and do that right now. Been a while! lol
6  Simmers' Paradise / Objects & Recolors / Window Makers: A desperate cry for a very useful horse-world window on: July 02, 2009, 08:27:07 pm

Since Sims 1 I've been hoping for something like this. I see many barn sets out there for Sims 2 but none that you might actually see in barns built today. Stall grills are everywhere, yet there are NONE in TS2 and it's been this massive void in my life. I don't much care about doors, it's the windows that have been the source of my agony in trying to create believable-looking barns for my game. The way I (in my inexperience) figure might be easiest to achieve what would be needed is by either making both three-tile and four-tile versions of the grill or alternatively make an end and middle piece so that players can extend their stall grills as long as they want.

Why, if I'm so desperate for these in my game, did I wait so long? Because Dragon Slave -- the awesome horse mesher over at MTS2 -- and I had tried to take a bash at a large barn kit but both of us got too busy and I subsequently forgot everything I was learning. SO PLEASE. Someone, anyone... I'm on my knees with my hands pressed together.

(If someone's brave enough to do a door, you might clone the sliding glass door or perhaps a one-tile version of such, much like Windkeeper's? If that's too complicated, it doesn't much matter if it swings to me, as long as it's got the look.)

ILU  Cheerleader
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