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1  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Re: Debuging problems..please really need some help thank you on: January 30, 2014, 08:36:24 pm
What I mean by factory restore is that sometimes I can't find the problem and by the time I delete everything I sometimes delete the wrong thing and mess up my game so have to do a factory restore because the downloaded games won't let me delete them...just the games that I have the disk for are the only ones so I have to do a factory restore...I won't go to MTS..they are well let me just say I refuse to ever ask for their help again..

this is what I said over at another site just coping and pasting over here

I had finally learned how to download the zip and rar files in the last week...everything was fine until around 5 am this morning my time that something went wrong not sure what..I went in and deleted all the clothes because those were the last things that I had downloaded mostly...after I got rid of the clothes I was able to get into the dresser but I still was not able to send my sim to work...I had him teleport from the room to outside of the fence by the edge of the property but he still wouldn't leave.. but he was still able to go downtown..

I do have all the patches..I have all EP's and SP's so I figured I was safe to download anything..guess not..

I am not a stupid person and don't like being treated like am in tears can't hardly see the screen...

I can READ and I read everything before I download..I sometimes may not understand all that I read but I feel that if there had been any questions I would not have downloaded them...

I use boolprop testingcheatsenabled have been using that for the last 6 mo to a year...that is when I started learning the cheats and I use the moveobjects on to move the trash can to the back of the house..hate when the walkby knocks over the can..the mailbox stays in the same place I don't ever move that..

not sure what you mean by "default replacement clothing or mod"..they change into their work clothes

I had that happen to the kids as well until I realized that when the person who first moved into the house died nobody could get out of the house or the gates without me unlocking them and then relocking them

I use the ..........for train of thought...I have a hard time thinking and remembering what I am trying to say...If you must know I have PTSD..and short term memory loss..from being beat by my grandmother and raped by my grandfather...won't be coming back on here again....

2  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Debuging problems..please really need some help thank you on: January 30, 2014, 05:22:14 am
This is why I have problems with CC....finally learned how to do it now I am having problems with the either the game or my sims....ok..graduated a couple from college everything was fine...moved them into a house everything was fine...sent her off to town to buy clothes everything NOT fine...after clicking on the dresser it comes up with DEBUG-Outfit Data Test...can't get into the drawer to get any clothes...but this isn't the only neither one can leave the property to go to work...they can leave to go downtown but not to work...

thanks everyone that can help me out....

UPDATE: Well I am a loss for words...I figured I would get rid of all the clothes I downloaded right before this all happened and it did work for the debug-outfit data test on the dresser...but it didn't work for going to work...I just tried to send one of my sims to work in the helicopter and nothing wouldn't let him go so I tried sending him on foot wouldn't let him go but it would let him go when I tried to sell the helicopter it said in use..

when this all first happened I moved this couple out of their house and bulldozed the house and move the new property and house somewhere else...figured it might be something in the house but nope...

as soon as I had moved these guys in a new house I sent her off downtown to get new clothes and that is when it all happened in both houses...this second house does not have any CC clothes in it...

this is going to really upset me if I have to do another factory restore because I can't get rid of all the downloads...but it isn't in all of the downloads just the recent ones which is the clothes...

this happened at around 5 am this morning my time and I had downloaded some clothes right before this happened....

thanks everyone that can help me out...
3  Simmers' Paradise / Sims 2 Web / Re: Affinity Sims on: January 28, 2014, 03:27:41 pm
I signed up at Affinity Sims and got the tricycle and the bikes and the pans for cooking skills can't wait to try them out...the kids rode the bikes for a few min and then they continued biking but the bikes got stuck in one place...they got off and then back on and rode around for another few min and then the bikes got stuck in one place again but the kids continued pedaling  ....they still got body points though...

thanks Nonni
4  A Safe Haven / General Discussion / Re: Important Life Events on: January 28, 2014, 01:28:37 pm
Congrats Katie...Is this your first child?...If it is you are on your way to no sleep lol...I am 52 yrs old and still trying to make up for lost sleep after having 3 kids in the first 4 yrs of marriage lol....and even after they are grown and have kids of their own you still don't get sleep worrying about them...
5  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / Re: cheats for child's grades... on: January 27, 2014, 02:31:03 am
hey marka I went back and looked closer at that link and seen where it changed the grades....

thank you for your help...

