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1  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Debuging problems..please really need some help thank you on: January 30, 2014, 05:22:14 am
This is why I have problems with CC....finally learned how to do it now I am having problems with the either the game or my sims....ok..graduated a couple from college everything was fine...moved them into a house everything was fine...sent her off to town to buy clothes everything NOT fine...after clicking on the dresser it comes up with DEBUG-Outfit Data Test...can't get into the drawer to get any clothes...but this isn't the only neither one can leave the property to go to work...they can leave to go downtown but not to work...

thanks everyone that can help me out....

UPDATE: Well I am a loss for words...I figured I would get rid of all the clothes I downloaded right before this all happened and it did work for the debug-outfit data test on the dresser...but it didn't work for going to work...I just tried to send one of my sims to work in the helicopter and nothing wouldn't let him go so I tried sending him on foot wouldn't let him go but it would let him go when I tried to sell the helicopter it said in use..

when this all first happened I moved this couple out of their house and bulldozed the house and move the new property and house somewhere else...figured it might be something in the house but nope...

as soon as I had moved these guys in a new house I sent her off downtown to get new clothes and that is when it all happened in both houses...this second house does not have any CC clothes in it...

this is going to really upset me if I have to do another factory restore because I can't get rid of all the downloads...but it isn't in all of the downloads just the recent ones which is the clothes...

this happened at around 5 am this morning my time and I had downloaded some clothes right before this happened....

thanks everyone that can help me out...
2  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / I'm at it again... on: January 14, 2014, 06:27:48 am
I know I had a post on here about downloading zip and rar but for the life of me can't find it...I know I swore I would never ever download things again for my Sims2 but I just can't help it...I know I am going to have to do another factory restore if I don't stop this...I have spent the last 3 days downloading beautiful creations like for the hair, makeup, eyes and skin but nothing is showing up in the Body Shop or in the game with CAS...don't understand what I am doing wrong...I downloaded the 7-zip and extracted the files but not sure what to do after that...I have folders made for these items and put them in the documents and also made these folders and put them in the Sims2 files...downloaded these to each of them as well thinking that if I have them in 3 different places something will work...I haven't even played my Sims2 in the last 3 days... Sad

I have read in several places on how to do these downloads but I know I am doing something wrong...

I would like for someone to help me with very simple steps on doing this...please...If I still can't get them to work I promise I will stop...and anyone can give me a computer kick in the butt lol if I ask again... Grin

Thanks in advance for any help I can get... tongue
3  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / have a question on BFF's...I DID IT on: January 10, 2014, 05:06:58 pm
I have 2 couples Lisa and Checo Ramirez and the Tinkers I can't seem to get them to be BFF's...they have 3 bolts...they are almost elders now with 2 kids each and for the life of me I can't get them to be BFF's they are the only sims that I have that are not BFF's other than a few of the professors that won't become BFF's with their students but not worried about them...just Lisa and Checo and the Tinkers...can anyone help me please...

thanks for all your help in advance...

UPDATE: omg....I did it...I have looked at that Sim blender a lot of times and as soon as I seen it was a zip I would go in panic mode and say no way no how not going to mess up my computer or game again...but I took the chance and did it...and it worked...both of my couples are now BFF's...someone on live journal suggested I try the Sim blender and I took that step and did it and it worked...and I didn't mess up my computer or game...HAPPY DANCE  YAY
4  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / cheats for child's grades... on: December 26, 2013, 11:30:47 pm

I could have sworn I posted this before but can't find it...Is there a way of bringing a child's grades up.. I always wait till the child has an A+ before I age them to teen...but I don't want to wait through the weekend before he gets the can't be custom content or rar or zip for the downloading...maybe a cheat...

someone had given me a cc that was just a straight download for getting rid of annoying was that napkin there something like that that would up the grades of kids...

thanks everyone for your help in advance...

UPDATE: well I just went ahead and aged him up to a teen...but if anyone knows anything about cheats bringing up grades please let me know...thanks
5  Simmers' Paradise / Sims 2 Pictures / New CC Sims on: November 30, 2013, 06:38:41 pm
I had created a sim for college of a Zombie girl and she married Christian Love's adopted son Amin...they had a boy and as a baby, toddler and child he was normal was disappointed but then as a teen he turned out to be a Zombie have a pic here of him...

I will try and get a better pic here in a bit...

