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1  The Sims 3 / Pudding Requests / Law Enforcement Career - removal of an annoying part of it on: July 25, 2013, 06:21:13 am
I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to put this. I'm new to inSimenator.

So, I've been getting sick and tired of the whole "<insert sim name> is needed down at the Police Station to examine some critical evidence that just came in!" or something along those lines.

I hate when it's my Sim's day off and I still have to do work again at some time around 9pm-1am, and then I only have 6 hours to sleep until they send me to work again! (If it's a wednesday or a sunday.)

Is it possible to remove this? Or is it hard-coded into the Law Enforcement Career?

I''m sorry if this has already been made, I searched on google before posting this to no avail.

Thanks in advance!

P.S. I have the Late Night and Seasons Expansion Packs, no Stuff Packs, and I'm on patch 1.55.
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