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1  The Sims 4 / Sims 4 Buzz / Re: Has everyone written off Sims 4? on: June 21, 2017, 03:11:59 pm
Naw it's got it's niche in the gaming realm.  Problems to be sure tho.  I mean with the community not just the game breaking everyone's mods with each patch.  The community is spread out all over in a big Tumblr movement.  MTS used to be where to talk shop.  There are loyalist keeping it's heart pumping.  Insimenator has never been a hopping forum even with TS2.  People are touch and go as it has always been.

I have all of TS2 and I played it to death and pieces and then some.  But I was angry toward the end at the community who had abandon me for TS3 without looking back.  Unless it was to grab a conversion or two.  Eventually I gave TS3 a small try on the xbox and bluck.  The plant growing was the only improvement over TS2.  Everyone was like you have to do it on PC so you can mod it and I just did not care enough.

But I'm a vampire game collector so guess what I play now.  TS4 is not as bad as what everyone is saying.  I really adore the vampires.  The aliens not.  But I'm not done with that yet.  Thinking with a few mod tweeks here and there and lots of custom content yeah I can probably turn all aliens into fairies. 

Sims4 is not TS2 and I freakn don't want another TS2.  I hate bringing TS2 conversions over to TS4 because I don't want flash backs of been there done that.  But I did have to have just this one thing... THANK GOD SOMEONE CONVERTED IT!

Admit that I have more fun doing dressup with the TS4 characters than actually playing them.   

2  Simmers' Paradise / Content Creation & Recoloring Help / [Recoloring Question] Cannot recolor pet objects? on: February 13, 2013, 09:31:49 am
No Resource Tree appears in SimPE when trying to recolor pet objects.  All EP/SP.  Everything installed correctly with the latest and greatest.  I can recolor other objects just fine.  Pets auto checked in preferences.  I've seen pet objects recolored so what gives?  

Later (2/26/2013)
As far as I can tell the Collections EP's mess SimPE up.  I seem to be able to access anything in SimPE so long as it did not come from a Collections EP.  I'm not sure if reinstalling my entire game to get the Collections EP's out of my system would be wise.  If I remember correct from a PC I used to own uninstalling and reinstalled TS2 is impossible.  It doesn't run right at reinstall.  Think instead I'll update my roommate's graphic card and install TS2 with the correct EP's on his PC.  Then if really need to recolor Pets, Mansion, and Family Fun I'll have it.

3  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Re: Can't film ingame due to missing codec? on: August 16, 2012, 05:37:52 pm
vp6vfw.dll is the missing codec but it's a piece of crap and makes the vids blurry even after vid modding - i have yet to discover a solution to this problem.  Ghost, we know what a codec is, we are looking for the specific one that runs with Sims 2 game (thus we post here).
4  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Re: No floors, no walls, flashing terrain - fix? on: January 09, 2012, 10:36:19 pm
I'm not flashing terrain anymore.  I'm not having any problems since I moved all my custom content to a one-folder position in Downloads.  I think I ran into trouble because I have so much CC.  More than most folks.  I mentioned my PC stats because Sims 2 is not suppose to be for duel core so it's amazing it works at all. 

Thanks for the help but I got a job irl and I can't hit the forums anymore, work is picking up.  I really do appreciate all the input tho. 

I'm going to consider this problem resolved.  You all have a good day.

5  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Re: No floors, no walls, flashing terrain - fix? on: January 08, 2012, 11:35:42 am
Sorry, was at work.

The only EP's I do not have are Glamour and Kitchen.  I don't have anything Holiday either.  All else is installed with patches.

64bit duel core Windows Vista rating 3.5 graphic card update.
6  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Re: No floors, no walls, flashing terrain - fix? on: January 07, 2012, 08:03:22 am

BuildMode items (walls floors terrain outdoorplants) do not like subfolders.  Place them as close to the surface of your Downloads folder as possible.  They will allow for one subfolder only.

If you folder your lots (like me as I'm a filing categorizing freak) keep them close to the surface too because they will hold buildmode items.
7  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Re: No floors, no walls, flashing terrain - fix? on: January 06, 2012, 07:05:34 am
There was nothing wrong with the houses I downloaded and the creators included everything that I would need.  After two weeks of experiments I finally came up with something that works.  My cousin and I have a theory that the build loading screen is on a timer.  Those of us that have huge amounts of CC get timed out before all the walls and floors are placed.  Sometimes even before statues and terrain, tho less likely.


1) Pull all CC from Downloads and set it aside in a folder on Desktop.
2) Clear all cache - Documents > EA Games > The Sims 2
          erase Accessory.cache
          erase Groups.cache
    > Thumbnails
          erase BuildMode Thumbnails.package
          erase CANHObjectsThumbnails.package
          erase CASThumbnails.package
          erase DesignModeThumbnails.package
          erase ObjectThumbnails.package
3) Using Clean Installer place only the lot you want in Downloads (if it did not download right the 1st time you have to delete it from within the game and from without, making sure your teleport is clear for another take off).*
4) Load game and place house which will now have all walls, floors, terrain, statues and everything it should have if the creator uploaded it correctly and you have all the required EP's. 
5) Save lot and exit.
6) Clear cache again and place all CC back in your Downloads folder where you want it.  At this point you can rearrange cc files and folders without messing the house up.  I'm fairly sure you can even delete any copy cat cc but I have yet to completely experiment with this.

*Teleport is a file found under  Documents > EA Games > The Sims 2 > Teleport when you use Clean Installer.  It's Clean Installer's way of placing a lot in game.  If there is something in Teleport it means a lot is getting ready to be placed in game for the 1st time.
8  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Re: No floors, no walls, flashing terrain - fix? on: January 04, 2012, 07:29:16 pm
*cricket* *cricket* *cricket*
9  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / No floors, no walls, flashing terrain - fix? on: December 26, 2011, 01:46:28 pm
Almost every time I download a lot I get sections of missing walls and floors.  Sometimes flashing terrain.  Everything downloads correctly.  All appears to be there perfect.  Clean installer used.  CEP in.  So what gives?  Why does this happen so often and is there a fix?
10  Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / [Sims 2] WCIF lacy lady's underwear for men? on: October 01, 2011, 01:32:59 pm
Gay, homosexual, drag queen, sissy-boy, pretty, lacy, beautiful, floral, effeminate, fancy underwear only for males?  No leather.  Nothing from Parsimonious.
11  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / Re: Androgynous The Clothing Line Help on: August 04, 2011, 01:09:20 pm
Since this is the only thread that shows up when google searching can we get a link to that WCIF androgynous clothes downloads?  I haven't got a clue where it is and neither does any1 else popping in off the web highway.  Thanks.

Links, plz,  Links!!!
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