EDITED:ok here is a few more pics with this family...

this is the pic of the family..the boy looked like the toddler....

and this is the toddler growing up as a child still a human...hope she has the Zombie look when she becomes a teen...this is the first family making Zombies...

ok here she is and she has the Zombie look as

6  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / have a question on: November 11, 2013, 04:33:38 pm
I have used the omg brain fart give me a min. lol oh that thing you get with the job for an Actor that changes the sims features...the question is when you change their features will that be passed on to the kids or is it just so you don't play with an ugly sim lol....I am sure everyone knows who Klara Vonderstein is from college...right now I am playing her and 3 others in a house but after a while I just couldn't stand looking at her any longer so I took that thing and changed her features so was wondering will her new features be passed on to her kids or will the old face be passed on...

thanks for your help in advance..
7  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / need help finding potions and recipes on: October 09, 2013, 02:16:00 pm
I need some help finding the witches and warlock potions and the recipes for the juicer and any other potions and recipes that are out there for the Sims2 please...

thanks everyone for your help in advance...

UPDATE:  Someone found one of the sites that I used to have bookmarked from .snootysims....I know I had several sites bookmarked wish I had written the sites down before I did that factory restore a while back....I think this time I will go to the library and make copies of all of these lol before I mess up again...still would like to find other sites so I can have more options...

thanks everyone for your help in advance...  

UPDATE: Someone found the witches and warlock potions and spells for me at SimsWiki....if there are other sites out there for any kind of potions recipes or anything like that I would like to get them as well.

thanks everyone for your help in advance...
8  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / memories/can't get rid of fears on: September 25, 2013, 09:54:02 pm
Have a question...I hooked Denise Jacquet up with Christian Love...anyway for some reason I can't marry those two off....I never had this problem I noticed that in her fears it says  "Fall out of Love with Yues" I guess that was her husband that died.....will that cause these guys not to get married....I have them both family/knowledge, both are platinum, both are 59 yrs I have married others at 60 so I know it isn't their age....

How do I get rid of that fear if that is why these guys can't or won't get married.....

thanks everyone that can help me out....

UPDATE: Christian Love wants to be married but can't marry still trying to get rid of her fear of " Fall out of Love with Yues" her dead husband how can I do that....hope someone can help me out with this before they die....Denise and Christian are in love and have 2 bolts not sure why that is all my other seniors are 3 bolts.....will be playing this family until the kids are ready for college that I play is full with almost 32 couples I play them I will be moving kids in at the others graduate so the next couple don't have to pay that $15,000....thanks everyone that can help me out...

UPDATE: Am very confused though....I went into Gilbert's ( son of Denise and Yues) and Denise's memories and they have no memory of Yues dieing....but he is nowhere to be found....what does this mean.....also went into family and it is showing him his mom and dad so that means that he is dead but this is driving me crazy only because I can't have Christian and Denise get married until I find out what is going on and that fear of Denise "Fall out of love with Yues" is gone....

I posted this over at livejournal as well but not sure if anyone seen it so hope it is ok that I posted it here and hope it is in the right place....

I have all the games and extras.....

UPDATE:  Well went back in Denise's memory and it is not showing she was ever married to Yues but when you go into family they are married.. anther thing that is not in her memory or even Gilbert's is the fact they never knew Yues.... I think I have become obsessed with this family trying to fix my screw up...... .if I can't get help with getting rid of that fear how do you get a divorce

thanks everyone that can help me out on this....

UPDATE:  I have given up...will just let these 2 live that Christian Love adopted will be ready for college within the next hr my time...won't play this family again until I move the boy back into the house after college to inherit then will just have 2 let Christian and Denise die of old age without getting married but since she has been with him though all this will still put her in the Love grave yard  Sad  Headwall
9  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / kids and teens coming home with adults after work on: May 16, 2013, 08:26:44 am
Not sure where to put this sorry if it is in the wrong on here....After a week of this sim coming home with one of my sims from work I just used the addneighbortofamilycheat on and behold it was a teen... tried to have him get his own place and he couldn't and that is when I realized it was a teen just kept him in the house and in a few days (sim days) he will be off to in the past I have had kids come home with my sims from work...why is it doing this?Huh?? thanks in advance....

UPDATE: well sent that boy off to college and good grief next day he came home with my sim again....I figured if I moved him in and then sent him to college I wouldn't see him again fat chance...I really didn't want to move my sims out of a large 2 story house with all their stuff and then move them back in...that seems to be the only way I can get rid of pesty sims that keep coming home every single day with my sims but having the kids and teens come home with the adults from work is really getting on my nerves... huh
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