I downloaded that Collage Adjuster going in to see what do you use the College Adjuster...
6  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Re: Gestures on: January 27, 2014, 12:50:14 am
I don't know...I have only had 1 family do all 3 vacations...and none of them ever found out how to do the gestures or the dances...the Eastern Vacation is the only one I usually send all my sims2...not sure why at first it was to learn to teleport and learn the gesture...but since I can teach them the teleport with the mailbox I don't know why I don't send them to the other vacations...sorry no help there...
7  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Re: Gestures on: January 26, 2014, 10:34:29 pm
hoped that helped you....
8  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Re: Gestures on: January 26, 2014, 10:07:43 pm
I don't think so...I just found out a month or so ago by accident about the kids learning bowing and the ninja...I clicked on the mailbox with one of the kids to see what all they had available to them and the ninja came up tried it out and it worked...When kids are adopted they make friends with the adopted parents faster when learning the gesture...I have even townies that know the gesture for bowing...In my game there used to be a lot of fights at Sue's Secret Kitchen now all they do is bow around there....takes less than 15 min their time to teach kids or anyone else to bow...

good luck... 
9  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Re: Gestures on: January 26, 2014, 08:25:00 pm
as soon as my toddlers grow up to kids they learn to bow and teleport and they learn it very fast so they don't have very many skills at is my fault if they have to keep calling the ninja over and over because I keep getting the question wrong and the bowing the parents teach the kids as soon as they grow up and they do it very fast...
10  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / Re: cheats for child's grades... on: January 25, 2014, 10:44:42 am
no this has to do with children with their grades...most of them come home with a B+ the first day of school for them second day they have an A+...but once in a while I will have one that comes home with a C+ then has to go through the weekend before getting that B+ then A+...didn't want to have to go through the weekend before getting that A+ and then aging them to teen...I really like for them to get that A+ first before becoming a teen...will look at that link a little closer this afternoon have things to do this morning...

thanks marka for your help...
11  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / Re: have a question on BFF's...I DID IT on: January 25, 2014, 10:28:28 am
I started playing Sims2 in 2007 or 2008...the lady that taught me I don't think she knew of the cheats or any of this other stuff...she didn't play with any of these.....She started playing Sims1 when it first came out and then on Sims2 and as hooked as she is I am sure she is on Sims3 all of this is new to wasn't until 2010 that I found the Sims2 forums and learned about all of this stuff....but when it comes to a computer I am not very good at learning new things....even my cell phone my 12 yr old grandson knows more about it than I do lol...I use it only to make calls and a few texts and take a few pics...I had it almost a yr before I found out where the pics were at after taking the pics...It is also hard for me to comprehend things when reading...finally got some CC in my game...not all of it downloaded though...I have to download a lot to get a few things but that is ok I am finally learning... YAY....I will read the links you gave me..

thanks marka for your help
12  Simmers' Paradise / Sims 2 Pictures / Re: New CC Sims on: January 18, 2014, 01:59:08 am

I tried to make him like her but it didn't work..
13  A Safe Haven / General Discussion / Re: What are you currently doing (besides being here)? on: January 17, 2014, 04:02:08 pm
lol Paden.....I sort of did the same thing...I had the heat set for Auto but for the life of me I couldn't find the cold air that kept was set on something else...maintenance guy come over and turned it back on Auto haven't had that cold air blowing since...

I'm freezing my butt off as well...only 26 but wind chill is as -1 at 6 am this morning and looks like it's going to stay this way for a while...but I guess I am better off an my sister who lives in California...I worry about her and those fires...
14  Simmers' Paradise / Accessories / Re: Baby born with Deer Antlers on: January 16, 2014, 06:43:49 pm
ok...I had downloaded them a while back but could never find them...thought I had messed up but for some reason I went into glasses...I don't ever put glasses on my sims...I wear them and I hate them lol...Chester Gieke is the only one that has glasses am not sure why I went into glasses today and there they were...

what mod do you mean...I do have Trapping's original accessories....

Thank you again Theraven for your help...and the downloads Smiley
15  Simmers' Paradise / Accessories / Re: Baby born with Deer Antlers on: January 16, 2014, 04:40:54 pm
thank you Theraven for the Antlers...I made 2 Sims with Trapping's Antlers and posted them....also have a question...the Antlers were under glasses...does that mean the Antlers won't be inherited..I would have to go into change appearance and add them to each of the Sims right...or did I do something wrong when I downloaded them..
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