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1  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / Best Default Replacement on: August 27, 2010, 11:10:42 am
(Srry for my English, it is not my nattive)

Hi guys.
What are the best default replacements for zombie, vampire, werewolf etc.?
Maybe you could give some links for the best of them you have ever seen or used?
I am going to replace all monsters in-game so i am looking for good skins. Also it is just interesting to me just to have a look on them.

Also, I've got some questions to you on the same topic. Maybe they are stupid but I am here at the first time and I dont know a lot of things.

Look here:

I've found this beautiful default werewolf skin replacement
<admin edit: link to insimadult removed - Default replacement were-wolf skintone, by Spookymuffin>

So, if I will use it will it be suitable for bodybuilder or athlete sim? I mean, will the bodybuilder stay bodybuilder if he is just using a bodybuilder clothes, not skin? So, bodybuilder will not be a bodybuilder only in shower, am i right?
Srry, cant explain better... troubles with Eng. ((( I am studyng it only for a year.
Well, but i think u understand the question.

And one more thing.

Look at this mod plz:

Maybe someone is using it and can explain me this: if I will use it and if I will create a sim with a costume skin, my costume skin will stay the same with this mode or this VampireInvisibleSkin will set sim skin as Maxis default normal skin?

Well, thnx u very much if u reply me.
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