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1  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Female Hair / CoolSims 72 Pooklet'd! on: July 03, 2010, 01:10:34 pm
Heh, I finally felt like finishing something for once.  Grin
Well, it's exactly what the title says.
Umm... I'll be easy on the pic spam. I can say that. Usually I'm not. Hah. Click any of the pictures for a full sized version. I'm a quality freak, so I go ahead and put the full sized ones up for fun.   Wink

It's available in all 18 of pooklet's naturals.
Grey is linked to black in each of the 4 families. I put the darker grey, (pipe bomb) on the first 2 families, and the lighter one (mail bomb) on families 3 &4.
EDIT: the hair recolors DO NOT look like they do in the bodyshop picture, it's only a combination of different bodyshop pictures to prevent pic spamming. It would be a bit cool if they looked like that though. Hah.

Just looked on the site, 15922 vertices.
I think that's how you plural vertex.
Needless to say, It's not a very computer friendly mesh. I don't mind. My computer's aggressive.  tongue  

I spent a good amount of time on the pictures for this thing. A lot more time than I should have. Can’t say I’m disappointed.

I’m really happy with what I did, simply for presentation.

Of course, leave it to me to do things completely unnecessary. It's who I am. Heh heh.
I just noticed. As I worked on the pictures, my impatience with bodyshop shows up more and more. It's pretty evident in the last two pictures.
My bodyshop is still alive to do another recolor, all the damage is smoke and mirrors.  Grin
Now that I look at it, the pictures look pretty effeminate huh?
I think it's the colors and the style I used.
I'll probably stop blabbering here, I'll post a "the-making-of" style update on my thread.   tongue

Ok back on topic,
The mesh is NOT included. It's Coolsims, it's a freesite!
You can grab that here.

I'll have to upload to Mediafire, since the file is almost 10MB.  shocked
It is a set of 18 recolors after all.
2  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Misses / Teen Insim t-shirts on: December 09, 2009, 10:19:08 pm
I made a bunch of insim t-shirts when I first started recoloring. Well, after going back, I figured I'd give them an update. So here they are!
Available in more than 1 color, unlike my AF insim t-shirt. lol.
The mesh is an TF untuckable mesh by migamoo from MTS.
For the baseball tee, I used a texture by Fishie, right here.
Now to the pictures! (I didn't go picture crazy this time.  Wink)

Here's the four basic color tees,

and the back.

And the 3 baseball type tees. Unlike the 4 basic tees, the detailing on these are colored. (Because white doesn't show up on white... rolleyes)

I like this picture.  Cheesy

These t-shirts are great for conquering waterfalls!

Playing catch next to precariously high cliffs!

And digging holes in paradise!

heh heh, Tell me what you think!
3  Sims 2 Community Downloads / The Glorious People's Revolution Project / IS independence day t-shirt! on: December 07, 2009, 07:24:43 pm
Haha, I wasn't around when this happened, but hey, from everything that's been said, I think I've got a pretty good idea.
Anyway, it's another recolor of HP's awesome untuckable shirt mesh!
I've gotten a lot better at editing textures since I released that Insim shirt I made a while back. I hope that shows.  Grin
I hope I haven't done anything wrong, If I have, please tell me.
If I didn't do anything wrong, tell me what you think! I'd put in-game shots, but... I'm sort supposed to be doing homework right now...  Cheesy

I've also got one word to describe the back... KABOOM!!!!  tongue
The front describes what caused the whole thing. Smiley
I could've put dollar signs, but the simoleon sign seemed more appropriate.

4  A Safe Haven / General Discussion / Upgrading my computer? Any tips? on: November 27, 2009, 03:23:22 pm
Well I'm new to modifying my computer. This is the first computer I've opened and messed around inside of. I do a lot of research before upgrading. But I'm moving out of my comfort zone and I'm looking for tips.
Current Set-up:
Vista Home Premium 32-bit
Nvidia Geforce 9800 GT
500 watt earthwatts Antec power supply
Blackmagic intensity pro video capture card
Everything else is stock.
General Specs of my computer model

