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Simmers' Paradise / Mods & Careers / Can't Intersect Other Objects
on: October 08, 2010, 12:11:42 pm
Hi, is it possible for someone to make a mod to get rid of the "can't intersect other objects" problem.
I want to build a fence under a base (the bridge type) but i can't, even with moveobjects on.
I searched all over for cheats or mods to help with this, but no luck.
Thanks in advance!
Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / WCIF hair mod
on: September 01, 2010, 06:17:24 am
Does anybody know where I can find a mod that allows me to use hairstyles that's in one category (outfit) but not in another, for all outfits?
For example, there is a FreeTime hairstyle that I can use for everyday, but not for PJ's and I would like to use it for PJ's as well.
Thanks in advance!