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1  Resident Creators / EP7 Mods / Re: Community Lot Parties - FT/AL (Beta Version): 1-01-09 on: October 11, 2014, 10:55:38 pm
Hi there,

I know this is a really old thread, but I am just exploring this mod now.  It sounds like exactly what I need, but I also have Two
Jeff's visitor controller mod and really love it.  Does anyone know if they conflict?

2  Resident Creators / Squinge's Mod Help Section / pregnant wear any outfit 2 (different question) on: September 07, 2014, 11:37:16 am
I have a few problems/questions I'd like to get straightened out.

First, what will happen if I use the AL version of pregnant sims wear any outfit with the inteenimater?  I really love both mods and if it's only a minor problem I'd probably just cope with it in order to have both.  

I've discovered rumblings on the internets about am inteenimater-friendly version of the pregnant sims wear any outfit mod, but I cannot seem to locate the actual file.  Does this really exist?  Where can I find it?  More specifically, I can't find it NOW.  I suspect I may have found it several years ago (I've had to reinstall my game a few times), because I currently have the inteenimater and a file called "PregnancyWearAnyOutfit.package" both in my downloads and my game is running perfectly.  If the inteenimater-friendly version is a real thing, I'll assume I found it back then and that's what I currently have installed.  So far so good.

However, even if I do have the right mod installed, I am having one problem.  I currently have a pregnant sim whom I can direct to wear any type off clothing EXCEPT casual, which has been replaced by maternity.  I can use the Sim Blender by TwoJeffs to get her into casual, which I have done without issue.  The problem comes in when I want her to Plan Outfit/Casual so I can change her into a casual outfit with a pregnancy morph.  I know I have multiple casual outfits in her wardrobe, but while she is pregnant, I can't see the option to plan a casual outfit - I only have the option to plan other types of outfits (e.g., Undies, Workout).  Is it possible to have maternity and casual coexist in the menus while the sim is pregnant?
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