Here's what I'm planning, the memory space is pretty much maxed out for a 32-bit system, and I multi-task so much that it's usually stressed pretty well. And since it's only 32-bit, I'm going to have to upgrade to a 64-bit OS. I've never upgraded an OS before, can anyone run me through step-by-step? From what I understand, it's as easy as sticking the disc in and waiting. But that sounds too easy to change the entire operating system, at least to me.
Planned Set-up:
Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
more memory <--(I'm pretty sure I can pull this off easily)

and later on, I might want to change my processor to a quad-core from the dual core one I have now.
If anyone's done that before can you give me a guess on how complicated it might be?
And overall, is this a good plan?
5  Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / WCIF: Developed photos on: November 23, 2009, 07:52:48 am
In my childhood, we had this thing called film.  Cheesy
You know how you had to get the film to a super market or a place like that to develop them?
and after an hour you'd get it back in a little folder with all the pictures inside? I'm looking for a bit of clutter like those photo folders they give you back.
It'd be awesome to have a closed version and one that's kinda spilled out too.
Hopefully all of that makes sense...
Thanks in advance!  Grin
6  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Can I safely install more than one stuff pack at a time? on: November 21, 2009, 07:07:25 pm
I'm wondering if I can install more than one stuff pack at a time. My mom just picked up Kitchen & Bath and Teen style stuff. Is it okay to install both and expect my game not to go to bits? Cheesy Thanks in advance!
7  A Safe Haven / Forum Games / 1000 Things I've learned from watching action movies on: November 16, 2009, 07:06:31 pm
I really like DaSpecial1's thread about 1000 things I've learned from watching horror movies, so all credits for the original idea go to DaSpecial1.
The thing is, horror movies aren't the only kind of movie. So I figured we'd want to include more genres into the mix. I personally like action movies A LOT. So naturally, I choose that genre.
Thanks again to DaSpecial1 for the great idea!

1. Don't bring a bullet proof vest, it'll just weigh you down. The bad guy's bullets will always hit 5 feet behind you anyway.
2. Beautiful women always have high ranks in secret agencies.
3. Cars go "KABOOM!" after only a couple bullets.
4. If your in some big secret agency, chances are that you're going to be driving a shiny, new, noticeable, $100,000+ sports car.
8  Simmers' Paradise / I Want My Own Thread / Carl's Randomness! Updated 6/24: Frames! on: November 14, 2009, 06:44:13 pm

Well, while I was writing and taking pictures for my story, I ended up with a TON of unused pictures. They weren't bad pictures. No, not at all. Some were awesomely funny, they just didn't fit in the story. So here's the thread where I'll post them up and share them with you. Some of them are so good, It's almost criminal for me to keep them to myself...  tongue
Because of forum rules, I'll post them in 600x375. At the end of each post though, i'll put a link to an album where you can see it in all their 1600x1000 glory! Haha, here's the first update! This first update's all about Bianca, the teenager in my story.

What do you do if your kid trips? You rip out your camera and take a picture of course!!!! Everyone knows that.  rolleyes

Haha, She was/and is always the sim to be in a perfect pose for something weapon related. I always paused her in the perfect pose, and I always take advantage of that! Isn't that an awesome pic?

Again, more proof of her awesomeness. This is right after she grew up, and in the animation she looked at her hand. So I quickly paused and did this!

Here's a face she made while she was doing her homework. I think it's funny and a bit weird. So I looked at what her homework was about.

It was math homework obviously, I'd make that face too. lol.
Here the link to the full size album,

9  Simmers' Paradise / Sims Stories / Taken For Granted (Chapter 3 up! 1/12) on: November 14, 2009, 05:55:42 pm
So I finally got this done. The writing was sitting on my computer for a while now, but it wasn't until last week a felt a push to finish it. Luckily for me, I started working on it right before having 2 days off. I've had Tuesday and Wednesday off for a teacher workday and Veteran's Day. At the end of Veteran's day, I was only about 1/4 through the story pictures after setting up the house for pictures and stuff. Luckily for me, some convenient flooding caused the school to close for a few days, but leave the power on. Even at the end of that day I wasn't finished yet. Being so close to done just made me want to keep pushing forward. Because I was so close you know? So here we are, day 5 of my 6 day weekend(if it's even considered a weekend anymore...  Cheesy) and I'm finally finished. Ok, enough about me and how I spend most of my freetime, here's my first chapter of my first sim story ever!
By the way, It's just an intro, so don't expect stuff to blow up...yet...
Tell me what you think of it so far, I love feedback.  Grin

