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1  Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / Re: Bigfoot stuff! on: December 14, 2012, 03:41:15 pm
Have you tried the Neanderthal bodyshape made by Bloom? Is a bodyshape made with the Bigfoot's shape, but without all the body hair. You cand find it here:,672.0.html
I hope this helps you. Have a nice day Cheesy.
2  Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / Re: WCIF Body shape for heavier male? on: September 03, 2012, 06:07:25 am
Try the Martaxl bodyshape. Works for both male and female, teen to elder. Find it at Gothplague's site.
3  Simmers' Paradise / Content Creation & Recoloring Help / Re: warlokks magnet help.. please on: August 31, 2012, 09:12:29 am
Could you please describe the steps that you follow in a more detailed way? Posting a link to the tutorial that you followed will be useful also to find out what's wrong with your meshes.
4  Simmers' Paradise / Clothing & Body Mesh's / Re: Nun Dress ? on: August 19, 2012, 02:39:39 pm
Then I will wait to upload it to the site *wink, wink*. Thanks for the advice,
5  Simmers' Paradise / Clothing & Body Mesh's / Re: Nun Dress ? on: August 19, 2012, 06:30:52 am
Sorry for taking so long, but I had sended an e-mail to Rose asking for permission to upload her mesh with my modifications and I haven't recieved an answer yet. Should I upload the outfit anyway (and quit it if I recieve a negative answer) or should I wait for her to give me permission?
6  Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / Re: WCIF this braided hair? on: August 04, 2012, 06:27:44 am
Original mesh is a pay one by Peggy. You can found it here and for free at the booty.
Unfortunately, I don't know where that recolor can be found, sorry.
7  Simmers' Paradise / Clothing & Body Mesh's / Re: Nun Dress ? on: August 02, 2012, 06:07:45 am
Thank you so much for your advice, Theraven. I managed to fix the mesh's shading by changing the import settings in poser YAY. This is how it looks now:

If you like this, hamzaayub, just let me know and I will upload it  Wink. Have a nice day.
8  Simmers' Paradise / Clothing & Body Mesh's / Re: Nun Dress ? on: July 21, 2012, 10:17:17 am
I'm sorry, but I have bad news again. I finally managed to reinstall the game (after one extra week of waiting) and made the conversion, but there's a problem with the shading of the mesh that appears when I load the mesh in Poser and does not dissappear no matter what I do with it on Milkshape later. It looks like this:

I can do two things, finish this conversion and upload it or convert another nun dress for you if you want, because I can't fix that awful shading, sorry.
9  Simmers' Paradise / Clothing & Body Mesh's / Re: Nun Dress ? on: July 06, 2012, 03:18:25 pm
Sorry hamzaayub, but I have some bad news: my game got borked and I had to uninstall it. Fortunately, I was able to make a back-up of all of my sims 2 archives (downloads, saved games and such), but I won't be able to finish your request until I reinstall the game and I'm afraid that it will be on next Friday. Sorry for the delay.
P.S. I didn't ask you before, but, do you want the bust to be 34DD enhaced or natural?
10  Simmers' Paradise / Clothing & Body Mesh's / Re: Nun Dress ? on: July 04, 2012, 03:51:47 pm
I think I can do this. Which hip size would you want for the outfit? 
11  Simmers' Paradise / Sims / Re: Sonia Strumm/Hibiki Misora from Megaman Star Force? on: April 20, 2012, 01:45:17 pm
Done here Wink. I hope you enjoy this sim.
Have a nice day.
12  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Celebrities / Sonia Strumm/Hibiki Misora from Megaman requested by Maxilos. on: April 20, 2012, 01:42:38 pm
Requested by Maxilos here, I present to you Sonia Strumm from Megaman series.

Bodyshop pic:

CC list:
Comparison pic:
All credit goes to the original creators. Hair recolor made by me with Nouk's original textures.
Do whatever you want with this sim, except uploading her on paysites/the exchange (if it still exist)/TSR. Also remember to respect the original CC creators TOU.
Have fun and happy simming Wink.
13  Simmers' Paradise / Sims / Re: Sonia Strumm/Hibiki Misora from Megaman Star Force? on: April 19, 2012, 04:30:29 pm
Almost ready. Here are some ingame pictures, if everything is alright for you, I will upload her tomorrow.
14  Simmers' Paradise / Clothing & Body Mesh's / Re: Raincoat for men on: April 15, 2012, 04:44:18 am
You mean something like this? -->
Both versions, male and female, are included. Hope this helps you and have a nice day Wink.
15  Simmers' Paradise / Sims / Re: Sonia Strumm/Hibiki Misora from Megaman Star Force? on: April 11, 2012, 07:11:53 am
I think I can do this sim, but only the face preset and the genetics, not the clothing, sorry (I don't have the skills to retexture or recoloring clothes).
If you're interested, just tell me and I will start working on it. Have a nice day Wink.
Edit: I already started the sim. Here are the first results.
Body pic:
Closeup without and with makeup:
Tell me what do you think. I will make any corrections she would need. Have a nice day Wink.
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