--While reading this chapter, I recommend listening to Home - Vanessa Carlton, I honestly tried to put the feeling into the story, after all the character intros. So starting at the picture of Bianca doing her homework. Hopefully, you think it matches the story as much as I do.  tongue

   Camden Cordova was a very busy person. Of course, what can you expect of a doctor who works in the ER? His schedule was never stable, unlike his wife Shannon’s. He worked the afternoon shift, but was often the doctor on call most nights. On these nights, he didn’t even bother coming home. There was a staff shortage at the hospital he worked at, and being on call was pretty much the same as working overtime. On these nights, he usually came home around 2AM, sometimes even 5AM. This was obviously radically different from the 10PM time he was supposed to come home. Obviously, the time he was supposed to come home was often never the case. His brown hair was kept as neat as he could, but his blue eyes almost always looked tired. Needless to say, it’s because a stressful job. He loved his job, he loved helping people, and he loved seeing people get better. But no matter how hard you try, you just can’t save everyone. When this happened, it brought Camden down to the point he wanted to quit. But he always reconsidered it when he would finally arrive home and see his family. Seeing his family always proved to him someone needed to do his job, so other families could expect to see their family members come home. He was willing to bear this load for that one purpose. After all, it was the same reason he got started in the first place.

   When he wasn’t working, he loved taking pictures. His camera was never far away. He took pictures of everything he saw. But what he loved taking pictures of most was his family. He just loved building up memories. The walls around the house were coated in photos by him. His wife also liked the pictures he took a lot, easily filling a number of photo albums with them.

   Shannon Cordova was a very simple person. She kept her brown hair in a simple style that needed a minimum amount of maintenance. This was not because she was strapped for time like Camden, she was just lazy. Her green eyes always stole attention anyway. Even behind her glasses, her eyes were still very noticeable.

   She worked as jewelry salesperson; she loved jewelry in all its forms. She was also very charismatic when she wanted to be, and that helped a lot. The job had decent pay, but with Camden’s pay, her paycheck was usually used for extras. Shannon didn’t mind that one bit. Being able to spoil your kids is always a good feeling.

   She was smart, but her absentmindedness often suggested otherwise. She often got lost in her own thoughts, and frequently daydreamed. Talking to her, a person would notice how honest and straight to the point she was. Her friends didn’t expect a long explanation when they asked her a question. They expected a straight answer and nothing more.

   Always being straight to the point didn’t stop her from being a dreamer though. She often dreamed years in advance, often planning what to do in 5 years. Because of this, she loved playing The Sims 2 in her free time. There, she could play through the many daydreams she had about her future. It annoyed the rest of her family how much time she put into the game though. At 36, she was well into starting her own family. She already had two children, Bianca and Christopher.

   Bianca was the older one of the two. She was 14, 5 years older than her little brother. Bianca was not quite as tall as her mother just yet, but she was getting close. While she did look a bit like her mom, the color of her hair and even the color of her eyes came from her dad.

   Bianca was a very honest person, much like her father. But unlike her father, she was brutally honest. She would explain her view on anything, not holding back any of her thoughts. She also became somewhat of an activist for the causes she believed in. Unlike her parents, who only really cared about the here and now, Bianca liked thinking about what she could change about the future. She was a good student, but not the best by a long shot. She mostly got B’s and a good number of A’s. Occasionally though, she would slip and bring home a C. This didn’t bother her mom too much, mainly because she didn’t do much better when she was a kid. Her dad though, would always push her to succeed if he saw that grade. If he had a day off he would tutor her, because he wanted her to be at her best.

   The two of them also did a lot of bonding when nothing school-related was going on. Because of this, she became a tomboy in some respects. She started liking fast sports cars, like her dad. She loved action movies because of this. Even with her overflowing enthusiasm, she kept a calm demeanor, and only showed a fraction of the emotion she was feeling. Even if she was as happy as someone can be, the most she would show is a big closed-lip smile, maybe even slightly opened for a special occasion. Apparently, turning 16 is only a special occasion.

   Christopher was almost an exact copy of his dad, with one difference; he had his mom’s personality. He had the same brown hair as his dad, the same blue eyes, and the same chin also; but he had the same value over looks mentality his mom had.

   Christopher also liked planning things out years in advance. Again, just like his mom. School wise, he was a lot better than his sister was when she was his age. His grades were considerably better, constantly making A’s with a few B’s scattered around.

   Instead of following his parents for hobbies like his sister, Christopher pretty much blazed his own trail. He dove into music, basically living on the stuff. He also learned how to play the piano, while his parents never even attempted to learn how to play a single instrument. He was the only reason they bought the piano in the first place.

   Tonight was an average night for the family. It was getting pretty late; the clock was about to hit 11PM. Bianca was still working away at her homework, because she started so late.

   Christopher was getting ready to go to bed, disappointed by the fact his dad was going to be home late again tonight. Shannon had to convince him to go to sleep, insisting that he’ll need the sleep for school. She finally convinced him to go to sleep with the idea that if he didn’t sleep right now, he’d be too tired to wait for his dad tomorrow night. This wasn’t the first time she used this reason for him to go to sleep; in fact, she used it almost every time Camden had to come home late. At this point, Christopher wouldn’t put up a fight, since he was simply too tired to. Shannon walked down the stairs after he went to bed, visibly tired.

   She walked around and walked through the kitchen, checking on how Bianca was doing on her homework before walking into the living room. She pulled out a photo album from the bookcase and sat down on the couch and started flipping through the pages, smiling to herself.

   This is how she spent most of her nights waiting for her husband. She always liked reminiscing and she often lost sense of time when looking through her numerous photo albums. Before she knew it, Bianca was in front of her.
   “I’m done with my homework now, mom. I’m going to bed now.” Bianca told her sleepily. Shannon barely looked up before she saw her turn around and head toward her bedroom.

   Bianca liked waiting for her dad to come home also, but at this point, she was tired and already used to the fact that his job asked so much from him. After 8 years of waiting every night, she has gotten used to the fact that she can’t wait for her dad to come home every time. When he did come home early enough to see his kids, Christopher would run up to him and jump into his arms. Bianca’s greeting was a lot more reserved. It was usually a simple “Hey Dad.” when she saw him at the door. She always held out on emotion, hiding exactly how happy she was when he came home early. The fact that she waited every night made it pretty obvious too.
Shannon listened quietly and after a few short moments she heard Bianca’s door close. She paused for a moment. She stole a glance at the clock on the wall. The clock was showing a time of 1AM.  Her tired eyes stayed closed longer each time she blinked. She then remembered the photo album still in her hand. She put it down on a coffee table right next to the couch and stood up. She walked over to the foyer, and lounged on the couch they had in the room. She paused for a moment, thinking of ways to pass the time. After watching the clock absentmindedly for about 15 minutes, she decided to do something that included less waiting.

   Shannon let out a deep breath and looked around the room again. She remembered the book she was reading. She was already halfway through the book, even though she only started about a week ago. When Shannon wasn’t looking through photo albums, she often read while she was waiting for Camden to come home. Shannon reached over and picked up the book off of the end table, flipped open the book, and started reading.

   It was extremely quiet in the house. Of course, it was extremely quiet everywhere at this time. Outside, everything had a dark navy blue tinge. The few street lights cast a harsh yellow light on the road below. It was already mid fall, and the temperature matched the season perfectly. The Cordova house was well lit. They had lights all around most of their wraparound porch. The only light that was on at that moment was the light next to the front door, but light also peeked out of the foyer windows.

   This was the room where Shannon was reading. She always waited in this room; it was the first room you entered when you came in the front door. Shannon read for several hours, before coming to a stop when she heard a car in the front of the house. She quickly placed the book down on the couch. She stood up quickly, or at least as quickly a person can at 4AM.  She swiftly moved next to the front door and peeked out the window. A smile quickly crossed her face when she saw the familiar Mercedes pull up in the driveway.

   Camden stepped out of the car, obviously very tired himself. Shannon quickly unlocked the door and pulled it open. A rush of warm air flowed out from the home into the cold fall night. The cold fall air gave Shannon a chill, but she didn’t care.

   She briskly walked out and met Camden on the porch. He looked at her with exhausted eyes.
“You’re still awake.” Camden mentioned, more worried than surprised. The light from the house silhouetted the couple against the early morning darkness. The cool fall breeze swerved between both of them in the first few hours of a new Friday.

   “As always.” Shannon quietly answered back before planting a quick kiss on his face.


It'd be nicer if nighttime in the sims 2 was darker huh?
Well aside from that, resizing it down to 600X375 really butchers the quality.
That really annoys me, and photobucket hates how huge the pictures are. I really want you guys to see the pictures in their full size, but rules are rules.
So, if your interested in full size screens, I've uploaded them at imageshack.   Cheesy
Now that your done reading, I'll let you know that I took a ton of pictures that just didn't fit in the story. So I started my own picture thread with them, It'll have a lot of the pictures you see hanging around the house and some funny pictures of everyone in the family!,108240
10  Simmers' Paradise / Apartment Life Help / Reading interactions not working. on: November 12, 2009, 09:31:08 pm
Whenever I try to get a sim to read a book, it just cancels the action and resets the sim. Any kind of read interaction except the study interaction with the bookcase. Any read interaction is canceled, wether it's relaxing on the bed, reading from the bookcase, or reading on the hammock from BV.
I turned on testingcheats to get a better look at the problem.
Apparently, my error is because of an invalid constant.
I've got an error report, one from relaxing on the bed then reading, and one from reading directly from the bookcase. I'm not sure if posting those would help, but I'm honestly lost right now.
Thanks for looking this over.  Undecided
11  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Custom Objects & Recolors / Request: Two Dogs and an Olive Recolor on: November 11, 2009, 01:13:04 pm
Here's something requested by RapidFire, A recolor of Two Dogs and an Olive.
The original picture had a different aspect ratio than the painting, so I added two black bars to the sides, instead of stretching it. It's always a better option!  Grin
Other than that, It's pretty much just a recolor, nothing special to be honest.
Tell me if anything goes wrong.  Cheesy
Full Res screen:
12  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Women / Untuckable Black Insimenator Layered Tee for AF! on: October 31, 2009, 03:59:46 pm
Yay for adjectives! I think I used 4 in the title.
Well, I've been messing in the world of recoloring lately. So here's a shirt that I slapped the Insim logo on! Other than the logo, the only thing I added was some fancy underlining on the back.
I really like how it turned out, so I decided to share it with the rest of the Insim community! (It is our logo anyway...)  tongue
It's a recolor of HystericalParoxysm's awesome untuckable tee. Here's a link to the mesh,
All you should need is the  "MESH_AF_T_UntuckableTop.rar"
On to the pictures!  Grin

Full Res Screens:

13  Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / WCIF: Artist-type clothes on: October 29, 2009, 06:57:15 pm
I'm looking for artisty-type clothes, maybe along the lines of a paint splattered apron, messy jeans, stuff like that. I can't seem to find a set myself, but I'm sure someone has done something like this.  Grin
14  Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / WCIF something to hide the action queue & pause border? on: October 24, 2009, 12:40:20 pm
I'm looking for something to hide the action queue (That's the best thing I can think of to call it) and the little pause border. It gets really annoying to have to crop it out every time.
I'm trying to hide the little icons that show what the sim is or is going to do. Here's what I'm talking about, since I don't really know how to explain it.

15  Simmers' Paradise / Sims 2 Pictures / What have you done to the townies? on: October 17, 2009, 09:00:18 pm
I just wanted to see what other people have done to the random townies.
Post pictures of what you've done to them here.
Whatever you did to them, married them, sent them to college, or *GASP* killed them.
Just to clarify, this is a thread for how their lives have been, not makeovers. There's already a thread for that.  Grin

Here's a picture of Amy Jones, the paper girl, after I passed her through college.  tongue
She just got a job in the Intelligence career, and lives in a tiny apartment. She has an expensive computer because she feels like it. All that money from college helped.  Cheesy
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